Who is She?

Jiang Yingyue looked at the school building in front of her. She had never expected that one day she would return here as a woman. It was so familiar to her, but at the same time it also felt very foreign.

This was the campus where she had spent three years of her life, but it was as if she was a ghost. No one remembered Jiang Fengmian any longer, it was a figure who was never close to anyone, and while many were enjoying the person's appearance, no one ever got close.

The three years spent here seemed as if they had gone in a daze. Jiang Yingyue remembered it, but at the same time, it had left no traces in her life. She never spoke with any of her old classmates; she did not even know how to contact them.

It had only been one year since she graduated as the persona Jiang Fengmian, but now she was back as Jiang Yingyue to retake that same exam.

Standing outside the gates to Riluo High, she took a deep breath and calmed her nerves down.