Waking Up

Jiang Yingyue was huddled into herself in the top of the tree; her heart was beating rapidly as she looked around, wondering what she could do to escape.

She was terrified. Although she had been calm and collected at the Mu family, now that she had escaped she would never return to that place, and fearing that the Mu siblings had sent these men, her heart could not help but tremble.

She looked down fearfully, but the dogs were still clamoring, the big black-clothed bodyguards were also still standing there looking up at her with unchanged expressions.

Amid her horror, she felt as if she was crumbling down, but then she heard a voice that felt like a heavenly song to her, and she lifted her head that had been hidden in her bosom before.

Looking down, she saw a figure rushing through the forest and coming towards her, his figure all so familiar.