First Snow...

Weeks passed and the temperature dropped day by day. It was 5:30 in the morning when Krystal from her bed could hear someone throwing something at her window. As she got up from her bed to check what was going on she suddenly realized it was snowing heavily that very day and it was the first snow of that very year.

As she looked outside her window, she saw Richard holding in his hand a snowball about to throw at her window while severing slightly.

She rushed outside with a piece of warm blue cloth and as she got out of her house, she gave him a warm hug and she asked him to bend down. The moment he bended down she gave the warm cloth for him to tie round his neck.

She blew over his hands with her warm breath and said in a worrying tone, "Are you foolish? Why did you dress so little and come to me this early in the morning? You could have caught a cold!!"

"Why are you so tense?" Asked Richard smiling to himself.

To this she looked at him anxiously and unknowingly exclaimed, "Because I am really worried about you!"

He smiled and asked her to turn around. She then agreed and the moment she turned back he made her a snowman. He then said, "Now you can turn back!" As she turned back to him she saw a snowman standing before her.

"OMG!!! Wow...!!! Did you make this?" exclaimed Krystal jumping to the ground.

He then said with a wide smile on his face, "You're cute!"

She then said, "You must be freezing to death. Let's talk inside!"

They sat by the fireplace when Krystal mom got out of her bedroom. She saw him and was so surprised that she exclaimed, "What are you both doing here early in the morning!"

"Good Morning Aunt" replied Richard.

Before she could say anything Krystal said, "Mom! I'll explain everything later, It's a long story! Can you please make a cup of warm tea for us? Please!!! Mom?"

She agreed and she started making tea while Krystal and Richard were chatting by the fireplace.

Krystal asked him in a confused mind, "Do we have any special occasion today that you had to come here early in the morning?"

Richard flicked her head and said, "You little fool! Don't you remember that today is our first month of dating? And today it's snowing for the first time so I wanted to give you a wonderful memory."

"Thank you so much! I had a great time my sweet polar bear!! What can I do to return your favor?" asked Krystal with eyes filled with hope.

"Then you owe me a debt today, okay? Will you be available today?" replied Richard.

Krystal blushed and said stuttering to herself, "I-I-I-think It's your lucky day."

Richard got excited when she agreed and said to her, " Make sure you be ready by 3:00 in the evening!" He said those words and left her house bidding her parents goodbye."

Her mother brought over the tea and she explained everything that had happened. Her mother then said, "It looks like he is really serious about you."

When it reached 3:00p.m Richard personally came to pick up Krystal. As they were walking, Krystal wondered and asked him, "Why didn't you bring your car?"

He smiled and said, "Because I like walking with you holding hands together. And also one day I'll come to pick you up with my personal car bought by my own earning."

She said looking at him with sincere eyes, "I felt touched right now!"

He laughed and they continued walking.

"Where are we gonna go today?" asked the curious Krystal as they were walking.

He replied, "Soon you'll know"

They took the bus on their way and they sat there leaning on each other at the same time holding each other's hand smiling and looking at each other. Soon they reached an ice house where they could do ice skating.

As they entered that very place, Krystal stated that she did not know how to skate. He then reassured her by saying that he could teach her.

They started skating with their hands held together. Suddenly Krystal slipped and her hair flipped and the moment she was about to fall off, Richard lifted her by her waist and pulled her closer to his side and the moment her face towards his, he gave her a sudden kiss.

She felt shy and said, "Am done playing this game."

They both went to change their shoes and later they went to visit a shop. There they saw couple hand gloves were on sale so they bought one and wore them from the moment they bought them.

They then went to a nearby restaurant for dinner and she asked him as they were having dinner, " I feel quite weird about our date today! The whole time you were looking at me as if today was our last date. Do you have something on your mind?"

He then faced down and said, "My whole family will be going abroad tomorrow to celebrate the winter holidays at my grandparents residence....So I thought I would miss you to the extent of not being able to bear the feelings, so I took you on a date so that I would feel better."

Her heart ache knowing the fact that they would be separated for some time but she smiled and asked him, "Raise your head! So when are you coming back?"

"I think I'll be back after 2-3 weeks" replied Richard.

She then said, "Go and have a nice time ahead with your family but promise me to give me a call every night!"

He then smiled and promised. After they had their dinner, he walked her back to her house. As they reached her house she said, "Thanks for today. Stay safe as you travel tomorrow. Safe Journey" She kissed him and said, "I've fulfilled the duty of being your girlfriend. Good Night!"

They waved at each other and they departed.