She belongs to someone else.

The sun rose high up in the sky and filled it with its beautiful different colors and the sweet singing of the birds could be heard around the campsite and in the woods. The day was pleasant as everyone had a tight sleep the previous night.

Soon everyone woke up and gathered themselves. The teachers hurried them to quickly pack their things and leave the place clean for they would be leaving the place early after their breakfast.

Soon everyone got preoccupied in their own respective work. Meanwhile as everyone got themselves busy in their own work, Krystal looked at everyone around her and saw that everyone as they were doing their respective work, some cleaning the place, some packing their things and some removing the tents they had set up earlier, a person caught her attention from afar.

It was Richard.

She noticed that he was gazing at her continuously while doing his work. Alex standing beside Richard also caught him staring and gazing at her and smelled something fishy between them. He gave him a sudden push. To this Richard was taken aback and shouted "Holy Crap!!!!!" and asked Alex, "What's wrong bro?" Alex replied, "Shouldn't I be the one asking this question to you!"

Richard blushed and said, "Cut the crap! Nothing's wrong with me."

He looked at Krystal and she was laughing at the reaction of him at the sudden push given to him. He smiled to himself seeing her laugh. Alex saw this and said to Richard, "Something's wrong with you. Do you know that you look weird? You have been staring at Krystal for a while and you also smiled when she smiled. Tell me sincerely there's something between you two right? I can smell something so fishy around you, do you know that?"

To this Richard replied,"You are so troublesome. You asked me so many questions at a time so I don't know to which questions I should answer first, so let's drop our conversations and hurry our work, we are running late".

Alex looked at him with a strange look on his face and they continued their work. After a while they ate their breakfast and got ready to leave with the arrival of the bus. As the bus arrived, everyone started loading their luggage into the bus. In the meantime Richard saw Krystal having difficulties in loading her luggage and belongings. As soon as he tried to approach her to help her, Alex helped her in loading her belongings so he instead of helping her got inside the bus. This time as Krystal and her friends entered the bus, they saw that the seats at the end of the bus were empty so they went to sit there.

As Krystal passed through Richard to go to the empty seats their hands touched each other's and both their heart beat as fast as possible. Krystal smiled slightly and went to sit.

Their journey started and throughout the journey everyone had a good time singing and playing some games inside the bus. But during the whole time Richard was gazing at Krystal and he smiled to himself when she smiled.

Alex sitting near him observed him and said, "Dude! Something's really damn wrong with you. Why do you stare at a girl for such a long time? Do you perhaps like her? But not long ago you admitted that you didn't have any special feelings for her, right? So I'll continue to pursue her.."

To this Richard in a cool way replied," That was days ago. You can pursue her but she'll never like you back."

Alex then asked, "What do you mean by that? And how comes you are so sure of it?"

To this Richard replied in a scornful manner," Too bad!!! She already belongs to someone else."

Alex then said, "That someone is you right?"

To this Richard quickly and deliberately changed the topic of the conversation. But deep down in the heart of Alex, he already knew that something was going on between Richard and Krystal which was more than friends.

Finally after a few hours of travelling they reached their school from where everyone separated after clicking some few group pictures. When everyone had left, Krystal was the last to leave as she had to deal with some group staffs and report to the dean about their outing along with the concern teachers. The whole time Richard waited for her in his personal car which was sent to him by his personal driver.

As soon as he saw Krystal coming out of the school gate, he texted her," Look towards your left, a surprise awaits you."

To this she immediately looked towards her left and saw Richard waving his hand inside his car. She wanted to tease him and so she acted as if she did not see anything and she started to walk towards the opposite direction. To this Richard texted her a second time which said," Hey!! Look at your left!!"

She replied saying that she saw nothing when she looked towards her left. Richard now knew that she was trying to tease him so he got out of his car immediately and went towards her and took her by the hand and lifted her up and carried her to his car.

Krystal blushed and said," Put me down, other people will see us."

Richard replied, "This is your punishment for teasing and ignoring me."

As they reached the car, they both went inside the car and as Krystal was about to put the seatbelt, Richard suddenly came in front of her and tried to tuck the seatbelt for her. To this she said, "I can do it by myself."

Richard replied, "I know that you can do it yourself but I want to do it for you so sit tight for I'll tuck the seatbelt for you."

Krystal then gave a sudden kiss on his cheek and said, "You truly are sweet. Thank you."

Richard then said, "This is nothing. Many more sweet things are yet to come in the future."

They smiled at each other and started the car. As Richard started the car, Krystal suddenly asked, "Where are we going?"

To this he replied, "Of course to your house. Did you think I would take you somewhere else or did you think I would take you for a date?"

To this Krystal showed an expression of being embarrassed and said," Say no more, I've been embarrassed enough."

To this Richard chuckled and said," Ok!!! I got it"

After a while they reached her house and as she was about to remove the seat belt, Richard suddenly exclaimed, "Stop!! Look to your right."

To this she turned her face towards her right and saw nothing and so she turned her face towards Richard. As she turned towards him, he suddenly came so close to her that they were about to kiss.

Krystal held her breath and closed her eyes thinking that he was going to kiss her. Richard to this said, "Why are you so nervous that you even have to close your eyes?"

After saying this he helped her removed her seat belt and he smiled and said, "Did you think I was about to kiss you? Good Night and rest well sweetheart"

She blushed and felt so embarrassed that she said in a trembling and ignorant voice, "Who-who- thought of that? I didn't think that…and by the way do you think I want to kiss you so much? Good night. Now am going, thanks for the ride."

As she was about to get off her he suddenly gave her a finger heart and said, "Take my heart with you if in case you miss me too much." To this she smiled and said in an ignorant way, "Who'll miss you I guess?"

She got out of the car and they parted ways outside her house.

She entered her house and her family welcomed her and they together had meal and she went to her room, washed herself up and took rest on her bed. As she got on to her bed she immediately took her phone and texted Richard whether he had safely reached home.

To this he replied immediately saying that he had reached an hour ago. Richard immediately called her and they had a long talk until they both went to sleep with a smile on their faces.