Young Master is Devious

As they reached the hotel, Jiang Yingyue was still perplexed. What was the point of dragging her out of the hotel and towards a store to buy some clothes, and then back to the hotel? Did Han Qingshan have something planned?

Everything happened fast as Han Qingshan dragged her towards the elevator and into it. He smiled happily when he saw her confused expression.

As they reached the top floor, Han Qingshan used the keycard to open the door, and Jiang Yingyue's eyes widened in shock.

In front of her was a large lounge area. This area was filled with elegant and magnificent furniture, and it was clear that it was made for someone to enjoy life. There was even a bar in one of the corners which had every single type of beverage that one would want.

Jiang Yingyue looked around with wonder in her eyes and filled with excitement. She then noticed that Han Qingshan had released her, so she started going through the overwhelmingly large lounge area.

The lounge led into another room that served as the bedroom, and when she entered it, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

The bed was as big and magnificent as she had expected, but there was only one bed. Although it was an oversized king size bed, it was still only one, and Jiang Yingyue's excitement was suddenly dampened. Was she supposed to sleep with Han Qingshan?

She was suddenly quite nervous and wanted to retreat from the bedroom - out of sight out of mind, but when she backed away, she suddenly stumbled into Han Qingshan who was standing behind her.

His large arms wrapped around her slim waist and he pressed her back against his chest. "Why are you walking into my embrace like this?" he asked, his voice rumbling in his chest, and against her back.

The feeling was so warm and comfortable that Jiang Yingyue was feeling herself leaning back against his sturdy chest, her eyes closed in delight. But moments after she realized what had happened, and her eyes opened fast and wide before she stepped forward, broke free of his embrace, and turned around.

Her face was red, and she looked bashful. She dared not look into Han Qingshan's eyes, and the older male had a great smile on his face as he had clearly felt how she had leaned against him.

Seeing her blushing face and the bashful expression, he felt as if someone was nudging his heart, an unexplainable itch growing in his chest.

Jiang Yingyue was unaware of what Han Qingshan was feeling. She herself was much more muddleheaded when thinking about the fact that she was in a presidential suite with Han Qingshan, and that there was only one bed.

Was one of them going to sleep on the couch or sofa in the lounge area? Thinking like this, she calmed down again.

Han Qingshan was not aware that Jiang Yingyue had already decided that they would not sleep together, and was mightily pleased with his plan. Like this, he would be able to spend the night together with Jiang Yingyue.

He was quite proud of himself and his plan that he had concocted in a moment when Jiang Yingyue had said that she had never before stayed over in a hotel, and he could not control the smile on his lips.

Jiang Yingyue continued to examine the suite. The bedroom led out to a balcony that had a view over the most expensive streets in the capital, and another door led into the bathroom.

The bathroom was as big as the entire house that Jiang Yingyue's parents lived in. It had a great bathtub, a shower, and every necessity that one could want.

When Jiang Yingyue entered the bedroom, she looked behind her and saw that Han Qingshan had appeared. He reached out his hand and handed her two bags that he had gotten in the store previously.

Slightly startled, Jiang Yingyue accepted the bags before realizing what was happening.

"Change clothes," Han Qingshan said with a cheeky smile on his face. "I am bringing you out to have some fun tonight."

Jiang Yingyue was slightly confused. Going out to have some fun? Was this really a good idea? But when she considered the alternative, being in a room alone with Han Qingshan, she quickly nodded her head.

Han Qingshan gave a final glance at Jiang Yingyue, his eyes turning into crescent moons from smiling too much, and he turned around to leave.

Seeing him leave, she felt relieved and quickly locked the door before she opened the bags. The jeans that Han Qingshan had purchased were washed out and looked to have been worn a lot, but she knew they were new. On the back was the brand name, and those with better experience would be able to recognize it right away.

They were rather tight fitting, quite different from what Jiang Yingyue usually wore, but not to the point where it was like a second layer of skin, so she quickly changed into them.

Then she looked at the shirts. There was a t-shirt from the same brand, and it was on the slightly larger side, and finally came an oversized sweater.

Wearing it, coupled with her starry eyes and hair like raven-wings, she looked immensely handsome, even more so than a member of a Korean boy band.

Jiang Yingyue looked at herself in surprise, she had previously gone for cheaper brands that were easily available, but now she was wearing branded clothes, and she could not help but see that she was indeed much more attractive now than she had been before. Even her own heart started beating faster when she saw her own reflection in the mirror.