I was doing my regular check up on some of my patients when i received a call from the President himself asking for my presence in his office. I told my assistant nurse for today that im being called by the president and to instruct the rest of my patients to visit Doc. Kim for their counseling.

I knock to Kang Jins office because his secretary told me so. After awhile I heard a faint come in from the other side so I did.

"Ah! I was expecting you. I need you to check on this patient. His very important and i dont want to here any complaints coming from him" he instantly handed me a folder full of someones data, a person whom i actually dont know. "His going to be you first assignment from me so make sure to do a job well done" he adds before smirking not letting me complain or whine. He simply ushered me to go out now and went back to what he was doing before i came. Talk about being rude, i sighed.

I look through the file while I walked towards the patients room. I paged one of my interns and good thing that Boom was still here and Yuyu also came.

"Good you're here. Lets go meet our VIP1 patient" i handed the patients files to Boom and as a trained doctor he scans the files really fast before handing it to Yuyu for her to also read.

We reached the patients door so I knocked first before coming in. The patient was simply laughing while watching something on the TV and his guardian whom i assumed is either his mom or his nanny, was peeling him some tangerines.

"Good Morning, My name in Doctor Eunjee T. Ill be your attending doctor as of today and this our my fellows Doctor Boom and Doctor Yuyu, theyll be assisting me in taking care of you" we bowed our heads in sign of respect and they did aswell. Now that i have the patients attention I walked near him and scan his body, he simply looks okay to me. All his lab results also show nothing but normal.

"Doctor i dont mind staying here for long as long as you take care of me" the patient said smiling at me.

"Didnt see in your file that your quite a comedian." I answered making him stop from smiling. "I only have one rule and that is to cure my patients no matter what as long as I can. So for this to work out I need to know exactly whats wrong for me to be able to figure out what actions to take" i explained, the patient didnt answer only that his guardian is looking at me.

"Yuyu please" I asked

"Louie Chen, age 26. Was admitted last night due to nausea and stomachache. Lab results show nothing, CTs are normal, MRI scans are normal, Blood gas analysis are also normal. ECG was taken 4hrs after his admittance requested by Doctor Ah Ra said here that during this time the patient was complaining about chest pains, but the result was also normal, even his chest xray was normal" Yuyu finished up

"Sir if you dont mind i would like to repeat all the mention tests just to make sure, since you are our VIP patient I must try all my best to cure you. Will that be alright for you sir?" i asked but i already know that this patient is just acting up, his one of those rich kids that makes a hospital a hotel for no apparent reason.

"Its okay as long as i could stay here. If you get what i mean?" he winks at me making me master up a fake smile before excusing myself and requesting for another test for him.

"Make sure that he gets every test there is because fortunately our patient want to stay here longer" I told Boom and he laughs.

"His more of a guest than a patient to be honest" He says handing me my other patients files. "Here we should check your other patients since we're already here" he tells me

"And here I was thinking of slacking off" I whined but still went to do my job.

I visited most of my patients and went to Bambams room last since I want to talk to him longer. Yuyu left us for awhile because she was needed in the emergency room. I knocked to Bambams room and opened it.  There Bambam was playing something on his phone while Yugyeom was watching something they were both busy to even notice me and Boom come in.

"Ehem" I distracted them and they both looked at me grinning as if that would help them get away from their action

"Noona we were just so bored so we played and watched some vines" Bambam reasoned out

"Aha! anyways how are you feeling?" I asked checking his vitals

"I feel fine. I was a little light headed earlier but Im fine now. They made me ate some very salty stuff" He said in disgust.

"Well its for your own good. You should watch out what you eat and make sure to fill yourself up. You were having metabolic imbalance within your body, thats why you were vomiting because your body was trying to compensate. Don't go through a day without eating anything. Understood? im still your personal doctor and if i see you not following my instruction I will write in your form not to make you perform until you regain your health. Do i have myself clear?!" I teased him for a bit cause i know how performing is important to him and even Yugyeoms eyes grew big when he heard me say those things.

"Yes noona very clear I wont do anything stupid i promise" he raised his right hand and swore.

"Noona Mark hyung said he'll get you your clothes for you to have something to change into" Yugyeom said making my eyes grew big because we were not alone, Boom was here and he heard everything. Yugyeom realizing what he had done bit his lips and looked back. Bambam was awkwardly laughing for Yugyeom.

"Tell him to get it in the clinic back at the company i have some spare there" I instantly covered because I dont have other alibis in my mind. The moment Yugyeom released those words my mind went blank. Boom on the other hand was just observing my interaction with the other guys. He didnt asked questions even when we said our good byes to guys and went to check on our outpatients. He was just silent about what he heard which is making me uncomfortable because he is usually the loud one and the bubbly one, now his just being so silent.

"Boom!!! Stop the act and just spill. I know you want to ask me something and you being so silent is making me uncomfortable because it is so not like you to just shut up and not say anything after what you heard" I burst out because the silence is killing me and making nervous.

"Sorry Doc T. I was thinking and making connections. You see, this wasnt the first time I heard you making close relationship with the Got7 boys. Rumors spread fast you know and one rumor was about you having a special relationship with one of the members. Especially when you were assigned to become one of their clinical doctor everyone was talking of how you got that kind of job and who put you there." He takes my wrist and leads me to our lounge area looking first if someone was there. He looks to me again and smiles "your secret is safe with me noona but is it true though? You being close to them speaks a lot but having a relationship with one of them is big!" he explains

"I appreciate that your trying to figure out whats happening with my life but whatever it is that your thinking you need to stop now. I do have some friendly relationship with them but that just it, nothing more." I lied not because I dont trust Boom but because I dont want him to get involve in my problems and difficulties, especially now that the President is involve I cant let him be part of this trouble. "Boom just focus on your job. Im still one of the best doctors here, just keep following what i ask you to do and we'll be alright." I walked out of him not minding what he'll say next.

My phone rang interrupting my train of thoughts and when I look who it was, a smile immediately came to my face.

"Hey?" i answered

"Hey! I was on my way to the house to get you some clothes when some movers came and said that they need to take your things to your new apartment? did you move or something without my knowledge?" he asks

"ow. i totally forgot it was supposed to be today. Look im sorry, i did want to tell you but we were kind of busy yesterday. I was offered by the company to move to their apartment building. They have a vacancy and I can stay there. Its quite near the hospital so its very much convenient for me. Im keeping the house though but im going to stay in the apartment for awhile" i scratch the back of my neck getting nervous for Marks reaction.

"We'll talk about this later. Im coming to the hospital now. You better explain this well to me" he turns off his phone and left me dumbfounded. How am I going to explain this to him?


I ended the call with Eunjee and went to drive back to the hospital. I was pissed because she didnt tell me she was moving, I was not comfortable with the idea that shes going to live in some apartment building with who knows who. Even if she has her own apartment there, her other staff members are also there and things might happen. What bothers me the most is that she didnt even bother asking me for my own opinion, i mean isnt this what married people should do.


"Code Blue, I repeat Code Blue on room 303, Doctor T you are needed. I repeat Code Blue on room 303, Doctor T you are needed" After the intercom said that I ran to room 303 and saw that some other medical team were already there.

One nurse saw me "Doctor, no one was available to take this patient and his attendee is off duty but we already called him and his on his way. His been in code for 3 minutes now."

"Ready the defibrillators, move aside ill do that" I replaced the one pumping the patient "Charge it to 200 jules" i hear loud crying outside the room i guess its her family.

"Charged" the nurse handed me the paddles and i moved to put the paddles on the patients chest. "Clear" and everyone moved sending a short shock to the patient, i looked at the monitor and there is still no pulse I came back to pumping him "Charge it to 250" and the nurse did handing me the paddles again "clear" still no pulse

"make it 300" i keep pumping the patients chest and the nurse handed me again the paddles then I placed it on the patients chest after a while a light pulse came back I checked her heartbeat again using my stet and there it was a faint a heartbeat.

"Okay shes back, run every possible test there is contact his attending now, she'll need to be operated soon" I shouted and everyone was moving according to my orders. I scanned through the patients chart and saw that shes actually a patient who has a whole in one of her hearts vessel and shes in priority in a case of organ availability.

I walked out the room to meet with the patients family only to see them praying and crying.

"Excuse me" the lady whom i assumed her mother walked to me "shes hanging for now, but we'll need to operate on her soon or she wont survive the next time her heart stops beating again." i honestly told them. They burst out crying again, soon after Doctor Billy came and his the patients attending doctor. I explained to him the situation and he agreed on doing the operation now. He talked to the family and explained to them further how the operation may prolong her life a little bit. I watch as the family nods and agrees to the operation. "Call the anesthesiologist and prepare the patient for the operation" I silently instructed the nurses and they bowed in response.

Doctor Billy came to me "I have to ask you a very big favor. I cant operate on her now, I was exposed to a flu infected patient last night, that's why I was ordered to rest for the day and observe if ill have any symptoms but even without them I cant risk infecting this kid." he explain

"but Doc, shes not my patient, I can help you as your assistant but this might cause trouble?" I responded because in this hospital we cant just randomly do other doctors job. We cant choose who we operate, this may cause a lot of problem but what he said was also true, if he was indeed infected with the flu, he cant risk operating on the kid where her immune system is at its weakest time. "I can operate on her if you promise to watch me in the observation room. We cant waste another second or she'll suffer again" I offered and he agreed. Him watching me during the operation would help both our parties.

"Ill watch you and also contact my chief so he'll know. I'll also talk to your chief so they'll be well informed of the situation" I nod and left him to change for my sterile scrubs. This is the part where I actually try to ask for Gods guidance cause this are the kind of operations that require Gods presence. I haven't done this kind of operations in awhile and I know how risky it is to prolong someone elses life.

I entered the operating room and saw that Doc Billy was indeed watching on the observation area together with the Chief of Cardiology and my own Chief.

"Eunjee-ssi, normally we wouldn't allow this but since we know you capability we believe that theres no one else but you who can do this operation. Good Luck and make us not regret our decision" Chief Park said.

I bowed in front of them after that the nurses helped me wear my surgical gloves and sterile scrubs.

"Everyone, this patient is still a kid who deserves a chance to live, even for just a little lets give her that. Lets do this precise and accurate. We cant afford small errors. Understood?" I told them all and they all nodded. I looked at the patient one more time, "Hang in there, okay? Fight with me and fight for your family." I told the little girl in front of me.


I arrived at the hospital a few hours ago and I was currently looking for Eunjee, I've being going around the hospital because her phone was turned off also she wasn't around. I tried looking for one of her friends but no one was present. I was afraid to ask one of the nurses since they might recognize me and spread some rumors about me and Eunjee, that would be bad for both mine and her reputation.

I called Yugyeom since I left him with Bambam, though he offered to come help me look for Eunjee but I just told him to stay with Bambam incase Eunjee comes and talk to them.

"Hyung?" Yugyeom answered

"Yugyeom, did she come there? She's not around the hospital I've been going circles and still no sign of her" I told him

"No hyung, she still needs to discharge Bambam though so for sure she needs to come back here"

"Well, if she shows up please call me. I'll try looking for her again" I ended the call and went to look for her again but still no sign of her.

I don't have any other choice but to ask one of the nurses if I want to find her might as well pretend that I need something from her.

"Excuse me. Can you help me with something?" I asked one of the nurses in the station and when she looked at me her eyes grew big and her mouth grew wide. "Please don't cause a scene, I'm really trying to hide now, I cant let people see me now. Please" she nods in understanding and fixes herself

"What can I help you with?" She asks

"Well, I'm actually looking for Doctor Eunjee T? She was supposed to discharge my friend now but I cant find her around. Is she not here?" I asked

"Ow, Doc T is operating right now. She was called awhile ago and is still performing the operation. If you want I can ask one of her fellows to help you with the discharge papers?" she politely offers but I refused.

"Its fine, I guess me and my friend can wait for her. How long do you think will it last? her operation I mean"

"Hmm, that operation usually lasts for 14 hours if nothing goes wrong but its Doc T we are talking about so I guess a bit more earlier than 14 hours." She smiles

"Okay then, thank you for your help" I was about to leave when she suddenly stops me by my arm then shyly steps back.

"Sorry, but can I ask for your autograph? My little sister is a huge fan of yours. Its alright if you cant." She explains, well she did help me so I smiled and she gave me a piece of paper and a pen. "Her name is Lili and I'm Mimi" she tells me. I sighed the paper and gave it to her making her bow to me for gratitude. I bid her bye and went back to Bambams room waiting for Eunjee to finish up with her operation and have the talk we should have before she decided to move houses.


"Sir, shes performing another operation now and the security just told me that another JYP artist came and looked for her. Should I do something about it?" my secretary asked but I shook my head in response. "Very well sir" he bows his head before leaving me.

I drank the remaining of my wine " Lets keep the kittens playing around. Soon i'll tame them and make them move according to my plan." smirk came to my face and I knew that luck will always be in my favor.

"No one else can play with my toy"