There is a smell of jealousy.

Morning came and the morning that very day was much more brighter than any other day for Richard as he woke up.

He saw Krystal beside him sleeping so gently on his shoulder. He looked at her with a lovable glance and smiled at her. He noticed that her sleep was being disturbed by the sunlight, so he blocked the rays of the sun away from her face so that she could sleep gently.

After a minute she woke up and saw Richard glancing at her with his hand blocking the rays of the sun and wishing her, "Good Morning".

She wished him back , "Good Morning" with a smile on her face and she asked Richard, "How long have you been blocking the sun rays? You must be tired."

At that very moment Richard lovingly kissed at her forehead and replied, "It's nothing, am lucky that the first thing I got to see as I woke up was you lying by my side."

To this Krystal smiled and said, "How cheesy of you to say those words."

She stood up and looking at him said , "Let's hurry back to the camp. The others might be searching for us."

Richard then replied, "Well, that's a great idea, my Krystal!!"

Krystal's heart fluttered as she heard those words and she blushed. Richard seeing that she got blushed laughed so sweetly and holding her hand , they went back to the camp site.

On their way to the camp site Krystal got tired. Richard noticing that she got tired offered her a piggyback ride on his back. Krystal at first rejected his offer but he insisted in giving her a piggyback ride so she finally accepted the offer.

As they were on their way, Krystal asked Richard sweetly, "Tell me sincerely when did you start falling for this moderate creature????"

To this he replied, "Don't call yourself a moderate creature, you hold a special and unique place in my heart. And I started falling for you the moment you started changing and understanding me."

Krystal said smiling to herself, "How honey mouthed you are!!How will I bear you if you are so sweet from the first day itself of our relationship?"

To this he replied, "You need to get used to it."

She then said," Did you noticed that my heart got fluttered just now?? "

He then said," Am happy to see your heart getting fluttered."

She then said, " Ahh!! Right!! Remember to keep the promise you made with me yesterday, Ok??" To this he replied in an assuring manner, "Worry not!! I can do anything to be with you...."

She then smiled and said, " Love you, my Richard!!" and they continued their journey to the camp site.

As they were approaching the camp site, Richard made Krystal come down from his back and they decided to reach the camp site at different time. Richard was to reach the camp site 10 minutes later after Krystal had left.

As Krystal reached the camp site she saw that everyone were concerned and searching for them especially her two best friends. As they saw Krystal, they scolded her for being missing the whole night. She promised them that she would not repeat the very behavior in the near future. Everyone was busy talking with Krystal that they failed to notice Richard coming back from the woods.

As everyone was present they had meal and as soon as they finished their meal their teachers called them together to play three legged race which consisted of couples. As they were busy searching for their own partners, Alex asked Krystal whether she wanted to participate in the race with him. She agreed to him.

Soon the race started, and Richard did not participate in the race and so he joined the supporters and as he was standing beside the supporters he saw that Alex mistakenly fell on the ground and Krystal over him. This made him so jealous that he wanted to run towards her and declare that she was his girl. But Alex and Krystal instantly got up and finished the race winning the third position.

As they finished the race Krystal saw that many girls were taking pictures of Richard and some of them were offering him drinks saying, "You must be tired standing in the sun for such a long time." Krystal saw this and she felt uneasy in her heart though she was smiling all the time. Perhaps it was jealousy that made her feel uneasy.

As they had finished the race, everyone went to their respective tents to dress themselves for the evening programme. That very day was the last day of the outing so the evening programme was held in quite a grand way. They had barbecue and they danced in a circle switching their partners with a fire in the middle of the circle. During the switching of the partners Krystal and Richard came together. They danced so intimately with their eyes looking at each other full of affection for each other.

Some of the admirers of Richard saw them and began to suspect them of having a relationship which was more than just friends and the smell of jealousy surrounded them. They decided to teach her a lesson and after the party had ended and everyone had settled down at their respective tents , those girls called Krystal out of her tent and slapped her as soon as she got out of her tent.

She was so surprised and asked to one of the girls, "Why did you hit me??"

The girl replied, "Don't play dumb. Do you think you deserve Richard? Know your place. Don't even think of having a relationship with him which is more than friends!!"

To this Krystal replied, "If you finished your childish act can you please leave?" and after she said those words she went inside her tent. The other girls were so pissed off at her words and they left her tent with their faces filled with anger. As Krystal entered her tent, Suzy noticed that someone had slapped Krystal and so she asked her who and why those people slapped her.

To this she replied, " It's nothing, just ignore those childish people!!" Suzy noticing that Krystal did not want to elaborate the topic, stopped herself from questioning further and she changed the topic by asking her how she spent the previous night in the woods by herself.

Krystal knowing that her friends were good secret keepers told them all about Richard and her. Her friends were filled with joy and excitement and wanted to ask many questions but Krystal stopped them for questioning by telling them that she wanted to have a nice rest and wishing them "Good Night" she prepared herself to go to bed.

As she was about to go bed she received a message which mentioned the given words, "It's me your Richard, can you meet me at the plain back of the camp site?"

She smiled and replied texting him back, "Wait for a moment, Let my friends go to bed."

To this Richard agreed and waited for her at the plain taking with him a piece of cloth large enough to cover both of them and he also took a large torch to light themselves.

Krystal sneaked out of her tent when her friends had gone to sleep and as she reached the plain, she saw no one. Suddenly someone gave her a back hug and whispered into her ear, " I think you deserve a punishment for making me wait for you for such a long time."

She turned back and saw Richard's eyes were hoping for something. She gave him a sudden lip kiss and said smilingly, "Will this be enough? Please don't give me severe punishment." She said these words so sweetly and so Richard touched by her cute pleading agreed and both of them sat at the plain staring at the starry sky filled with stars with Krystal's head on Richard's shoulder and his hand held round her.

As they were staring at the sky watching the stars under the bright moonlight filled with a romantic atmosphere around them, they saw a shooting star. Suddenly Krystal urged him to make a wish and they made their own wish.

Krystal asked Richard, " What did you wish for?"

To this he said, " It's something only you can make it come true. I wished that you could make our relationship public as soon as possible. Can you make it come true?"

She replied, "I don't know. It depends on the upcoming situation"

Richard to this said, " What did you wish for earlier?"

She replied, "I wished that in the near future our love could last forever, solving all misunderstandings together. Do you think it can come true?"

He affectionately looked at her and kissed her forehead and said, "I'll surely make it come true."

They continued their conversation and did not notice the swift passing of time. Soon as they both started to feel sleepy they looked at the time and it was 2:00 a.m and they looked at each other smiling to each other and they decided to go back to their own tent in order to avoid being caught by their classmates. They wished each other goodnight and went to their respective tent and went to sleep.