
The news of Jiang Yingyue's escape landed in Han Qingshan and Zhou Yan's news network an hour after her escape, and their hearts were beating rapidly when they heard what she had done to the Mu family's mansion.

"She's still quite wild," Zhou Yan commented with a low voice, his eyes displaying his shock. How much courage and guts had she needed to be able to flee like this from an underground force?

Han Qingshan was equally shocked. The Jiang Yingyue he knew was gentle and loving, she was sometimes dazed, and although she was intelligent, she was always so ditzy when she was together with him.

Seeing her reacting so fast and decisive was like discovering a new side to her, and he was intrigued.

While the two of them were talking to one another, Lin Qiang suddenly appeared with a band of bodyguards and two bound up people.

The two people were the Mu brother and sister.