5 Days without you.

Morning came and the very day Krystal mad her mind to study hard. She woke up with a positive mind and followed her usual schedule.

As she came to school she saw her friends and Richard. She ignored Richard because she knew that once she meet him it would be difficult for her to stay apart from him. She began to take the group study seriously and before everyone would leave the library she left ahead of others saying she had some work at home.

When her friends asked Richard what happened between them he could say nothing but that she really had something to do at home because he understood her that avoiding each other was the best solution to keep each other apart. This continued for five days.

Then the day of the examination came. Krystal wrote her exams as fast. As she finished her exam she directly went home.

The next day came the announcement of their rank. Their home teacher came in their class and before he announced their rank he said, "I am glad that many of you improved your grade and I am very glad to announce that there are no failures in our class. All of you will be able to enter into new classes after your winter holidays."

He then began to announce. Richard got rank 1 and Krystal got rank 8 while Mina and Suzy got rank 10 and 9 respectively. Alex got rank 2. They congratulated each other and the teacher especially congratulated Krystal saying, "I am very surprised by your result this examination. Earlier you were in the list of top 20 but this time you managed to get into top 10. Everyone should learn from her to improve your own grades."

The teacher said those words and before leaving the class he said, "Enjoy your winter holidays which will start from tomorrow till next year. Remember to use your time helping your parents and avoid wasting time." He said those words and left the classroom.

As soon as the teacher left the classroom Krystal ran towards Richard with a smile on her and they hugged each other so tightly in front of their classmates. It made many people surprised and one of the classmates whose crush was Richard got furious and asked, "What's going on? Richard! Why did you hug her?"

To this he held Krystal by her shoulder and boldly announced to everyone in their class, "She's my girlfriend! If anyone dare try to harm her, he or she shall face consequences."

Many of the girls grew jealous of her but all they could do was feel jealous of her. Richard and Krystal came out of their class and walked openly in the corridor holding hands and smiling at each other. Many saw them and some grew jealous while some of them wished them to have a healthy relationship.

When they reached the school gate they saw that Alex together with Mina and Suzy were waiting for them. They went towards them and they decided to have a meal together in a restaurant as it was the last day they could meet until next year.

As they were having their dinner they talked about how they would be spending their holidays. Mina said that she was going to her hometown to help and look after her grandparents. Suzy said that she would be travelling with her parents and have their own family time. Alex said that he would be taking computer course at his uncle's house. Krystal said that she would be helping her parents in doing their business .

When Richard was asked what he would be doing, he looked at Krystal and said, "I plan to introduce my girlfriend to my parents and go travelling with her and fulfill all her wishes during the coming holidays."

To this Krystal blushed so much that all of them began to make fun of her. As they finished their meal, all of them decided to keep in touch with each other and they all departed. Richard and Krystal left together.

As they were walking they stopped by a flower store to give it to Krystal's parents as a gift. Krystal looked at him and said, "You don't have to buy this" To this he insisted on buying and they bought.

As they continued walking Krystal looked at Richard and said, "Did you know how hard it was to avoid you? I really missed you so much during the five days. I hoped every day that we could finish our examination. I am glad now that we finished our examinations."

To this he replied, "I understand you. Me too I felt the same way. I dreamed you every night."

They both hugged each other tightly and they continued walking.

After a while they reached Krystal's house and they saw that her mom was waiting for her outside the gate of her house.

Her mother invited Richard to come inside the house. As he came inside the house he saw her father so he greeted him and when her father asked him who he was he gave him the flower he bought earlier and said, "Hello Uncle! I am Richard, the boyfriend of your daughter. Do you remember me? We once went outing together. Am the cousin of your neighbor"

To this her father was taken aback by his words and said, "When did my daughter ever had a boyfriend?"

To this Richard replied, "I came today to get the blessing of her parents. We really love each other and her mom already gave us her permission."

Her father looked at her mother with eyes filled with curiousness and asked her mother when she gave her permission. To this her mother looked at Richard and asked when she gave her permission.

To this Richard replied, "Krystal's ranked improved and both our ranks are good , so according to your words, you have already given us the permission."

To this she asked Krystal "Is it true that you improved your rank? Show me your report card."

Krystal showed her report card and her mom looked at her father and said, "It's true! Our daughter reached top 10."

Krystal then said, "It's all thanks to Richard. He helped me study."

Her father then said to Richard, "Are you sure you won't make her cry? Also are you sure dating won't disturb your studies?"

To this Richard smiled and said, "I promise I'll take good care of her and this dating thing won't affect our studies." Her father then said, "If that's the case, then I'll consider you dating but you must keep your relationship clean.

They invited Richard for dinner but he replied by saying that he and Krystal had finished their dinner. To this her mother decided to make tea for them. In the meantime as she was preparing, Richard asked Krystal, "Can you please show me your room? I've wanted to see your room." To this she agreed and both of them went up to her room.

They locked the door as they entered the room. Richard saw some pictures on her table and so he pointed at the picture and asked her, "Is this you?"

To this she replied, "Don't look at that picture. It's true that it's me when I was young. I look ugly in that picture."

To this he said, "No! It looks cute to me."

He kept his hand on her shoulder and said, "Appearance doesn't define everything, My love! It's the heart that defines a person."

To this she suddenly gave a slight kiss to Richard and said, "Thanks for loving me. I am finally relieved and happy that my parents allowed me to date. Did you know during the last five days I gave my best in studying so that I could be with you."

Richard felt pleased to hear those words and said, "Thanks to those five days, now I truly know that you really love me very much."

To this she acted as if she was angry and turned away from him and said, "Did you really doubt my feelings for you?"

To this Richard pulled Krystal by her waist to his side and gave her a passionate lip kiss. As they were enjoying the kiss her mother suddenly knocked at the door and asked them to come down for tea. They both were taken aback by the sudden knock. They looked at each other and they smiled at each other and decided to come down to the dining table to have an evening tea.

After he finished the tea, they all had a joyful chat. Her father said to Richard, "You must be wondering why I did you not ask you anything regarding your family background. My family actually does not judge other based on their family backgrounds. As long as you keep my Krystal happy, I don't have any objection in your relationship."

After a while he decided to leave and Krystal sent him off at the gate of her house. Krystal asked whether he needed a cab. To this he said that he could call his driver to come and pick him up. Krystal asked, "Are you sure?" He then gave a kiss on forehead and said, "Don't worry! Have a sound sleep! Let's meet tomorrow"

To this she asked in a surprising tone, "Huh! Tomorrow?"

He then answered, "Yes! Tomorrow. Do you have any problem meeting me? Or do you not want to meet me?"

To this she replied in a soft voice, "No!! I have plenty of time to hang out with you" Richard then said, "It's then settled. Let's meet up tomorrow."

Krystal waved at him with her hand and said, "Text me when you reach home!" He agreed and he left her house with a smiling face.

When his driver came to take him home he noticed that something was different about Richard and so he asked him, "Young master, are you in a good mood today?"

To this he replied, "Am in a very good mood."

Richard from the time he entered the car till he reached home he came on smiling. His driver felt relieved in his heart and said to himself, "Finally my young master is having true happiness."

As they reached their house, Richard got out of the car and went to his room wishing his driver, "Good night".

The driver was so surprised because his young master never ever wished him, "Good night" nor did he acted friendly with him as he did today. After parking the car he went and shared his friends and other maids in the house the whole story.

Richard as soon as he reached his room texted Krystal that he had safely reached home. They chatted the whole night and both of them did not notice how time passed and after a long chat both of them went to sleep without knowing how they ended the chat.