Nuisance but it's nice...

Monday morning the sun rose high up in the sky and Krystal got ready to go to school. As she stepped out of her house after she had her breakfast, she found difficult to walk because of her injury she got from the previous day.

As she was walking she found Richard cycling on the same road , behind her and asking her whether she needed a ride. At this she immediately rejected his help. Richard was cycling slowly beside her .

As Krystal walked farther, she accidentally bumped into a stone in front of her , and so she felt more difficult to walk.

At this Richard mockingly and rudely spoke to her, "See, you can't even walk properly and classes are gonna start in about 10 minutes. Do you need any help??"

At this Krystal replied, "Then I owe you a debt again....please help me this not hitting on you but my current situation makes me to."

So both of them went to school travelling in the same bicycle. But since they entered from the corner of the school and not from the main gate, no one saw them being together.

As they entered their class, Mina and Suzy also came to attend their classes, so seeing them being back to school, Krystal got very happy that she forgot about her pain and ran straight towards them and gave them a hug saying it was nice to meet them again. She also asked about Mina's mother situation, but they answered by saying that she got discharged from the hospital this morning.

After sometime, they realized the scar on Krystal's leg and so they got worried about her and asked her from where she got the scar. At that very moment the teacher entered the class so they got ready for the classes.

After sometime the school bell rang for the lunch break and so they all went out for the lunch break. During the lunch break as they were eating lunch in the school canteen, Krystal shared all her story about how she got the scar and how Richard helped her out.

At this her friends also changed their thinking about Richard that he was a cold and a rude guy. As they were chit chatting the bell rang for their classes to start, so they had normal class and as they were about to leave the school after they had finished their classes, a huge luxury car came to picked Richard saying that his parents had send them to pick him up.

To this Richard replied, "I have some urgent work to do right now, so I'll come to my house by myself in about 20 minutes."

So they agreed and went ahead without him.

As they had gone , Richard started searching for Krystal and found that she was with her friends laughing and he found Krystal being pretty at that moment and his heart started to beat rapidly...He started feeling a sudden and strange atmosphere around him and thought to himself what was wrong with him.

After Krystal's friends had gone ahead of her, he approached her and asked, "Do you need a ride back home??"

To this she said, "Am I not troubling you??"

To this he coldly replied, "If you don't want , do as you wish" and as he was about to leave ahead without her, she called him back and said, "Since everyone have left the school, please help me just for today and so she sat behind him and held onto his shirt and they both went back riding on a bicycle and this scene was seen by 2 students from the corner and they decided to teach her a lesson the next day.

This whole time as they were riding , his heart was beating off the beat. As they reached home, she thanked him and she went inside her house.

Richard also went back to his own house with a smile on his face without knowing the fact that Samuel was also at his house and so as he entered his house smiling to himself, Samuel noticed it and asked him, "Who made you smile like's nice when you at last smile when you haven't smiled for almost 10 years..."

To this Richard replied, "A silly nuisance!!!"

And this answer surprised Samuel so much that he became more curious about the nuisance and he asked with furrowed eyebrows, "A silly nuisance ? But its nice since that nuisance finally created a smile on your face".

After sometime Richard invited him to have dinner together. As they were having dinner ,Samuel asked him, "By the way , where have you been during this weekend???" and so to this he replied saying that he was in his aunt's house.

After their dinner as Samuel was about to leave, Samuel wished Richard goodnight and said that he would surely find out about that silly nuisance. After he left, Richard went inside to sleep with smile on his face....