The Town

The conversation throughout the evening was calm and casual. Han Qingshan slowly let go of his nervousness and began enjoying the atmosphere.

It was late into the night before their visit ended, and when it was finally time for Han Qingshan, and Jiang Yingyue to leave, all of them were somewhat reluctant.

"We will go out shopping tomorrow," Xun Huiyin said as she held Jiang Yingyue's hands in her own. "We will have some time without the men, and we can talk about how life is truly treating us."

"Then we'll go fishing," Han Qingshan said. "I brought a lot of fishing gear for Mr. Jiang; I am sure that we will each have a good day."

Just like that, the plans for the next day had been made, and the two youngsters gave their farewells before they returned to the hotel.

As they reached the rooms, Han Qingshan was sticking closely to Jiang Yingyue, kissing the nape of her neck as he stood behind her, pressing his entire body against her.