His birthday......

Morning came and the sun rose high up in the sky when suddenly Krystal's alarm was buzzing near her bed. At the sound of it she woke up, arranged her bed and she washed herself up and went to the dining table to have breakfast .

Things were going on smoothly and slowly. As that day was a Saturday, the school remained closed. After she finished her breakfast she got herself ready to visit Mina's mom.

It was 11:00 a.m as she moved out of her house and due to the traffic she reached the hospital late and as soon as she reached the hospital she went directly to the ward where Mina's mom was kept.

She entered the room and gifted Mina's mom with a basket of fruits and wished her speedy recovery. After she had presented her the fruits she chatted with her friends. Time passed swiftly as they chit chatted and it was already 3:00 p.m when Krystal checked the time on her watch .

She recalled that she had some work at home so she wished them goodnight and told them that she would get in touch with them at night and she left them by saying that and she went to her house.

As it was about 7:30 p.m she got a call from Suzy inviting her for dinner at the restaurant near the hospital. So as Krystal had finished her work she readily said yes and informed her mom that she would be having dinner with her friends and she went out of the house directly went to the restaurant near the hospital.

As she arrived, she saw her friends waving at her, so she also waved back at them and they entered the restaurant.

As soon as they sat on their seat, the waitress came asking what they would like to order. At this they all ordered the same food and drinks ,so the waitress went back to bring their order.

As they were waiting for the waitress to bring the food which they ordered, Krystal asked Suzy and Mina, "If you all are here with me, who is accompanying your mother???"

Then Mina replied saying ,"Don't worry about it....My aunt is there with her....We haven't had a dinner together for a long time, let's enjoy it "

Then Krystal said in a worried tone, "Are you sure???"

To this Mina replied saying " YES!!!!!!!"

Then they had dinner and talked about a lot of things and before they left the restaurant the restaurant owner gave them a cupcake as a gift saying that everyone was getting the gift because of their 10th anniversary. So they gladly received it and then they departed and Mina went alone to the hospital as her aunt was also there and Suzy and Krystal left together but they departed at the bus stop.

Suzy went ahead and Krystal waited for her bus to come. As her bus arrived, she went inside the bus and she unexpectedly saw Richard in the bus. He was sitted at the last row of the bus dressed in a long black hoodie .

She tried not to notice him and she sat on the second row of the bus wondering why a rich sort like him would be sitting in such a poor bus and she also noticed a kind of sadness on his face.

As the bus stop came for her to get down from the bus, she got down so did Richard and as she started to walk towards her house, she noticed that Richard was also on the same way as hers and she started to misunderstand him that he was following her, so she turned back and asked him, "Why are you following me???"

Then Richard replied coldly, "Does this road only belongs to you?? I also have my own destination to go.....Alright???"

Then she replied by saying that she was sorry for misunderstanding him.

As they were walking through the road, Krystal asked " By the way, why were you on such an ordinary bus??"

To this Richard replied abruptly, "Are you close with me to ask this question?"

Krystal replied in a friendly but caring tone, " It's not a matter of being close or not!! Come on!!! I saw the sadness on your face, Don't you think of me as a fool!! My parents always suggest me to share my sadness when am sad so that I will feel less sad. And it's truly said. When you share your sadness, your burdens are lessened, so try to share it!!! It's not a big deal !!! I won't tell to anyone"

To this Richard said in an irritated manner, "Enough of your bullshit crap!!"

They kept silent for a moment.

Richard broke the silence by telling, "My life is not what it looks like...Being rich, happy, satisfied and contended is what people sees in me...However it's exactly the opposite...Am poor in love...sad on the inside. I don't actually know why am sharing you this but let me tell you that today was my birthday!!!"

To this Krystal gave a surprised look and unknowingly said "Oh!!!!" and as her home was approaching ,she knew that he was depressed so she said with a smile, "Happy Birthday!!! and many happy returns of the day" and she gave him a cupcake which she got from the restaurant as a gift and she also wished him goodnight and said," My house in already near, so I'll leave first" and she went ahead after saying those words.

After she went ahead, Richard said to himself, "She's one of a kind...thinking back she was the first and the only person who wished me Happy Birthday"

After saying those words to himself, he smiled and felt better and he left for his destination.

As Krystal reached home, she went to her room and took a shower and changed her dress and as she was about to sleep , she smiled to herself that she at least made a person feel more better and she was feeling some kind of rare happiness deep within her heart since a new person shared his feelings with her other than her 2 other friends. She smiled whole night until she felt asleep.....