Chapter 1: Recruitment

Rolling on his bed and flipping his hand here and there in the hopes of turning off the alarm clock that kept ringing as if it was a destined day to make him feel the brute force of its screaming was all he could do as he tried but fail with his body slamming the wooden floor next with an heavy thud noise that sent the drowsiness parking away from his eyes before he could think about checking what the time was.

Making it out of bed sluggishly he decided to use the shower, there he bath and brush his teeth before putting on a casual dress consisting of a black hoodie with red stripes and a jean trouser with a red sneaker.

He had instantly went to the kitchen to fetch his frozen meal in the refrigerator and microwaved it before dishing it out into two various take away plate as he had decided to give one to his newly found friend and one for himself after the exam was done.

NATE HENDERSON was his name age 15, tall and slender, black hair and red eyes, athletic body or rather figure, hate to associate with crowd and sometimes have a hard time making friends or speaking with someone he isn't acquaintance with.

Favourite colour white and red, favourite meal non, allergic to ginger and loves apple. He talks less and study in the hopes of becoming at least somebody important, someone his late family would be proud of.

Dashing out the door came with a heavy shut bidding him farewell, he walked for minutes until he finally stopped by the convenient store not so far from his apartment in other to get a thing or two to suit the meal later on, smiling at what he had got he hope the little girl would like it as he felt happy about something  or perhaps since today was his final year exam which is regarding history and civil war it was going to be a piece of cake as he had studied well for this day.

Covering his head once more with his hoodie he hasten his movement as he would be late if he dwindled any longer.

Approaching the nearby bridge located not far from the city college made him even happier as he hasten his feet as if to surprise whoever it was


A voice a figure dashed out nowhere to startle him, it was a girl who had burst into laughter from NATE silly reaction to her silly prank, she was tall and looked two years younger than NATE, she had a good figure and had tattered clothes.

'C'mon now ECHO, don't go around scaring me like that'

He said as he gave a sigh of relief, he soon stare at the girl who was looking like she had been beaten up severely with bruise and tattered cloth

'Am so sorry, i just couldn't help seeing how relax you were from afar so i just wanted to spook you a little'

'Yea, right'

NATE said with a smile while playing with her blonde hair

' I brought some food for you, i will be back in the afternoon so make sure you don't do anything silly okay'

'Yea, i see you actually came out, it quite rare, and make sure you do well too alright?'

ECHO gave a big smile knowing fully well what today was, both waved each other goodbyes and kept staring at each other until NATE finally went into the COLLEGE compound


Few minutes went by with everyone sitting at each respective position with papers being handed out to them, it was both the examination paper and an extra question regarding what each student would do after examination.

'There is an extra paper attached to your examination paper, please kindly fill in the necessary details before attending to the examination questions'

The observer who was an elderly man of age 60-65 had said with his aged voice, NATE who had received his paper was perplexed by the questions on the extra attached sheet as he took no time in filling it out before destroying the life out of the main exam questions as he was the first person to tender his papers.

Walking along the empty hallway he finally decided to have his launch at the rooftop which was his favourite spot in the building, it was a lovely day for him, as he took a nap after a good meal. He may not look it but he is quite good in the kitchen, he took it upon himself to cook his meals ever since he lost his entire family in a car accident at an early age.

Waking up from his nap he quickly checked his time and soon realised it almost 5:00 clock and he was late at the promise time to meet up with ECHO.

Even though today was a happy moment for him he had decided to take up the responsibility to ask ECHO to live with him as he would take up an extra per time job if needs be till something good works out.


NATE who was lost in thought and had just walked out of the college compound through the gate heard his name being called, snapping out of his thoughts all he could do was stare at the dazzling strawberry blonde hair girl and instantly walked few steps away from her.


'I am sure you already know who i am, but i would like to personally invite you to our headquarters'

Finally able to grasp the figure standing before him he soon realized she was one of the top 5 popular SILVANNA, ASTENA PRECIA known as ZERO KILLER, the ELITE of DARK DIAMOND FACTION said to be the top 5 ranking FACTION in the world with few territories on the planet.

'I-i think you are mistaken'

He said and gave a distance once more as the girl kept closing the distance.

(What does she want, she keep coming closer, damn she is quite beautiful, no no no, i need to meet up with Echo)

'I am not, the form you filled was actually from us and we believe you have what it takes to be a fleet admiral'

'E-even at that you could have sent an email or something'

He said as the girl finally made her stop with a surprised expression.

'I was so excited i forgot about that and came personally'

NATE felt disappointed and just walked passed her

'Am sorry there is somewhere i have to be'

'But i came to pick you up'

'sorry, not interested'

NATE replied her and hastened towards the bridge as he was still being followed by her, approaching the bridge he could hear a scream which came before the next scream that sounded like a gunshot.

He instantly dropped his bag and began running at the direction hoping it wasn't Echo with her name being called out to at his approach making those who were there flee before anyone sees their face. what he saw was devastating even for the girl behind him, it was ECHO laying ruined on the floor while she lean her back on the bridge wall with traces of her blood on it as she had been struggling with whoever they were before she was being shot. her clothes had been turn from Rape attempts which was revealing her breast and side of her legs showing she hasn't even been wearing underwears.

NATE dashed to her as he feared for her life, she was shot slightly towards her chest on her right side as he almost picked her up and wanted to rush her to the nearby clinic but soon remember this era was messed up with girls as he knew even if she was sent to a clinic an experiment would be conducted on her in that moment.

' are late silly'

she said forcefully and instantly coughed blood afterwards, although she was in pains but she wanted to be brave for NATE who she had finally found as a friend about a year ago as he was the only person who was so kind to her without seeking anything in return.

'Yes, and i am sorry, if i had know such a thing would happen i would have come here the instant i was done with the exam, i am so sorry'

NATE eyes which had long since been soaked in pool of tears had began to flow down his cheek like a waterfall as they poured uncontrollably, he was scared he would lose her just like he did to his family especially his kid sister who died at a younger age.

'tee-hee...sorry i won't be around for your to fulfil your promise to me, i guess my luck wasn't so great after all'

She smiled happily as she tried cleaning NATE eyes with her blood stained hands

As if realizing something vital he set his gaze of plea to the girl who had followed him down to the bridge, the girl who had saw his expression instantly knew what he was about to ask.

'Tell Me, can the DARK DIAMOND FACTION save her?'

'Of course we can, but surviving all depends on her will'

'Then i will join the faction if it means saving her life'

The girls who was just standing felt there was a motif for a boy who had ignored her the whole time suddenly have interest in the faction, she stood and stare at the girl who was losing her life as they speak. it was a good thing for her but this sent questions to her brain? what would become of her if she accept to save her life with the FACTION treatment.

'Well i could save her life, only if it was an order from a Fleet Admiral'

'there is no time for this, just save her life damn it'

As if being dead set on her words NATE who found her displeasing ended up frowning, he had hated the word PLEASE as he ones pleaded for someone to save his family's life during that goddamned accident, he had swore never to beg anyone for anything, so he won't do it, not now not ever.


NATE got pissed and felt hatred towards everyone, his hatred was towards the girl who had refused to save ECHO's life and the goddamn bunch of cowards who made ECHO feel this way, lifting up ECHO he walked away leaving behind the so called girl who should have helped.

'i don't need your help anyway'

He soon began to run home, with ECHO in his arm as trails of blood ran behind him, luckily for him all the places he had passed through on his way home was deserted as no single soul had passed by the street and upon his arrival to his home he had instantly began a first aid treatment.

After successfully taking out the bullet from her flesh and adding some alcohol to the wound to disinfect it, a heavy noise from a heavy banging on the door could be heard even from the dinning room where he was at with ECHO on the table.

He had hastened to the door as if waiting for someone arrival, he instantly opened the door with no delay and a woman walked in, she was his aunt who he had called before his arrival home, he had no idea what her real job was but he knew she worked in a hospital so he called her out of hope.

'Silly, there are trails of blood leading to the apartment, can't you do a good job for ones?'

'I didn't think of it, so sorry'

'Fine, where is she?'

'At the dinning'

She had walked in and had the door locked behind her by NATE who was in haste to join her

'i have done the necessary things you asked and i do not know what to do next'

'Idiot go get me boiled water'

she spank him by the head and went to attend to the girl laying consciously on the table with barely anything covering her skins

'For a young girl you sure are a fight, i am surprise you are still alive, i mean a girl of your age would have died the instant she was shot with URANIUM Bullet'

She said after picking up the bullet from the tray laying on the extra table beside her while analyzing the bullet structure.

'tee hee, i...i just don't want to make him experience his past over again'

She responded to his aunt words with a slight grunt that came after, even though she has been acting bold all along it wasn't long tears began to skate down her ears as she layed

'i see, that aside i am surprised he was able to treat you this far while being completely naked'

'I-it isn't his first so he was able to handle it'

'O-oh, that virgin cousin of mine sure has grown some wings huh?'

'You could say so'

'Before i proceed, i should probably let you know that NATE would be joining the DARK DIAMOND FACTION as their fleet admiral'

Breaking the sudden news sent silent in for a quick check up before kicking it out with a slight giggle by ECHO who was happy

'A fleet admiral huh, that sure is something, who are you by the way?'

'I am his aunt, i may look like a doctor on the outside but i am a scientist, i was the one incharge of the NEROGENETIC PROJECT'

'I see, so you are the creators of SILVANNA'


'Would you make me a SILVANNA if i wish to be with NATE?'

'Is that what you wish for?'

She asked after a brief conversation that came with a silent and a smile from ECHO, NATE aunt who knew she was declining soon acknowledge her determination

'Very well, but first your death is required to pave a sense of clear path for NATE to follow'

'Anything for NATE'

'Then i shall make you the strongest weapon there is as long as you swear to protect that silly cousin of mine'

'I swear'

'So be it'

And that ended the conversation between them until NATE haste in with the boiled water in a blue bowl only to find ECHO lifeless body on the table and his aunt feeling sad.

'Am sorry NATE, this is all i can do, she died due to loss of blood and XYRE infection and the bullet used was URANIUM, one that destroys every cells in a human body when in contact with blood, it is commonly used against extraterrestrial beings'

Not listening anymore NATE fell to his knees devoid of life, he had given up on everything as memories of her moments eroded his brain, he soon found himself in tears as his scream echoed the entire building.

'I know this is painful to take in and i know how much you cherished her and i am willing to take her body back with me for a proper proceedings and in the meantime find something to burn off those angers of yours.'

She said while bringing out her cellphone to make a call.

'Afterall, there is nothing the current you can do about it, if you seek revenge then use the system, become the man you wish to become, the man that dreams of having a battalion consisting of females only, i am sure when you do you will realise how much you have prevented tragic moment such as this and that of you sister'

Her call finally connected to the other side after a long time ringing, feeling for her cousin she patted her head to cheer up the sobering kid and walked towards the refrigerator to get a drink

'Yes it's me, get the car'

And just like that the call ended with the fridge yawning from it mouth being opened by NATE aunty who was quite carefree like she owned the apartment well literally she did own it but wanted his kid cousin to live his life without much worries after the death of his parent and kid sister in a car accident.

Grabbing a can juice she quickly shut the door and sat for a brief moment in other to empty the can, finding NATE behaviour strange she felt ECHO's death must have hit him harder than she thought, but she careless anyway as she knew his kid cousin wasn't just all talk, he didn't just quit school for 4 years just because he was bullied but because he underwent various training to build himself physically and mentally, studying just came after.

The noise of a car stopping could be heard outside as she instantly walked to open the door, she instructed the two females that had dressed in an all out nurse dress with a clinic mask to package echo body and put it behind the car seat.

As instructed they both did their job neatly and went out with her body leaving behind NATE aunt by the door.

'Hey NATE, i don't usually act sentimental but i am really sorry for your loss and i hope you meet her someday if such a chance ever occur, lastly i will be back to check on you tomorrow and please don't make me lose you too'

The door went shut after squeaking goodbye from it being shot closed by his aunt with the car driving off the distance after its engine had been heated up.


Laying on the bed he finally woke up and his body had felt heavy from over exercise which he exerted by carrying ECHO home all the way from college, remembering everything again made him lose interest to what today activities would have been.

Grunting and sighing while trying his best to find a suitable position to relax on the bed didn't take long as he fell asleep the second time only to suddenly awake with the knock on his door that almost felt like the house was coming down on him.

Sluggishly approaching the door after minutes of the door screaming from been hit on at the otherside he finally opened the door.

'Good afternoon NATE HENDERSON, i am here to pick you up'


After scrubbing his eyes and finally seeing that it was the girl from yesterday his mood swings down extremely as he began to resent her.

', you came to pick me?'


'On whose orders?'

'No one, sir'

She had instantly bowed her head as if she was being reprimanded for her actions yesterday, her doing so actually did piss NATE off but he decided to just ignore her and shut the door

'I beg of you, please don't shut the door on me'

Upon hearing her words NATE felt surprised, he had thought if this girl was for real? was she even normal?

'There is no reason for me not to'

'I beg of you, please'

She pleaded as she went on her knees with tears flowing down her face

'Let me guess, you are being threatened by someone who has a higher rank and has made you come begging for your mistake of not been able to recruit me yesterday'

NATE was angry but had just sighed he knew he couldn't let anyone else die in his presence anymore but he didn't trust or believe her act one bit as he was wary of her.

'Fine, but first let me pack my belongings'

'That won't be necessary, everything you require are already prepare for you'

'Then at the least i should call my aunt or leave a voice message'

Upon his statement he was offered a phone to use

'I see you sure have already set the grounds for me to walk in, fine, i shall accept this offer'

Accepting her efforts to survive even if it was a minute NATE took the phone from her and dialed his aunt number but she didn't pick and it ended up as a voice note. it wasn't so long he walked out the apartment with the girl behind him while approaching a high Tech Vehicle normally used by someone of high standard.


To be Continued 
