It has been how long again since i have been in this pit hole of a hell called DARK DIAMOND FACTION? He stairs at the blue sky filled with joyful white clouds that never seems to have an ending journey while he bath in thoughts just laying leisurely on top of the piled up armour crate set aside for immediate use by those who aren't SILVANNA'S.

About turning to take a nap his face met with a SILVANNA who had been appointed to handle his set of scums as to straighten them up for any unexpected situation

'O-oh, how happy is it to lay leisurely like that?'

'If you'd join me i will tell you'

Replying her naughtily he already knew this SILVANNA was a hot headed type, a Tsundere type you could say, so it was quite loving for him to easily see her flare up at every little thing he did.

Although he did the necessary things he believed he would need in the future such  as the exercise they undergoes during their training and after that he just goes back to his old self of sleeping and enjoying his time leisurely.

'y-you sure have the guts to try to flirt with a SILVANNA, do you have a death wish'

'of course not milady, who would dare try to'

he finally decided to sit upright so as to have a proper view of this elegant short red hair character who he has made a means of entertainment for the last past few weeks he had been in this so called place he thinks as hell.

although she does enjoy his teasing and would like to keep it up but she felt there was a need to be strict with everyone in other to put them to shape, majourity of everyone in the FACTION are females and the only males are those engineers and perhaps the cleaners with some others who volunteer as supporters during missions.

with everyone staring at how NATE had been skipping on most of all the duties assigned to everyone most of them had began to act if not similar in a way as to how he just relax whenever he wanted, well aside from the ADMIRAL and most of other high ranking members of the faction who knew of NATE Rank.

for some reason the rest of the faction members have been deprived of such informations which wasn't supposed to be as this was one of the advantage NATE has as well appreciated, finding it a little funny at how this SILVANNA was flaring up at him all the time he decided to at least please her just this once

'by the way, what do you need me for, SILVANNA NIVEA?'

upon hearing her name she sturtle backwards if not much a little and just felt surprised as to how her name was called with calmness and sincerity, to her it felt different from how he usually nonchalantly and casual call her which always spikes her anger, she cleared her throat to remove any sign of her been nervousness nor any sign of fluttering word.

'well, for you to be laying leisurely here i guess you are quite free and had been done with the necessary things you needed to do, which makes things easy, i have been told to show you around the mothership as we would make preparations on conquering the 6th Planet tomorrow'

'O-Oh? i see you have decided to make your move tomorrow, what does your fleet admiral or rather Admiral had to say was the strategy again?'

NATE asked knowing fully well the mission tomorrow was going to fail, well he smiled and knew this was his best chance to act on his plans and all he needed to do was make contact with his aunt who had been the sponsor of his plans ever since he made his first announcement of conquering the planet which lies millions of years away.

'well, to what i have head so far, the fleet admiral isn't reliable and the ADMIRAL had been task to take over the mission'

'i see, very well, before i go with you, would you mind telling me why i have to survey the mothership if i have no intention to abide by the admiral instructions?'

NATE had said knowing fully well she has much like over the FLEET ADMIRAL than to the ADMIRAL even though she was yet to even meet him in persons as she admired his determination to take over a planet which every finds it hard to dominate.

'then, i would just report you to the FLEET ADMIRAL himself, perhaps you will be court martial for discarding a duty appointed to you'

Upon hearing her statement filled with nothing but threat NATE had just hoped from the crate down to his feet before smiling and staring at the girl who seems to be naive.

'The Fleet admiral you say, huh? So tell me, how would you go about that?'

He spoke as if mocking her attempt to threaten him.

'I mean, you've never seen him even when he is quite popular to the world right?'

Flushing a little with embarrassement as her bluff was blown away she soon hide her face back in her shell as she maintained silence for a while.

'How i wish i have someone like you to assist me with the FLEET ADMIRAL SECRET plans, it would have been easier'

He said as if murmuring to himself trying to entice her with an offer she would die for, walking few steps away he had stopped and stare back at the lost in thought NIVEA who would die to at least see the FLEET ADMIRAL even if it just once in her entire life.

'Are you coming or not?'

NATE asked knowing fully well he had caught a big fish today as he smirk mischievously within, snapping out from her thought she hastily joined him as they both walked away with no conversation regarding any matters.

it took half a day just to walk round the mothership and finally she broke the silent moment that felt like forever, she wanted to know what the FLEET ADMIRAL was planning and was interested to the topic while they both had began to exit the mothership.

'so forgive me if i am prying, but would you mind letting me on this your special assigned mission you spoke off earlier'

staring at her NATE finally knew she had taken the bait and all that was left was to hurl in the big catch, but first he wanted to know what this SILVANA was capable of and if she was so intended on having a good side towards the FLEET ADMIRAL.

'that depends on your next answer SILVANNA NIVEA'

'what do you mean'

NATE had stood by the entrance with SILVANNA NIVEA and just became quite serious

'The FLEET ADMIRAL isn't safe here and he had made various plans, one of those is to secure a group of people he could trust, he trust me that is why he keeps every matters private, i am taking a huge risk just letting you know about one of his plans'

NATE said as he wanted to know the reaction he would be given, and wanted to know if she is the type to keep secret as he told her what she needed to hear, he felt if she could be trusted then she would be given a test before she would be let in on his big plans'

'I see, so what makes you think everything you just said is what i believe, you are just someone the admiral thinks everyone should be wary of, so why do i have to believe words from scums like you?'

She felt disappointed and at the same time angered as she believed NATE was messing with her emotions and believes.

'O-oh? Those are some words you wouldn't want to take back right? or perhaps you feel you have the right to call me scum when you hide beneath your legs and afraid to speak up your mind with your so called ADMIRAL'

intentionally provoking her he wanted to know what she could tolerate and what she could actually handle if things should go sideways, although his intention was to know what each SILVANNA were capable of in battle as he was only aware of that of the ADMIRAL and that of NIVEA.

'you're just one of those stupid asshole that thinks getting the favour of someone grants you the right to be at the top where they stand forgetting that ones a nobody is always a nobody until that nobody pave a path for themself, hahahahaha what a foolish idea can human think of, you amuse me'

he said with utmost disappointment, he felt if she was just that type of person it was best to just make thing go back to the way it was, a trainee and a student as he would just forget everything like nothing ever happened.

He walked away leaving her to her thoughts not knowing his words had hurt her feelings, he never cared for or about anyone, not ever since Echo died that is, to his surprised he even wondered why he spoke to anyone in this faction in the first place as he wasnt the type to mingle with people.

Walking down the mothership he soon realise something was approaching him very fast from behind, his reflexes took over and he dodge in a nick of time only to realise they were swords that were mind controlled to attack him.

With a successful escape he had just stood with a surprised expression but it died the instant he yawned as he felt tired and needed to sleep for the day

'C'mon now, i am not in the mood for this'

He said and waved with lack of interest, wanting to walk away he felt another sudden attack but this time he was cut by his cheek which made him understood she meant business.

Feeling surprised by the cut he cleaned his cheek and stare at his hand to see if there was blood stains but the red liquid substance on his fingers confirmed it.

Standing ones more he stare at the now standing WAR SUITED SILVANNA in an all out black bodysuit with glowing pink light gears, and like a skirt were aligned glowing swords that acted like rocket boosters and an actually weapon.

'I may be the person you think i am, but i am not as weak as you think i am, i am not rank 3 in the faction for nothing'

Snow hearing her felt tired of repeating himself, he just ignored her and walked away or so it would have been.

'I heard you lost your friend the day you joined the faction, does that mean i am right to say you let her die like your family by walking away from me, coward!!'

She said in hopes of provoking NATE but what she didn't know was that she had done it the wrong way as she soon realize this mistakes after she crashed straight into the mothership structures that could be called walls from NATE supersonic punch.

'As if burning off some steam, he had just stood with his smoky hands with serious frown hugging his face with emotion as he wasnt willing to let anyone soil his lost of families and friend with flimsy excuse to justify they are stronger than him.

Luckily for him there was no one around as he felt it was enough for the day and left the unconscious girl to her state with the damaged mothership that now seems to be dysfunctional from the disfigured structure from the impact.

NATE as a kid was a fast learner, he loved his parent very much and was the overprotective one over his kid sister, he took interest in his mothers lessons and soon he became good and could be said to be on Per with his mother, well for a child he was just young and wasnt needed to be told on what the future held for him until the incident 10 years ago.

Ever since then he had practiced everyday, although he maybe lazy but he never for ones forget to practice he believed his unexplainable abilities came from his earnest practice and cultivation of spiritual energy and physical body strengthening just as he was taught by his mother in the past.

He dazed in though while staring at his closed fingers, wandering what became of his body ever since he joined the faction he wondered deep within his thought.

As if he was about to pick up the package he was given by his aunt the package soon vibrated.

Hastily opening it a hologram popped up with a half body view of his aunt revealing itself to NATE, she was in a bikini and a white coat.

'I see you are yet to wear the bracelet, what a stubborn kid you are, by the way how has your lazy life becoming along?'

'Not so good, i need some sleep right now'

He replied to his aunt and smiled at the sexy lingering she was wearing

'For an old hag u sure have a slutty figure'

'For a stupid cousin you sure dare to sexually harass ur aunt, i shall sue you '

'Hahaha, says the stupid old hag for an aunt'

Saying that his aunt got pissed but she wanted to show some maturity and didnt act on her anger

'Say, has there been any changes regarding what we spoke about the last time?'

'Well yes, a lot, as we speak, there are 500 of them wanting to be among your fleet, and two have already become people you could trust'

Upon her words snow smiled as if his fruit of his labour had began to sprout

'I see, then have a dozen of them visit PLUNUS, i shall send the necessary details regarding their mission when this conversation ends'

'I see, i shall relay ur message to your fleet, but are you sure you dont want to take over your mothers FACTION?'

'Well if they think it is alright with them i shall pay a visit ones i set my first milestone with PLUNUS'

'For a kid cousin, you are one hell of a strategist'

'Oh thank you aunt'

'That wasnt a compliment, stupid'

NATE felt angered by how easy he usually falls for his aunts pranks, but he knew half of it were real afterall he knew this is aunt cares alot but doesnt show how much she does.

'Don't make me repeat myself kid, i am sure u have ur reasons but please do as i tell you, it is for ur own protection'

'Yea yea, fine i will wear it.

He picked up the cube shaped bead bracelet from it store in the package and wore it as one of it glowed twice,

'Good, now stay safe and dont do anything stupid till after your mission '

'Hopefully i wont, until then stay safe aunt'

He said and smiled but his aunt pouted and threw her face away like she didnt care and in that instant went of the hologram.

Smirking at how naughty he find his aunty he layed back to stare at the roof and soon shut his eyes for a quick nap.

As if having a nightmare he instantly opened his eyes which after came a sound of a wip, he gnashed  his teeth to suppress his scream and soon realise he wasnt in his comfy bed but tied up to the ceiling with two chains that held his hands upward lifting his body mass off the ground as his toes slightly graze the floor by every whip that came after.

Groaning was all he could do as he could barely summarize the turn of event as to why he is being chained and placed in a secluded room illuminated with florescent light which could be said to have been hidden above the ceiling that brightened up the room and blended it brilliance with the white walls and tiles.

There was a table and chairs not far from where he was been hunged, behind him was a girl with a whip in a black singlet and camou trouser and a military combat shoe.

His back soon deemed with bright red colour and soon had cuts with blood dripping from it as his body felt awful by every strike.

Each strike sent chills down his spine as if he should just scratch at it but couldnt and felt hopeless since he wasnt sure what was going on.

The door came open from the right side of the room as it had blended in with the surroundings, feeling a bit anxious even with all the pains he was feeling he became surprised by the set of people who walked in, one was a male figure, at a first glance he would be in his late 40s he was someone NATE could call father, and the next that followed was the ADMIRAL, NIVEA, ASTENA PRECIA and FENG LI.

As if finally understanding his current situation he just stare for a while letting them take upon their seat before letting out a disappointing smirk.

'O-oh, now i see why they say you are so prideful, FLEET ADMIRAL NATE HENDERSON'

The man said with a smile on his face while leaning his chin on his joined back palm. Feeling this man wasnt an ordinary person made NATE composed well just for an act though.

'FLEET ADMIRAL you say huh, isnt that too iconic for even you to say?'

'Hahaha, my bad, i see you arent aware, it is true the DARK DIAMOND FACTION doesnt treat you as one, but as long as you have been publicly dubbed with the title and as well given a badge to commemorate your title, you will forever be a FLEET ADMIRAL here or in any faction you desire unless you decide to discard such title and retire'

The man spoke with certainty as if wanting to state things clear he was still an active FLEET ADMIRAL.

'I see, so who are you and why am i hunged up in this manner'

'Where are my manners, i hope you forgive me, my name is ZANZA HAZARD' i am a member of SEVEN one in charge of making sure the faction doesn't stray from the purpose they were created'

'I have heard of them, but why do i feel like there is something you are not saying old man?'

NATE said in hopes of trying to find the truth.

'Well yes, to be exact i am here to see you on behalf of my superiors who wanted to introduce themselves to the new FLEET ADMIRAL'

The man said with a bit of disappointment as he smiled towards NATE as if the so called DARK DIAMOND FACTION was loosing on a good meal.

'It is a shame you are being kept here without exploring your true potentials which is why we have decided to offer you our assistant in anyway possible '

'Hmm, what is your gain in exchange for your assistance?'

'We get to have 100% access to everything, right now we could just reinstate you to your rightful position and there would seize to be any issues'

NATE smiled as if he had hit a jackpot only on the outside but on the inside he was disappointed but he finally knew there are people out there that have noticed him and are watching him, still he needed to fulfil his promise to keep people like ECHO safe, it was the reason he accepted this so called condition in the first place, he knew with this peoples help he would attain all the necessary resources but at the cost of his authority.

'It is disappointing that i loose my authority but it would have been a good deal, which is why i will gracefully and gladly decline your offer'

As he spoke, one of the bead bracelet on his wrist had long since been beeping red, it happened that as they strip him of all his belongings that was the only thing that felt impossible to take off as it was instantly disregarded before he was been hunged up.

'Very well, i shall gladly report this to my superiors'

He stood up and smiled at NATE the man knew there was more than meet the eye with this kid, he felt something different in him he knew something big was bound to happen.

He waved good bye and was escorted out by the ADMIRAL  and CAPTAIN FENG LI, leaving behind just NIVEA AND ASTENA PRECIA.

'How long was i out?'

He asked as if knowing something bad had happened already

'Today would have been the third day since we forced you into deep sleep with the advance synthetic gas we filled your room with"

'Here is a breakdown, you went on to attack the 6th planet and it habitats, you lost a lot of SILVANNA warriors, and since i am the fleet ADMIRAL by name to you bunch of idiots i have to take the fall for it'

They both stare at him with sad expressions and just kept quiet.

'You bunch of idiots, do none of you have no conscience? Just because you girls are genetically enhanced doesnt give you the right to throw your life as demanded'

'Dont dare speak ill of those lost in combat, even if i had known earlier that you were the FLEET ADMIRAL  i would have killed you while i had the chance to, and now you speak as if you werent the one that gave the orders to'

She said after slamming the table out of anger as if wanting to pounce on NATE if allowed

'Nivea hold your horses, he wasnt the one that gave the orders, the ADMIRAL did, in short he was against the mission in the first place because he knew if the ADMIRAL had commanded the fleet there would be casualties '

Her eyes widened with shock as she felt heartbroken, all this while she was hating the FLEET ADMIRAL for poor strategic plans and had blame him for the casualties they had incured especially that of her best friend that died during the assault.

'How simple can you be? Am glad you failed the test to begin with, now i can finally relax my mind and expect nothing from bunch of loosers'

He frawned but with a smiled, NIVEA on the other hand felt even more heartbroken as she had lost every bit of trust NATE ones had in her

'By the way, when am i to show myself to the media?'

'Tomorrow evening, you are currently been punished for harming NIVEA when caught for an act of treason which was reported to the ADMIRAL by NIVEA'

'Treason? Oh? I see, treason you say? I hope you have proof of what you speak off?'

NATE knew she was that dumb and wouldnt even have proof, so yes without a proof everything could be said as just bully

Both had kept quite as they knew he was being punished for nothing and that means there would be war among the FACTIONs if words gets out that the DARK DIAMOND FACTION has been maltreating their FLEET ADMIRAL.

'Very well, then how long do i need to stay like this?'

He asked with no expression attached to this his plain face of his.

'Till morning i guess'

'Then get lost, seeing your faces will only disappoint me even further'

Both began to walk away as NIVEA who was first first sad and displeased as how she couldn't even apologize, ASTENA who had stayed by the door still felt sad, she knew him the most, she knew how sad he was and all he was going through and would do anything to make it stop.

'Sincerely from deep within me, I apologize, i am deeply sorry for everything that has happened and is happening to you, you dont deserves any of this treatment, i hope you find it within you to forgive me'

She said with her head slightly bent in apology

'Get out, will you'

He said with a calm voice as he didnt want to make her feel even worse, although he had been receiving all sort of apology letters ever since he was in the FACTIONs and had known it was her, he just did forgive her, but never gave her an chance to let him down even one more time.

He spent the entire night receiving strikes of whip on his back, he never for ones even groan while at it, but when he was left a lone before daybreak he finally had a short nap while his body went numb from all the pains it had accumulated.

The next day it was ASTENA who was the first in his awake, as he was been assisted to his room for cleanup, his eyes were still shut after few blinks, he was like someone who was sleep walking as he let whoever was with him navigate to his room where he was instantly laid on the bed with his back facing the ceiling as she began to treat his wounds.

'So tell me, are you just assisting me so you could erase the proof of how i've been abused?'

'That isnt true, i promise you, as from this day henceforth i am your personal SILVANNA, do as you wish with me'

ASTENA replied him, he had forcefully became awoken by her words and soon found few traces of bruise on her forehead and hand, he was surprised, it seems she had fought with someone, someone stronger than her, and soon felt happy within him.

'Hmm, i see'

He forced himself to stand without the treatment and soon staggered to the wall which he instantly leaned on for support as he giggled to mock his inability to show off his manliness to this girl who had just gave up herself to him even though it was just a lip service, so he thought.

He walked towards the bathroom as he took of his pant which was all he had and to his surprise ASTENA had done the same as both became exposed to the coldness of the room which slapped them at their weakest spot.

'What are you doing?'

'Joining you in the bathroom'

He sighed and just ignored her as he walked into the shower with her behind him.

Hours went by like a short movie been streamed on youtube as NATE and ASTENA stood in front of the ADMIRAL desk, to his surprised the ADMIRAL had more bandages on her than ASTENA which means ASTENA kinda won the bet of whatever their dispute were alongside few others with bandages here and there on their bodies.

'You bastard, you dare come in here?'

'Hold your horses, i dont know why you are so irritated and have no interest, you bunch are still full of it, act all you care, i wouldnt fall for it no more, i just came here to make things straight, as of this moment i am in control of the entire fleet, well until i take over the 6th planet that is'

He said with a cold face, he cared less of what their decision was.

'Well, this is a win win for us both, i take the 6th planet, you take the credit all i am asking is your cooperation with the plan'

She sat and considered everything before accepting the proposal but she was still angry she lost her queen to a measly human.

'Fine, it is a deal then'

'Now that we have both agreed i would say you get your ass and start making preparation for an assault tomorrow'

'So soon?'

'Yes because they will believe it will take extra few month or years to resupply and attack, but they will never expect a surprise attack and even if they did, we are more ready than they are'

'What are your plans?'

'I will tell you after we depart tomorrow '

He said and walked away, with NIVEA feeling envious of the situation, as even though she wasnt among those that fought over him, she has forever lost that position she so wished for.


To be Continued
