Presidential Suite

Jiang Yingyue was quite surprised. What did he mean with wanting to take revenge for her? She was confused as she turned around and looked at Han Qingshan with puzzled eyes.

Then she noticed that a storm was brewing in his eyes. He seemed anything but happy, his lips were tightly drawn in a straight line, and his eyes were flashing with anger.

"I made him join Imperial World with the purpose of burying him," Han Qingshan said ruthlessly and with a cold voice. "Being so daring towards you, how can I possibly accept it?" he was clearly mad, his voice was low and dangerous.

Jiang Yingyue was surprised. Had Han Qingshan signed him for this sake? But was that not rather bad? It might even backfire on him later, and she grew worried, but at the same time, she was also warm at heart that he had been thinking about it.

Han Qingshan saw her sweet smile, and the clouds of anger which had been occupying his mind suddenly vanished. He felt as if spring had come, and he was much happier now than he had been before.

After this, they had another five meetings with other celebrities. All of them signed with Imperial World, but where some were given certain resources, others were not. As to what lay behind the decision, Jiang Yingyue was not sure, but Han Qingshan seemed to know.

When they finished, Han Qingshan picked out the phone from his pocket and gave Song Liwei a call.

"They are all signed, go on and announce it," he said smilingly, and after hearing Song Liwei's answer, he quickly put down the phone and turned to Jiang Yingyue.

"Well then," he grinned. "You have never been to a hotel before, so going back to the condo seems to be a waste."

"Not at all," Jiang Yingyue shook her head like a rattle-drum. "If we stay at the hotel, you will have to spend money for a room, but if we stay in the condo, then it is free."

"This is free too," Han Qingshan instantly shot down her argument. "The hotel is owned by the Han Corporation, everything within it belongs to me, so even if we book the presidential suite, then it will cost nothing."

Jiang Yingyue's eyes widened in surprise, and although she wanted to be frugal, she could not help but be quite tempted. The presidential suite. That was not something she had ever experienced before.

Seeing the small stars that shone in Jiang Yingyue's eyes, Han Qingshan chuckled. He wrapped up all the papers and then took her hand and led her to the hotel counter.

"Young Master Shan!" The clerk behind the counter bowed when she saw Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue walking towards them.

"Is the presidential suite booked for tonight?" Han Qingshan asked politely. The clerk quickly went to check, and after checking, she shook her head. "No, it is free until next weekend," she said honestly, wondering why Han Qingshan would ask such a question.

"Then book it for me tonight," Han Qingshan said with a smile on his face, completely stunning the clerk, making her unable to comprehend the order that was given to her.

"I would like to stay in the presidential suite tonight," Han Qingshan repeated, and the woman finally nodded her head, booked the room and handed the keycard over to him.

"It is our pleasure to have Young Master Shan staying over at our humble establishment for the night," she said humbly.

"Thank you." Han Qingshan smiled at her, grabbed Jiang Yingyue's hand, and dragged her out of the hotel's lobby, out onto the street.

"Where are we going?" Jiang Yingyue could not help but ask. Han Qingshan did not answer, but smiled at her with an enigmatic smile and just kept pulling her.

They did not fetch the car, but instead walked down the street on their own two feet, puzzling Jiang Yingyue further. Were they not going far?

Soon she was pulled down the busy main street of the capital and into a posh-looking shop that specialized in male clothing.

Han Qingshan did not seem to really explain himself to Jiang Yingyue but dragged her towards a shelf where he picked a few t-shirts, sweaters, and jeans.

After he picked them, he quickly spread them out and measured them on top of Jiang Yingyue's body before he nodded his head approvingly and then slung them over his arm.

Jiang Yingyue was completely confused and lost in what he was doing, but without explaining anything, Han Qingshan let go of her hand and started searching through more of the casual clothes, picking some random pieces out.

In the end, he was standing with ten sets of clothes and was finally satisfied. He then proceeded to the counter where he picked up his black card and swiped it casually as if it was the most natural thing to do in the world.

When he received a few bags of clothes, the smile on his face was so brilliant that the shop assistant who had helped him check out his purchase was blinded, her entire being stunned.

At this point in time, Jiang Yingyue was standing behind him, so she noticed nothing, apart from the confused expression on the shop assistant's face.

When they finished, Han Qingshan took all the bags in one hand, and grasped Jiang Yingyue's hand again, starting to pull her with him out the store and back to the hotel.