Let's Talk

Everyone within the room was watching with interest. Even Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue observed how Liu Lihua was being dragged out of the room by her friends in a less-than-flattering manner.

"He is dangerous," Han Qingshan suddenly said as he looked at Jiang Yingyue with a pair of black eyes filled with worry.

"Who?" Jiang Yingyue's eyes were trailing after Liu Lihua, so she did not catch the change in topic from Han Qingshan, only after blurting out the question did she realize who he was talking about.

"He won't ever harm me," she said with conviction. Although they had not seen each other for nine years, she believed that he would protect her if it ever came to it. To her, he was like an older brother figure, someone whom she trusted.

Han Qingshan's face turned ugly for a moment when he heard her words, but he quickly controlled his expression again.

"But I never expected him to be some sort of famous young master," she continued. "We grew up together in the rural countryside. What kind of rich family would send their young master so far away?"

The more Jiang Yingyue spoke, the more uncomfortable Han Qingshan felt. They were childhood friends? Did she trust him unconditionally? Why was it not him who had grown up together with her? Why was it not him she trusted that much? The beast within his heart was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws.

He wanted to be the most special person to this young woman. He wanted her to think only about him, and to care only about him.

He had already started to feel the need to possess her for himself, to lock her away so that no one else could see her, and to keep her all for himself, but he knew that she was bound to be a brilliant star, and stun everyone else with her shining light. She could not be locked up.

Just as Han Qingshan was about to say something, his phone rang, and he frowned. Looking down, he found that it was Hei Yi, and he knew he had to pick it up.

"Excuse me for a moment," Han Qingshan said as he left the room to find a silent place to accept the phone call, and Jiang Yingyue nodded her head.

When she was alone, she was looking at the young men and women who were dancing on the dance floor or seated in the booths talking about various things.

Many of them looked curiously at Jiang Yingyue too, but none of them went towards her to converse.

No one dared go to Zhou Yan either, fearing that they would be the next Liu Lihua, but suddenly He Julong stood up, went to the bar, got two glasses of wine, and surprisingly went towards Jiang Yingyue.

"Mister Jiang, it is an honor to meet you," he started with a smile on his face, however, the smile did not reach his eyes.

Jiang Yingyue was alert. She did not know this man, but she was aware that he could not possibly have any good intentions by coming over right now.

"Can I help you?" She asked while raising one eyebrow, her appearance so handsome that even He Julong felt his heart beat rather rapidly.

But although it was unconsciously increasing its pace, it quickly slowed down again, and He Julong felt rather annoyed that he had not been able to control his own heartbeat.

"I have heard so much about the famous Jiang Fengmian," He Julong said with a smile. "Everyone within our circle knows of Young Master Shan's new friend, and I am very curious about what kind of person you are. So here I am, ready to offer a toast to you."

Jiang Yingyue's eyes narrowed slightly. The man wanted to know her, but he had not even introduced himself. It was clear that he felt superior.

However, Jiang Yingyue was not willing to cause too much trouble. She knew that since she was invited by Han Qingshan, her actions reflected on him, so all she could do was to be polite and friendly.

"Sorry, I do not drink alcohol," Jiang Yingyue said as she lifted her cup of juice to show that she was not lying. He Julong was surprised. Not drinking alcohol? What a strange young person, but he knew he could not force her, so instead he just nodded his head. "What a pity," he said, the smile still ever present on his lips, not at all as if he truly found it a pity.

"Yes, it is indeed a pity," a voice suddenly sounded behind He Julong, and the man's eyes finally changed slightly. What was Zhou Yan doing with this commoner?

"I hope you will allow me to have a private conversation with this young man," Zhou Yan said as he looked at Jiang Yingyue with his usually cold eyes filled with warmth.

He Julong did not see the eyes that looked at Jiang Yingyue, he only heard the emotionless words, and he snickered.

Was Zhou Yan here with the purpose of buying Jiang Yingyue over? This would cause problems for both major families, and maybe the He family could be the fisherman fishing in troubled waters, so he quickly turned around, looked at Zhou Yan, whose eyes once again were completely cold, and nodded his head.

"Since Young Master Yan has something to talk with Mister Jiang about, then I will naturally retreat," he said, and turned back to his own booth.