Do You Like Me?

Feeling the passion from Han Qingshan, Jiang Yingyue began trembling. Everywhere she was touched by him was scalding hot, her breathing became ragged, and her mind shook.

Han Qingshan wanted more and more. He suddenly took a step forward and pressed her against the wall, as his hands started to roam all over her body, which was only covered by a thin nightgown.

The fingers left a hot trail on her skin, her mind became mush, and her legs were starting to become soft.

Sensing her body's reaction, Han Qingshan used his own to press against her, so that she was trapped between the wall and him. He lifted her legs and placed them around his waist as he deepened the kiss.

He felt that a powerful beast within him had awakened; it was as if he was no longer in control of his own body. All he wanted was to swallow Jiang Yingyue whole; his body was acting purely on instinct by now.