Supermarket date....

The day seemed colder than earlier days. The temperature dropped.

Suddenly a sound was heard. Buzzz.....Buzzzz....It was the sound of the alarm beside Krystal's bed. She found difficult to wake up but she was compelled to wake up.

As soon as she woke up she texted Richard saying, "Good Morning! My lovely polar bear."

Richard replied, "Did you just call me lovely polar bear?"

"That's right! Can't I call you like that?" she replied.

He directly called her and they had a video chat.

Richard asked her, "What's with the sudden change?"

She replied covering her face with the blanket, "I observed this few days ago that other couples have their own couple names, so I decided to give you one."

"Then I shall call you cute rabbit like I used to call you earlier." replied Richard.

She felt shy and her face turned red. "Are you having a fever?" asked Richard.

"Huh?" asked Krystal with a confused face.

He then smiled and said, "If you don't have a fever, why is your face turning red?"

To this she felt embarrassed and said avoiding looking at him, "It's nothing, I suddenly felt cold!"

He smiled and said, "You look cute"

They chatted for a while and he asked her whether she had any schedule for the day. To this she replied , "I have to help my mom today. I also have to the supermarket to buy some things."

She asked him whether he had anything to do for the day. He then replied saying that he had nothing much to do. She then invited him, "Do you want to go to the supermarket along with me?"

"Can I come?" asked Richard.

"If you want to!" Replied Krystal with a smirk on her face.

To this he said with a light smile on his face, "See you later."

They smiled at each other and they both hung up the call.

Richard got out of his bed and started to quickly finish all his works for the day. The same went for Krystal. She helped her mom as fast as possible and after she finished her work she gave him a call and asked him whether he could come and pick her up.

He agreed and few minutes later, he came to pick her up. As her parents saw him coming, they asked Krystal and mocked at her in a tired voice, "How could you two be together all the time? Don't you even get tired of each other?"

She then smiled at them and said, "This feeling is called love! You elders won't understand even if I tell!" She left her parents speechless. They said to her with a look of surprise, "You must be head over heel for him!"

As they were talking to each other, Richard approached them and greeted them. After some time they both went to the supermarket. At the supermarket Krystal observed that as she went to pick the things she wanted, every girl at the supermarket was staring at Richard.

She felt jealous and stood beside Richard and asked him to bend down. As he bended down she gave him a sudden kiss on his cheek looking at those girls looking at him. He saw that she was looking at those girls and so he held her by her hand and they continued to pick the things they wanted.

After a while they made the payments and after a few minutes they reached her house. As they reached their house her parents invited him over for dinner. He agreed. Soon Krystal's mom and she herself started preparing for dinner while her father and Richard sat in the common room playing chess.

As they were playing chess, her father made a move and asked him with eyes filled with doubt, "Do you really love my daughter? I wasn't intending to ask you this multiple times as I already asked you that day but I realized today that my daughter is head over heels for you."

He continued, "So as both of you are still young I am worried about her condition if you ever break up in the near future. If you are playing with her, you better cut off your relationship with her when you are still young. It will be difficult for her to leave you when you get older."

Richard then made a move and said with his eyes filled with compassion "Dear father in law, I will absolutely not break up with her even if we quarrel or misunderstand each other some day. She is the the only one for me."

He looked at Krystal and continued, "Even if she runs away from me, I'll find her back no matter how far she goes away from me. For me no one can substitute her. So you need not worry."

Her father felt so pleased at his answer and smiled at him. As they finished their game, Krystal and her mom settled the food on the table and they had dinner. As they were having dinner, her parents took some side dishes and gave Richard.

They continued giving him without giving to Krystal. Richard saw that Krystal was getting jealous of him so he gave some of his side dishes to her. Her mom saw his gesture and smiled to herself.

After a while they finished their dinner. And as Richard was about to leave the place, Krystal walked him to the gate of her house. She looked at him and said, "Stay safe as you go back. Thanks for accompanying me to the supermarket. Good Night!"

As she was about to go back inside her house, Richard held her by her hand and pulled her towards his side, looked into her eyes and said, "I love you."

Her heart skipped a beat and said nervously, "Huh!"

He then said in a greedy manner, "Can you do me a small favor? It's a small duty of a girlfriend!"

"What's that favor?" she asked nervously blinking her eyes.

He laughed with a bright teeth and exclaimed, "My God! You look so cute when you get nervous."

"Hurry and tell me what's that small duty? You are making me nervous." replied Krystal with a nervous voice.

He then looked into her eyes and patted her hair and said, " What are you so nervous about? I was going to ask you whether you could give me a daily good night kiss as we depart!"

She blushed and replied, "Close your eyes!"

He closed his eyes and as soon as he closed his eyes, Krystal held her breath and gave him a kiss and said, "Good night". She said those words and before Richard opened his eyes, she rushed inside her house.

Richard smiled at her and said to himself, "Silly! She looks so cute." And after he said those words he left her house.

Krystal felt so shy and excited. As she entered inside her house, her face was burning the whole time. Her parents noticed that some thing good had happened to her that she felt so shy and excited.