Shall we open up our relationship?

Krystal was invited to watch a movie in the theater by Richard and so she wore the most beautiful dress. As they went inside the movie theater, Richard leaned against Krystal's shoulder and they started watching the movie.

As they were watching the movie, Richard stared at Krystal and as she noticed him staring her she asked, " Is anything wrong with me today? You have been staring at me for so long." To this he drew near her face and said," I want to…." And as they were about to kiss, there was a sudden sound of the alarm which disturbed the whole romantic scenario.

It was all a "DREAM!!!".

As Krystal woke up she found herself blushing so much and she blamed the alarm for disturbing her romantic dream.

She woke up, washed herself up, arranged her bed and as she was dressing herself up for school she received a text from Richard wishing her, "Good Morning".

To this she was reminded her of her dream and she felt shy and so she replied saying, "Good Morning too. See you at school". She then had her breakfast and she went to school.

As she reached the school, she saw Mina and Suzy and so they greeted each other and went to attend their classes. Normal classes followed and at the end of the class their home teacher announced something which made everyone feel down.

He said, "Students, I know that you guys have enjoyed your field trip and have been tucked in the enjoyment till now but don't you forget the upcoming examination the next week. Also I encourage you all to form a study group among yourself so that you all can help each other. "

After the teacher left the classroom they started to form groups among themselves. Krystal along with her two friends formed a group. At that time Alex approached her and asked whether he could join their group.

To this she replied saying that she had no problem if her friends agree. Richard seeing Alex also asked him," You need me to be with you right? How will you yourself manage among this bunch of girls?"

To this Alex asked Krystal whether Richard could join them. Krystal was unwilling to join but her friends agreed and so the five of them formed a group and they all decided to study together after class in the school library.

After the day's class were over they all gathered in the school library for a group study. As they were about to start studying Suzy and Mina asked her, "Richard is joining our group because of you right?"

" Don't speak nonsense ! Let's concentrate on our studies. " said Krystal with a blushing face.

Mina and Suzy mocked at her and they giggled together and they started studying. They all studied seriously and after about two hours they left the library one after another saying that they had own business to do.

The last to leave was Alex, Krystal and Richard. Alex left ahead and now only the two of them were left. When Krystal had finished her studies and she had decided to leave the library, Richard asked her whether he could go together with her.

To this she said, "You come five minutes later. I'll wait for you at the school gate." To this they both agreed and they met at the school gate.

As Richard came to the school gate, he saw his driver waiting for him. He texted his driver, "Go home ahead without me. I have an urgent thing to do so I'll come later" His driver seeing the text went ahead of him. Krystal asked him to whom he was texting.

To this he replied, "No one! My Krystal" and he held her by the hand and said, "Today I'll walk you home."

Krystal then said, "I think I saw your driver earlier….but wait where did he go?"

To this he answered," I told him to go ahead without me. "

Krystal blushed and said, " You didn't have to trouble yourself for this small matter. I could have gone by myself."

Richard then said, "Who said that I was troubling myself. I just wanted to take an evening walk with you. The whole day I didn't get to hold your hand, so I want to hold your hand and walk in the street." He then held her by her hand and they took a romantic walk.

As they were walking Richard said, "I can't believe you're walking by my side with our hands held together."

Krystal then said, "Me too! I can't believe it."

Richard kissed her cheek and, "Even though we can't believe it, it's true."

She smiled and said, "Shall we confess our relationship among our friends since we'll be studying together for a while? To tell the truth Mina and Suzy already knows but let's declare it officially "

Richard to this said, "I always wanted to tell Alex that you already belonged to me."

She got confused and asked him what he meant by that. He then answered saying, "Fool!!!Didn't you know he have been courting you this whole time?"

Krystal got surprised and said, "I've always taken him as my friend and so I thought he also felt the same way about me.

After a while they reached Krystal's house and as they reached her house, Richard said, "Shall we take another walk? I want to take a longer walk with you." She kissed his forehead and said, "Thanks for walking me home. Go home safely and make sure you call me when you reach your house. Good night"

They departed and she went inside her house. Her parents asked her why she came late. To this she answered saying that she run short of money to hail a cab so she took a walk to reach home. She went to her room and she washed herself up and she went to have dinner and as she came back to her room after her dinner she saw two missed calls from Richard. She immediately called him back.

He answered and said, "What made you take a long time to answer my call? Am pissed off. Make sure you know that."

She answered saying, "Sorry! My bad. I went to have dinner and I left my phone in the room and so I missed your calls. I'll be willing to take any punishment you give me."

To this he answered laughing, "Forget the punishment…Why are you taking the matter seriously? I was just joking with you."

To this she answered, "It gave me a scare. You know the whole time I waited for your call. By the way what are you doing now?"

To this he answered, "Talking with you and getting ready to study. What about you? Ah! And also am missing you." To this she answered, "Oyo!!! How cheesy of you!! Me too am getting ready to study. Since our exams are approaching let's talk, chat and have video calls till 8:00p.m from today onwards. Is it okay with you?"

To this they both decided to end their call as by that time it was 7:57p.m. They both hung up by wishing each other "Good Night" and they decided to dream of one another. They both studied for some time and they both went to sleep.