Female Clothes

Jiang Yingyue hid in her room and sat on the bed, her hands touching the soft and natural wig in her hands she was unsure of what exactly to do with it.

She had not seen herself in female clothes for the past nine years; she had not dared to wear them at all, so she was quite worried.

When she had put her new clothes into the closet, she had seen that he had been so polite and even bought her lingerie, and her face flushed red as she looked at it.

She could not imagine what he had thought when buying it, but she had already cut her fake ID into pieces. It was no longer possible to be used. She was a woman through and through now.

It was already late, so there was no time for them to leave the condo again. Since it was late, she was likely going to sleep right after washing up. She had spent too long with her parents that day, and now it was time for her to return to the life of a woman.