Logandra - Walking into a Trap

Alex attempted to open the car door… but Logan beat her to it.

He grasped the handle and leaned on the car. Suspicion rose inside of Alex. She mimicked his position but on the other end of the door. She crossed her arms over her chest, scanning his face. He wore a smug smile. The gleam in his eyes held mischief.

She loosened her scowl into a deadpan expression. "Aren't you going to open it?"

"Of course, milady." Logan beamed, pulling the door.

Alex moved to climb inside. She kept her narrowed gaze on Logan. There had to be a catch. As energetic as he was, this was a bit different. She proceeded with caution and twisted her neck towards the passenger seat.

Her eyes widened.

Sitting on top of the leather cushion was…

… a vase.

(A/N: A vase of flowers, guys. Sheesh.)

It contained a dozen warm-colored flowers. She saw their tall stems through the glass. A bit of water nestled at the bottom. Petals of purple, oranges, yellows and pinks spread across the top. They were thin and long, varying in layers. Some had two. Others had more.

Vibrant leaves circled under them.

Alex picked it up and held it at her eye level. "What flowers are these?"


"Any reason why you picked them?"

"They last long and they are easy to plant," Logan explained with a shrug, "You can have a patch of them at your house and look at them whenever you miss me."

Alex continued to admire the flowers. She checked out the center which held the seeds. It felt soft to the touch, almost like velvet. The petals also had the same smooth and silky surface.

"What? No witty comeback?" Logan joked when she didn't say anything. "No 'You are stupid. I won't miss you.'?"

"I was focusing on the fact that you chose flowers that are easy to plant," Alex admitted, astonished by the thought. "What a way to keep a bouquet alive. I'm actually impressed."

Logan shrugged, watching her reactions. "Thought you wouldn't want flowers since they'd eventually dry out. Had to think of a way. I didn't want fake flowers since it sounds predictable."

She took a whiff.

They smelled like sea water and mint.

Alex raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Did you spray your cologne in this?"

"Maybe?" Logan coughed. Then, he smirked, realizing something. "I'm actually touched that you know my cologne."

Alex rolled her eyes. "Forget that I asked."

She finally hopped inside and Logan shut the door. He jogged over to the driver's side while she placed the vase on her lap. It didn't have a lot of water so it wouldn't spill over easily. She snuggled against the backrest. The heater warmed her cold hands.

Logan leaned over and helped her with the seatbelt.

"Ready for the first date of your life?" He teased, turning on the engine. The convertible purred to life. He buckled his own seatbelt and stepped on the gas pedal.

Alex blinked at him. "Please drive carefully."

"When am I not careful?" Logan snorted. He pulled the steering wheel to the left and drove to the end of the street. "How would that vase survive the ride if I didn't drive carefully?"

"Point taken."

He sneaked a glance at the passenger side. Stunning gray eyes focused on the vase. Delicate fingers explored the different flowers. A small smile tugged one corner of the lips. He was tempted to ask about her thoughts.

Then, he changed his mind.

He would just keep this moment a secret.

Logan headed for downtown. More cars filled up the roads since it was Saturday. They passed by several eateries and bakeshops. It didn't take long to reach other commercial spaces. A wide three-story building stood near the town center. It showcased different stores and services such as salons, boutiques and fast food chains.

"We're here," he announced. He chose the closest parking spot and unbuckled his seatbelt.

Alex looked up and glanced out the window. "Where are we? We're still in Woodlands, right?"

"Of course." He snorted, stepping out. He wasted no time and headed for her side. When he opened the door, he reached for the seatbelt lock. His arm wrapped over her stomach to do so. He felt her stiffen.

Pretending not to notice, Logan took the vase and offered his hand.

Alex climbed down with his help. Once her feet landed on the pavement, fingers laced in between hers. They curled over the back of her hand. She realized how long and slender Logan's were. His hands trapped hers. His palm also felt rough.

Something she overlooked before.

Not letting go, the vase went into the backseat before Logan set the alarm.

He winked from the corner of his eyes. "Let's go."

He led her up the stairs. They passed by more shops. Alex took a peek. She spotted a hairdresser holding a sheet of foil. The woman talked animatedly with her client as she bleached the latter's hair.

Others had less activity.

Her attention lingered on a bookstore. Through the window, she saw the vintage interior. A wall of accessories stood at one side. She recognized some stationery items. Some furniture had been added. A customer sat on an armchair and opened the book she held.

It seemed like a cool place.

"Here we are!"

Alex snapped her head back towards Logan. They had stepped inside a shop before she could see its front sign. A small lounge greeted her sight. The left had a few lockers near a sofa set. The right had a shelf of board games and puzzles. Chairs surrounded a table for customer use if they wanted to play.

A counter filled up the middle. Three noticeable doors occupied several spots. They had no pattern. One was beside the counter, another beside the lockers and the last one stood next to the shelf.

A store representative beamed behind the counter. She wore a casual black shirt and tied her brown hair into a ponytail. "Hi, how can I help you?"

Logan walked up to her and returned the smile. "I'm here for the reservation under Logan Parker."

"Are you Logan?"

He bopped his head once. "That's me."

"Quite punctual." The store representative complimented him. She took out a clipboard and started writing. "We just finished cleaning the room for you."

Alex raised her eyebrows. "A room?"

She shifted her gaze towards the three doors. It had to be one of those. Nothing about their design hinted a clue. They were narrow and fitted only one person. A few flat screens played across the sofa set. She could hear the faint audio.

It still wasn't enough to give her an idea.

The store representative looked up. Her black eyes flickered from her to Logan. "Yes, you reserved Room A, am I correct?"

"Absolutely," Logan confirmed, already excited. He practically bounced on his heels.

"You're also familiar with the rules?"



Alex glared in Logan's direction. Did he expect her to walk into that room without context? Did her father know about this? Did he really approve it? Everything seemed questionable.

"I can tell you about it once we're inside." Logan told her.

She frowned. Yup, he didn't want her to know anything.

Alex sent prayers to the heavens.

"Alright!" The store representative clapped. She grabbed something under the counter and handed them over. "Let's get these blindfolds over your eyes."

Logan glanced at Alex, predicting her expression. Her annoyed scowl amused him. She probably hated how clueless she was. He didn't mind. The surprise would be worth it.

He took the blindfold and wrapped it around her head. "Just trust me."

Alex swatted his hands away, pulling the blindfold over her eyes. She waited for further instructions. A warm hand held hers and squeezed—a show of reassurance. Her shoulders relaxed a little.

At this point, she had no choice but to trust that things would be alright.

"Here we go," she heard the store representative say. The hand yanked towards her right. She followed it, walking in its direction. Her ears picked up the sound of a door lock. She guessed that they entered the room.

"I'll need you both to separate now."

The hand that held Alex disappeared. She stood still, trying to listen for clues. A faint clang pierced the air. She puzzled over the sound. It was too low and too fast for her to make out clearly.

A pair of hands grabbed her forearms. They guided her to another spot. She moved carefully, feeling cautious. She didn't know where Logan was. He didn't even speak.

For all she knew, he left.

Her own voice faded away. Nerves trembled under her skin. The lack of clues placed on her edge. Invisible walls seemed to close in on her. She took calming breaths, hoping they'd help.

The hands let her go.

Another clang of metal echoed in the room.

"I'll leave you to it then," the store representative said, slowly moving farther away. "Don't take the blindfold off until you hear the signal."

Alex scowled as she shuffled her feet. She whirled around. Static noise filled her ears. She blocked it out with her hands. Her breathing became ragged. She tripped over her feet, stumbling backwards.

She hit a wall.

Just what the hell was going on?

As if someone read her mind, a deep male voice flowed out of the speakers.

"John Doe was convicted for murder. After years in jail, he realized that he was framed. He recalled every part of the reports and the incidents. Clues eventually popped out in his memories. He was close to discovering the true criminal…"

"… but to find him, John must first escape," the voice declared. "And he did. Will you be able to figure the way out? Take a look."

Alex gulped and stood upright. The sound of a timer ticked per second. She pulled off the blindfold with her shaking hand. Her eyes blinked several times, adjusting to the light. With only one light bulb, most of the room was dim.

But one thing was for sure.

She was behind bars.