A new rival in love???

As morning came, Richard hurried himself up and went to pick Krystal from her house since she had a leg injury. He went there as fast as he could and as soon as he reached there he saw Krystal coming out from her house.

Krystal saw him and said, "Are you waiting for someone???"

To this he replied, "Thought you would need help. If you don't need any help then stop," Krystal noticed that he really wanted to help her so she said, "Wait a moment," and she got on his bicycle. At this Richard felt happy and told her to hold on tight , then she held onto his shirt and they again went to school together, and entered the school through the side gate so no one saw them coming to school together.

As they entered their class, the teacher entered the class and this time it was not only him but a new transferred student also came together with him. He was a handsome and a tall young man, and he was also rich. As soon as he entered , most of the girls fell for him while some did not, thinking that they were being unfaithful to Richard.

The teacher gave time to the newly transferred student to introduce himself. He said in a bold, friendly and manly voice, "Hello!!Everyone. My cool name is Alex, and its nice to meet you all. Hope to get along with you all as time passes."

And the teacher gave his respective seat. It happened that the seat near to Samuel was empty, so the teacher asked him to seat there and the seat where he sat was behind Krystal.

Alex noticed one thing as he entered the class that everyone was showing interest in him except Krystal, so as soon as he sat on his seat, he taped Krystal's arm and asked what was her name and so she told him her name.

Right after she told him her name, before Alex could ask her another question, Richard said to him out of jealousy in a cool manner, "No more questions!!Focus on the class!!"

So they paid heed to the classes going on and as soon as lunch break came many people saw that Samuel, Alex and Richard were going together to the canteen to have lunch....Many people were surprised at this and started to find out various information about him and finally found out that they were all childhood friends.

As they were on their way for having lunch they all saw Krystal being bullied by several girls. Krystal asked those girls why they were bullying her. To this those girls replied, "Do you think you are worthy to ride on a bicycle with our prince charming??"

To this she replied that she was compelled to ride with him because of her injury. At this those girls became so furious that they slapped her off to the ground of their class.

All this scenes were witnessed by Richard and his friends. As those girls were going to kick her , Richard tried to help her but before he could Alex went ahead of him and protected Krystal from those girls and warned those girls saying, "Don't you ever touch her again!!"

To this both Richard and Samuel was surprised at him and as Alex was going to help her up , Krystal thanked him for his help and she said that she could get up by herself and so she got up by herself and went to the washroom.

As she went ,Richard called Alex and said to him "She will be alright. Come lets go to have our lunch!!" And so three of them went ahead to the canteen to have lunch. As they were having lunch, Alex asked Richard, "Do you like the girl sitting next to you??"

At this Richard choked and said, "What!!!You mean I like that crazy girl??? No.....I absolutely don't like her."

At this Alex said, "Ohh....I thought that you two were in a relationship because I saw you two coming to school together this morning..."

At this Richard surprisingly asked, "Did you see us??And how??"

To this he replied, "Ah!!!! I mistakenly saw you as I also came through the side gate. If you are not in a relationship then that's good !"

To this Richard replied, "What do you mean???"

Alex replied, "If you two are not lovers then you two are close friends right???"

To this he replied, "Yes!!Kind of!!"

Then Alex replied, "Then Bro...you gotta help me...Ok???"

At this both Richard and Samuel got surprised and asked him what he meant by that. Then Alex replied, "I think I fell for her, from the moment I saw her, she's so cute in my eyes and the way she talks is so cute...the way she thanked me is also so cute..."and he was smiling so brightly.

At this Richard said, "HUh!! you already like her when it has only been an hour???" then Alex replied, "I think I fell for her at first sight...."

At this Richard became so furious and said to both of them, "I have finished eating, I'll go ahead, you too take your time and eat slowly..."

To this both of them were left surprised and they asked to each other, "Why was he furious??" and they continued to eat...As Richard left the canteen and went to the class, he saw that Krystal was sitted at the corner and was holding back her tears and her leg bleeding as she fell down before, so he approached her and said, "Put your hands on my shoulder..."

At this she was surprised and said, "What!!"

He replied, "Your leg is bleeding , lets get it treated before it gets more larger and everyone has gone for break so no one will notice you...."

So they both went to the medical center together and after she got treated she said to Richard, "Thank you, I owe you again "

Then he said, "NO PROBLEM" and he was feeling very happy inside his heart...and before the bell rang they went to the class and soon they had normal classes as usual and as classes were over , after most of the students left the school, Richard took his cycle and approached Krystal and said to her, "Get on!!"

She said, "No problem"

At this he replied," You said that you owed me a debt right??So get on and pay back one of that debt. "Then she had no choice but to get on it and so once more they went back together.

As Richard was about to leave as he had dropped her to her house, she thanked him and asked him not to come back the next day and told him that she could manage by herself. To this he said, "I also wasn't intending to!!!"and he gave her a cold glance and went to his house.

As he reached his house he felt both happy and also sad. He took a shower and ate dinner and then he studied for sometime and he went to sleep thinking about Krystal.

As Krystal went inside her house, she also took a shower and ate dinner and got ready to sleep and before she slept she kept on thinking about Richard without she herself knowing. She thought of him as his Black knight and recalled how he had helped her whenever she needed help and she also went to sleep smilingly...