More trouble but it feels nice

Morning came , Richard woke up and found Krystal's bag in his arm and before Krystal woke up , he returned the bag to Krystal by putting it in her arms and he went back to the corner where he slept the previous night.

As the peon came to unlock the classroom, he was so surprised to see them together that he shouted aloud "WHAT!!!!!"which awoke Krystal .

Some early students who came along with the peon to give Richard surprise gifts also saw them being together and started to spread the news to all that they spent the night together and a lot of students began to get a lot of different ideas.

Krystal after she woke up she directly went to the ladies washroom to wash her face and after she washed her face she went inside the toilet.

While she was in the toilet some girls came to the washroom and talked to each other as they were washing their hands and they started to backbite about Krystal saying " Have you heard of the shocking news that Krystal and our prince charming spent the night together ?"

Then another person said "I can't believe she could trap our prince charming to spend the night together with her! Ah! she's so shameless !". They all said those words without knowing that Krystal was in the toilet.

After speaking all those words they left the washroom.

Krystal as usual ignored them knowing that she did not do anything wrong. As she came out of the washroom, the bell rang for the classes to begin , so she directly went to her class.

The moment she stepped into her class, some girls made her to trip over them and so she fell down as they made her to trip over them and got bruises and scratches on her tender hands and knees.

She stood up and asked them calmly dusting away the dust from her uniform, "Why did you make me to trip over you?"

Then one of the girls replied, "That's the reward for such a stupid girl who made our prince charming spent the night with you"

Then Krystal controlled herself and went to her seat after telling them "It's all a misunderstanding .....I've said it to you girls all clear, it's up to you all whether you believe in my words..."

As those girls were about to slap her, Richard came walking towards his seat in a cool manner after which the teacher came telling the students to get ready for the classes, so they did not have a chance to slap her.

In the middle of the class the teacher gave important notes to all the students that were by all means had to be noted down in their respective notebooks.

As Krystal started to write down the notes she found it difficult because of the bruises which she got from falling down earlier but she told herself that she could do it but she herself unknowingly was making low painful sound which was noticed by Richard and so he reported the teacher that his deskmate was injured and she needed treatment.

At this Krystal quickly replied by saying that it was only a minor scar and that she could handle it. So the teacher came to check the wound and the teacher saw large bruises on both her hands and knees so the teacher insisted her to go to the school medical center.

As Krystal tried to walk out of the classroom she found it difficult to walk which was noticed by the teacher, he (the teacher)suggested her to call one person to help her walk, but she realized that both of her only friends were absent due to Mina's mom accident, so she declined the teacher's suggestion by saying that she could manage it herself.

At this moment Richard realizing what she had done for him the previous night , stood up and volunteered to go with her. At this Krystal gave an anxious look to Richard telling him not to come but he walked towards her and directly put her hand over his shoulders in such a manly manner.

Their clinic was 1 floor above their class ,so as they walked through the corridors of many different classes , many of the girls noticed that Richard was helping Krystal and many got jealous of her.

As Krystal and Richard entered the school medical center, the doctor made her to sit down and he cleaned her wounds and gave a proper dressing to her wounds and asked them to rest for a while.

As they were resting Krystal angrily asked Richard, "Why did you come to help me when I told you not to come???"

Then he avoided looking at her and replied, "When did you say to me not to come to help you?"

At this Krystal held back her temper and said, "Didn't you notice the anxious look on my face asking you not to come? Are you a fool that you could not notice it???"

Then Richard replied, "Ah! you're too noisy, shut your mouth for a while and rest for sometime..."

Krystal then said, "Now since I have received medical assistance I can rest alone and go back on my own. And thanks for your help(although it gave me more troubles she said it to herself) At this Richard replied, "Just know the word SHUT UP!!"

After a while the doctor came in and told them that they could go,so once again Richard helped Krystal to walk down the stairs and they both came back together to the class.

As they entered the class ,after a few seconds the class was over and lunch time came...Before the teacher left the class ,he asked Richard to come and collect the notes from the teacher's office , so he went along with the teacher to get the notes whereas Krystal went to the washroom to freshen up.

As she returned from the washroom she found that her bag was thrown down and all her books were scattered everywhere. Actually after seeing her bag she wanted to cry but she held it inside and comforted herself by telling that she didn't do anything wrong. And so she went forward where the books had been scattered and collected all her books and she kept it back in her bag.

As Richard came back from the teachers office he saw his friend Samuel waiting for him outside the class and Krystal collecting her books inside the class. Richard went in the class and gave Krystal the notes by saying " Find different ways and methods of writing it ,by all means the teacher said that we have to note it down as the quarter exams are approaching"

He said this and gave a cold glance at her and went for lunch with Samuel.

As they were having lunch, Samuel mocked at Richard by asking, " Is it true that you and that girl ,what's her name ah.....Krystal!!! spent the night together? And today why did you help her? Don't tell me that you have fallen for her?? Why the cold person is suddenly caring for someone like her, when you do not even care about other's business?? It is not like you Bro..."

Then Richard replied " You are full of questions, am confused at what to answer first, but one thing for sure is that I don't have any feelings for that kid....She's not even half of my ideal type...."

Then Samuel replied, "Yeah, that's more like you Bro...."

As lunch time was over they had normal classes as usual and when all classes were over and everyone was about to go home, some girls suddenly ruined Krystal's uniform by pouring all types of ink on her.

All this bullying was seen by Richard from afar and as he was about to help her, Krystal suddenly talked back to them saying, " Are you all small immature kids?? Do you really believe this rumors???"

Then those girls replied by saying, " Don't try to fool us"

Then she replied saying that it was their choice whether to believe her or not and she left the school .

As she got home her parents saw her dress and asked her how she got the inks . At this she smilingly said that it was nothing to worry about , they were just playing around and that other students also had the same stain.

After she changed her dress, she took shower and sent her dress for dry cleaning. Later she jumped onto her bed and charged her phone.....As soon as her phone regained the battery, she checked her phone and found 30 missed calls from her friend Mina.

At this she immediately called her back and asked her what was her mom's condition. Then she replied by saying that it was nothing to worry about , her mom had passed the critical stage and now she was in stable condition.

Then Krystal said that it was a relieve. Then Suzy joined the call and asked why Krystal's phone could not be reached and that she was worried. Then Krystal replied by saying that it was a long story and she narrated everything including that day happening.

After a lot of discussion they all wished goodnight to each other and went to sleep.

Before Krystal went to sleep she thought to herself that it was only 1 week after meeting with the transferred student and she was getting a lot of troubles by now and sighed and she went to sleep but deep down in her heart she was enjoying a little because it was her first time that a person gave care to her other than her 2 friends and her parents...