You Better Explain

Jiang Yingyue sighed. She knew she could not escape this time, and she looked at Zhou Yan and Lin Qiang who sat down next to her.

No one said anything, they just looked at one another, and she could sense some indignation in Zhou Yan's eyes.

Finally, after a few minutes of awkward silence, she sighed, "Long time no see."

"That's all you have to say? After all these years and you think that's enough?" Zhou Yan asked, his voice trembling with anger.

"What do you want me to say?" Jiang Yingyue asked, perplexed. This boy was clearly still as hot-tempered as before; she could not help but think to herself.

"You should explain why you left like that," Lin Qiang said seriously as he looked at her. It was rare for his master to show emotions, but as soon as it was something that had to do with Jiang Yingyue, he would become extremely emotional.

"Looking at me now, is it not easy to guess why I left?" Jiang Yingyue asked, raising her eyebrows in surprise.