Finishing the Exams

It took some time, but as the final exam finished, Jiang Yingyue felt as if a weight had been removed from her shoulders. She had finally started something as herself. In the future, life would only get better.

She was excited as she exited the High School grounds, and when she stepped out on the roads, she saw that Yan Meilin was waiting for her.

Han Qingshan was unable to get away from a few board meetings, but he had sent his mother to fetch her so that she would not feel alone.

The care and consideration that the Han family showed her was overwhelming, and her eyes stung slightly.

"Our foolish son is busy finishing off the final work matters so that he can take ten days off and head to your parents place together with you," Yan Meilin said, as if she was afraid that Jiang Yingyue would feel bad about Han Qingshan not picking her up.