Teasing Han Qingshan

Han Qingshan subconsciously held Jiang Yingyue's hand. He was unsure about how her parents would react to the fact that he knew that she was a woman, and even worse, snatched her away from them.

Jiang Yingyue was also nervous, so when she felt him grabbing her hand, she held on tightly, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

As soon as they had knocked, only a few moments passed before the door opened, and both Jiang Wei and Xun Huiyin were standing in the doorway, looking at them.

Jiang Wei smiled amiably when he saw them, but Xun Huiyin had tears in her eyes, as she quickly ushered them inside.

"Dearest, you look stunning as a woman!" she said happily as she looked at Jiang Yingyue, who was now much different from how she looked before.

Her hair was long now; she still used extensions, although she planned on having them removed soon and getting a page cut, and she was dressed in a beautiful vintage dress with high heeled shoes.