Chapter 2: Trust No one

Feeling a bit nervous and curious about what would be done at his arrival he had just sat and ponder in thought until driving pass the bridge where ECHO had been shot made him yell for the vehicle to stop. He knew it would be hard but he needed to do this for ECHO sake and others like her out there.

Walking out the parked car he hastily crossed the road towards the bridge without checking for any nearby vehicle, he had felt if it was possible to meet her there again only for the memories of how she usually smile while sitting at the wooden crate when expecting him smash his face so hard he hadn't realised tears had flowed down his cheek.

Snapping out of it was a noise that rang from a cell phone in his pocket as he had instantly brought it out , answering the call he instantly hasten towards the nearby public call center commonly known as the Commercial telecommunications system, a place where cell phones are been used to make calls that isn't wanted to be traced as it would be untraceable.

Meanwhile the girl who had escorted him had felt more like a bodyguard than an escort but luckily for her she was popular and most of her attention were directed to her fans who wanted a picture or two or an autograph as she waited outside the building located opposite the college.

At his arrival he was given a cell phone at the counter as if he was been expected by her as the female attendant on white polo shirt and a face cap with their company logo smiled and presented the seat at the counter where he sat and instantly had a call on it.

'You frightened me, aunt VELVET'

He said as he picked the call and was relaxed enough without bothering himself with the girl who is being bombarded by her so called fans.

'Listen carefully, i know this may sound absurd so i will say this, it is nice if you are happy on moving forward and i am happy to see that you are making a step closer to your dreams, well for a lazy cousin that is'

'Just say what you want stupid old hag'

NATE flare up at her words as he felt this was how she torments him, he didn't choose to be lazy, it just sort of happen as he considered most of everything a waste of time

'I will pay you back for calling me an old hag but until then listen carefully because i won't repeat myself, DARK DIAMOND FACTION shouldn't be trusted, so here is my advice for you'

Upon hearing his aunts words over the cell phone he was watching the SILVANNA who was attending to her fans through the glass wall.

'I will say this to you, watch your back while you are there, i can't afford to lose you again'

'What do you mean?'

'I know you are smart enough to understand but i think it won't be until later you will understand everything and that is why i am leaving a package with you'

'A package?'

As if he was confused as to what his aunt was saying his eyes met with the lady in front of him at the other side of the counter and that presented a small box that isn't much of a different with the size of a 10 inch ipad pro tablet.

Staring at it made him curious he wondered what it would be so he accepted it without bothering to check it content.

'So what does this package contains?'

'You will find out later, but think of it as a congratulation gift on attain your title dear little cousin'

'You are so full of yourself aunt'

'yea, i know that idiot'

Upon her words she hung up and NATE had just giggled afterwards, picking up the package he walked towards the little hole that felt like a furnace at the otherside before tossing the phone down into it.

He waved to the attendant goodbye as he wasn't needed to pay as everything had been taken care of by his aunt. As if gaining back her sense she instantly walked towards NATE who had just walked out of the communication center and was walking towards the vehicle while ignoring her present.

He felt tired and had taken a nap in the vehicle before their arrival at the DARK DIAMOND FACTION HEADQUARTER located miles away from the main city as it had walls erected all over it surroundings with enormous space occupied mostly by airplanes and mother-ships as it first impression was more or less like a military base.


A voice had called out to the sleepy head who had just sluggish opened his eye lashes forcefully before blocking the sunlight rays from blinding his sight, walking out the vehicle he realise it was evening with the sun setting down while being approached by two females in black singlets like shirt with white camou trousers.


She had introduced themselves at her arrival to make it easy with communication.

'I see, so what next'

He spoke as if he hadn't had enough sleep yet as he kept yawning every now and then and would have stretched if it wasn't for formalities sake, and after a brief introduction to each other he was escorted into the headquarters where he was taken to the admiral office, there he had stood in front of the desk, with both the CAPTAIN FENG LI and SILVANA ASTENA PRECIA.

'On behalf of everyone i would say welcome to the faction ones again, but before we proceed with the official remark i would like to set things straight between us'

NATE who was less interested had decided to take a seat at the couch not so far from the desk as he relaxed even more like someone who has accumulated a lot of fatigue and needed a good rest, he had even yawned with a smile after.

'I understand you very well know the principles of every faction, which is why i would only brief you a little before proceeding to the main reason'

She said and just stared at the carefree teenager who was pissing her off with his carefree altitude but needed not to express them out as she bottled it for later.

'Years ago we had believed humans had been the only species in the galaxy but we were wrong during the first alien invasion which almost sent humanity to the brink of extinction'

The glass walls behind her had all gone dark with a screen in it place showing the past history, as NATE had began to feel he already knew this story and wasn't even paying attention.

'We were finally able to fight back and at a long run those that fought in the war to save humanity were called SILVANNA as they were all females'

Staring at a picture at the screen made NATE to sit upright, it was a particular woman he knew very well, it was his mother who was among the other ladies in the photo in a SILVANNA WAR SUIT as he was perplex and never knew his mother was once a SILVANNA.

'The 8 of the SILVANNA who survive that war formed 8 FACTIONS, and are well known today for protection of the planet, 5 years ago a war began among the FACTION to see who attain more base and as time went on, we became the fifth after managing to dominate two foreign planet and in that process we lost our fleet admiral while allowing me to assume this position and i intend to keep it that way'

'In a short sentence, i am going to be just a figurehead while you command the fleet'

NATE who just felt disappointed and wasn't even interested finally stood up

'So if giving me the title a "FLEET ADMIRAL" without me even acting as one what was the purpose of threatening SILVANNA ASTENA PRECIA if i wasn't here?'

'Well we already announced it to the world of assigning a new admiral, and knowing it was you who happened to be a male happened to just ruin everything'

'O-oh, isn't that sweet of you? I guess that is how you treat someone who after refusing to save a girl's life who needed it yesterday'

NATE felt disappointed but ended up smiling all the same.

'My condolences...'

'Keep it to yourself and here i was wondering what was so special about the faction and then i find this, well well, i guess i will just play along then'

He stood up and dusted his buttocks

'By the way, what would become of me during my stay'

'You shall be working here as a regular staff and will be deployed regularly with the SILVANNAS who are always heading out in battle since you are just a figurehead we would like you to act your part whenever necessary '

'I see, so where will my room be? I am feeling tired and need to lay my head to process all that has been happening to me'

He stood with no expression as all he could do was stare the answers out of the admiral who had just sat with footsteps approaching him.

'I shall lead your to your quarters'

SILVANNA ASTENA PRECIA has responded to his question while offering to escort him

Walking to his quarter that felt like an unending journey he was also given the tour of the entire headquarters, most of everyone who were in the base were mostly females as the males there were either engineers or workers that does petty jobs like cleaning and running errands, some were in full camou clothes while others were not, some in casual dress while others in bodysuit while heading out.

Arriving at a building far from the main area he was appointed to a room where he had just stood with the girl who later offered him a tablet consisting of the necessary agreement and statement to be made during the announcement.

'Are you sure you are alright?'

'I am fine, and don't worry about me it creeps me out'

'Very well, i shall come pick you in an hour before the official announcement'


NATE replied with a smile before walking into the apartment and shutting the door behind him with a loud bang noise that frightened the girl who was still standing by the door in concern.

Scrubbing her shoulder and staring at the door while walking away she soon heard noises similar to someone weeping, although she felt sad about everything and wished there was something she could do to help afterall she is just merely a SILVANNA with VICE ADMIRAL as a rank.

On the other hand NATE had cried off his worries only to wake up and realise it was almost time for his  announcement. Sluggishly standing up he assumed his position on the bed and decided to take a shower first before heading out.

It wasn't long after he was done he heard his door been hit from the other side as he had felt clean and refreshed with a good mindset of only aiming for the title and nothing else.


Like a special Telenovela program the entire citizens around the planet had sat in their homes and those on the street had stare at the billboards and those in the slum side of their city had just sat to their Tv that needed it artena to be held by a kid for it to be clear as they all watched the new FLEET ADMIRAL walk up the stage.

As usual he only gave a cute smile before trying to compose all he had read after glancing through the required information on the tablet beforehand his voice could be heard as he tried clearing whatever would prevent smooth flow manner of speech.

'How do i go about this again? Well how about i introduce myself first'

He said and sat on the chair presented at the auditorium where he had the ADMIRAL and VICE ADMIRAL seated beside him and the rest were the interviewers.

'I go by NATE HENDERSON, and right now i am to assume a position everyone here thinks i am worthy of, but the truth is there is no such thing as being worthy if a nobody like me cant set a milestone'

He made his speech with eyes staring at him through billboards and television.

'I am aware that the SILVANNA of DARK DIAMOND FACTIONS are trying their best and mostly it cost them their lives which is why as of this moment i claim to be the FLEET ADMIRAL OF DARK DIAMOND FACTION and to commemorate this day i shall add the 6th planet in our solar system as one of my first collection'

He made his speech but soon realized the pressure of staring at the crowd had gotten him real good as he began to feel drowsy.

Those that had heard his statement had felt surprised as to his claim, after all the 6th planet isn't just the hardest planet to be dominated by any FACTION but by far one of the farest planet in the galaxy .

Those that were streaming the interview live began to leave their comment as they watched

"What a bold claim"

"Hahaha, is this kid for real, just look at him feel drowsy, so slothful'

'I wonder if someone as this kid would actually backup his words"

"Keep quiet bitch, he isn't even worth becoming a LIEUTENANT not to mention ADMIRAL'

'Hey, hey let watch what the kid has to say next'

And so the comment the stream went viral with all sort of comment, those that felt he wasn't worth it insulted him and those that felt he just isn't qualified wanted to just make fun of him.

'Before i take some time to rest, how about i say something personal?'

Upon his words those who murmured became quiet and those commenting left the keyboard for the silent needed

'I am that one person you won't really think much of, but i promise everyone out there who are risking their lives one way or another, this is my form of recruitment, all you have to do is seek me out'

He said and soon those who felt he was ridiculous made a joke out of it while some knew there was more behind what he had just said especially those in the high ranking factions such as the MILLENNIA FACTION ranking first and HYDRA FACTION ranking third.

After making his speech he was given few questions that required answers, although he did answer them but he had finally began to doze off during this interview.

It took few minutes for the admiral to round it up and and was escorted out of the room as they walked towards another stage to be awarded his emblem and title which was all he had wanted.

He knew he need to outsmart everyone even though he understood he will only be used here, so playing along was one of his plans.

He was tired of letting life play with him and making him useless, he needed to satisfy his urge to strive so he played along, he had been walking down the hallway after the ceremony only for his attention to be called by the ADMIRAL.

'We need to talk'

Sigh with a disappointment of his plans getting ruined as he had wanted to go sleep some more or lay leisurely in his room he finally decided to walk along with the ADMIRAL who seems to have been in a bad mood over what had happened.

It wasn't long both had went into the office and at his arrival he had met 5 people with quite some rank. He only stare at them and ignored their presence all the same as they were all in a body suit of black colour and somewhat blue stripes from butt down to thighs with few spots with glowing lights.

She had seated and stare at NATE with anger, but she need to understand why he had said what he said.

'I see you have gone mad to make such announcements, I believe that wasn't included in our agreement?'

She said with a higher tone as she got even angry before tendering a tablet of the live video that went viral with bad comment and all

'Are you trying to make us look bad or something?'

She said as NATE had just stood and yawn, not answering the admiral questions she felt pissed and irritated by his behavior.

'Answer me!!'

She yelled and slammed the table while standing up from her seat as if she would pounce on him.

'Firstly, for you to be yelling this much simply means you aren't qualified to be a leader, secondly you lack the knowledge of the seeds i had sowed just now which makes you even lesser to me'

NATE words made her even angry but he wasn't done and he felt disappointed by her actions and needed to state it clear without sharing his own private plans.

'Thirdly, i have the power over you and everyone but i won't use it because it would be a futile endeavours after all everyone here knows what you are capable off and trust you more than they do with me not to mention am just a nobody here'

The ADMIRAL who had lost it dash towards NATE while unleashing her war battle gears at him, Holding the sudden gigantic punch made of steal and URANIUM of black and purple designs over it body NATE had yawned ones more leaving everyone in the room in shock. Feeling surprised herself she was pushed back slightly by NATE who had push the Gigantic arms as he felt disappointed even more after anticipating such thing would happen.

'I know i won't repeat myself which is why i am going to explain it for you to understand '

NATE walked few steps backwards and sat on the cushion with everyone staring at him.

'Listen, you all are just bunch of idiots who doesn't really understand why i proclaim to add the 6th planet to our collection, first everyone who heard my statement either looked down on us or wants to make sure lower ranks like us does not rank up high than we have'

He said while staring at SILVANNA ASTENA PRECIA, and just looked away in that instant

'And lastly, not just us will be after the 6th planet called PLUNUS, all we need to do is make sure we take control over the planet at the right time'

He said and stood up staring at the ADMIRAL before he smug.

'It is up to you to decide how you come up with a plan to take over the 6th planet, and as for me, i will just do it my way when the time comes, afterall, i can't disappoint those who are looking forward to what a new FLEET ADMIRAL is capable of'

He smirk and just walked away towards the door as if he had achieved his goal to stirrup everyone's concern regarding whom to meet for the strategy to take over the hardest planet inhabited by human like creatures with telekinesis abilities which were called WHITE STALKERS.


To be Continued 
