
Jiang Yinyue waited for a few hours before Han Qingshan's lectures were over for the day. She was waiting for this time, but she was nervous.

"Han Qingshan," she called out as soon as they sat down in the car, "I am a little worried and scared," she admitted.

"What if I get recognized by the people of Imperial World? Would they not make it difficult for me?"

Hearing this Han Qingshan chuckled. "What can they do? Just get rid of your fake ID right away, and they have no proof that you are the same person as long as you deny it."

Jiang Yingyue thought about it and realized that it was actually true. Even if people knew that she was Jiang Fengmian, without proof, there was nothing they could do.

Thinking like this, she realized that action was better than thought. She picked up a pair of scissors from her backpack and her fake ID and started cutting it into pieces and dumping the shards in her bag so she could incinerate them later.