Diamond Necklace? For me?

Unlike the other days Krystal woke up as early as possible before her alarm rang. She could no longer sleep out of excitement on the thought of going on a date with Richard. It was their very first date.

She hurried herself to finish all her household work as soon as possible. As she finished her work she rushed off to her room and she picked out several dresses for their date. As she was getting ready she heard someone at the door asking for her. She came down half ready and to her surprise she saw Richard.

"What the heck!" she exclaimed out of surprise.

She rushed back to her room out of embarrassment as Richard saw her bare face and she had not finished her preparation. She got to her room and dressed up herself as early as possible. She decided to dress up herself on the concept of being cute. She then got out of her room fully prepared and said to herself, "It's nothing! There's nothing to be ashamed of! Act as if nothing happened."

As she came out of her room she saw that Richard and her parents were having a small conversation. She came towards them and when she and Richard were about to leave her parents reminded her to come as early as possible.

As she got out of her house, she saw a bicycle and asked Richard, "Is this yours? Did you come here by riding on this?"

"Of course! Did you expect me to bring something else with me? I thought riding on it together would be romantic." replied Richard.

Krystal then smiled and said, "Nothing! It's just unexpected of you to be romantic."

Richard then asked her to get on it and hold him tight. As they started riding he smiled and said to her, "You looked so cute today when you were surprised earlier."

To this she said, "What are you talking about?" He then said, "Why were you so embarrassed that time?" She then tried to change the topic and asked him, "By the way, where are we going today?"

To this he said, "It's a surprise"

"You are good at changing topic. But to tell the fact you really looked cute." Said Richard and he giggled.

She made a grumpy face and hit his back and said, "That was all because of you. Who told you to come early? I was only half prepared at that time."

He then said, "Don't worry! You look better without makeup."

After a while they reached the amusement park. He first parked bicycle in a proper place and he said to her, "Wait here for a moment." He rushed off to a store near the parking lot and bought many balloons for Krystal.

He approached Krystal and gave her the balloons. Krystal felt so pleased and gave him a hug and thanked him for the balloons.

They continued to walk around the park. As they were walking around the park he asked her, "What do you want to ride first?"

To this she suggested, "Shall we ride the roller coaster. I enjoy riding it!"

To this they both agreed and they enjoyed riding the roller coaster. After they rode the roller coaster they went to ride different things and they enjoyed many things. They also clicked many pictures.

Later Richard saw that Krystal was feeling hot and so he saw an ice-cream store nearby and so he asked, "Do you want to eat an ice-cream?" To this she agreed and they together approached the ice-cream store.

"How can I help you?" asked the shopkeeper. To this Richard answered, "One vanilla flavored and one chocolate flavored ice-cream please"

"Wait for a moment. Ok! Here you go" said the shopkeeper and gave them the ice-cream. They paid the cash and they went to take some rest at a bench placed under a tree.

As Krystal started eating the ice-cream, Richard said to her, "Look at me"

She looked at him eating her ice-cream. As soon as she looked at him eating her ice-cream they took a bite at her ice-cream at the same time. Krystal's heart skipped a beat and she froze that very moment and continued looking at him. Her face began to turn red. Richard then smiled and asked, "How's the ice-cream? Is it sweet?"

"Woah! That made my heart flutter" said Krystal not being aware of what she was speaking.

Richard laughed and asked, "What did you just say?"

To this she answered, "What did I just say!"

He slightly knocked at her hair and asked, "Where do you want to go next?" To she said, "You decide"

"How about riding a Ferris wheel? What do you say?" suggested Richard.

She actually was scared of heights but since Richard wanted to ride it she agreed. As they started riding the Ferris wheel, she constantly avoided looking down and she held her wrist so tight that it was noticed by Richard.

He asked her, "Are you perhaps afraid of heights?"

To this she nodded her head and said, "But it doesn't matter as long as you enjoy it."

As they reached the top of the Ferris wheel, he said, "Open your eyes and look at the view. Trust me you will find it wonderful."

As she opened her eyes she saw the beautiful view and said, "It really is beautiful". Suddenly Richard showed her a diamond necklace with a medal in the middle of the necklace.

She asked him, "What is this?"

He answered, "I myself designed it for you. How's it? Do you like it?"

"It's too expensive, I can't accept it" answered Krystal.

To this he said, "I'll put it on for you. As you observe the necklace carefully you'll see that in the middle of the medal, there's a diamond heart which represents my unchangeable feelings for you."

As he said those words she felt so pleased that she hugged him tightly and said, "We'll never break up right?"

"Never. I'll never dare to leave you after courting you for such a long time." replied Richard.

As they finished the ride they went to watch a movie.

As they were watching the movie holding each other's hand while eating popcorn, Krystal suddenly remembered her dream and began to blush. Richard saw her and asked her, "Why are you blushing so much?" To this she said, "Nothing!"

"You're not imagining something weird right?" asked Richard.

Krystal blushed and said, "I-I-I-am not imagining anything." Richard smiled and said, "Are you sure?" She answered, "What would I be imagining?"

Richard suddenly drew close to her face. She then said to herself, "Is my dream coming true? The whole scenario is as exactly as my dream!"

She closed her eyes so tightly thinking that he would kiss her. Richard gently knocked at her head and smiling to himself asked, "Why are you closing your eyes? Are you perhaps thinking I would kiss you?"

To this she felt so embarrassed and made a grumpy face and said, "Then why did you come near my face?"

To this he removed a small piece of dirt stuck near her mouth with his handkerchief and said, "This small piece of dirt bothered me so I decided to take it out for you."

She then felt so embarrassed that she had nothing to say but to say "Thank you"

After the movie ended, it was getting late so they decided to return home. As they were riding on the bicycle Krystal's stomach started growling with a loud sound.

"I think am hungry…Uh…..Let's stop by and have dinner before I send you home" suggested Richard.

So they stopped by a restaurant to have dinner. After they had finished their dinner, they continued riding and after a while they reached her house. As she got off from the cycle she thanked him for giving her a wonderful time and she wished him, "Good night".

Before she entered her house, Richard gently took her by her hand and pulled her near him and gave her a kiss and he also wished her back , "Good night" and before she could say any word, he went back to his house.

Both of them smiled the whole night until they both went to sleep.