Trust and Believe in Love

Trust and Believe in Love

Urban283 Chapters1.2M Views
Author: CailinMatthews
Table of Contents

TRUST IN LOVE — Volume 1 (Completed)

TOTAL CHAPTERS: 238 (All Free)

SYNOPSIS: See below

To live a quiet life away from high society, 14-year old Alex left home and created a new identity. She changed her name as well as her gender. 

The catch? She'd lose it all if anyone found out.

To prevent exposure, Alex stayed in the side lines and avoided unnecessary interactions. Her cold demeanor drove the other students away. They eventually learned to leave her alone. It didn't take long for two years to pass by as she spent her days in blissful peace.

Her secluded life had kept her safe. 


That shattered when Logan Parker caught her with extensions in her hair, make-up on her face, heels on her feet and boobs in her dress.

Not one to give up, Alex needed to fool him.

But how?

How will she keep this web of lies afloat? Will her true identity stay as a secret? Or will her borrowed time be over? 

Take a peek and discover the biggest secret in this fiction world!


BELIEVE IN LOVE — Volume 2 (Ongoing)

TOTAL CHAPTERS: 21 (240-281, Free)

SYNOPSIS: Chapter 239


Chapter Update: Daily

Mass Release: Monthly

Bonus Chapter: Per Milestone

Trivia: Each Volume = One book

Caution: Grammar errors have not been edited because the paragraph comments would be erased if done so.

To keep with the consistency, any recurring error has remained. (@insert_nice_usrn: yeah, grammar nazis, I don't want my dear thoughtful comments erased from existence)


All Rights for the final cover belong to WN users, CailinMatthews, CookieJiyen & insert_nice_usrn for the exclusive use of the novel "Trust and Believe in Love"

> Credit for the cover's design goes to WN user, CookieJiyen, in collaboration with WN user, insert_nice_usrn.

> Font for the cover's text is from

If you have a very kind soul and want to boost my Cai-ffeine spirit, you can go here:

48 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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I love the story of a gender bender and this one is definitely one of the best one I have ever read. The story tells about Alex and how her life suddenly changed because of a 'little incident' in the school. It's full of comedy with numerous interaction with the other characters aside from the main lead. I won't go into detail as it would be a spoiler XD Now, for the writing quality, I give 5/5. The writing is very good. it conveyed what happened in the story very well, giving the readers clear picture of the events. As for grammar, don't ask me haha. My grammar is not perfect and from what I had seen, Cailin might have better grammar than me lol Stability of updates I give 5/5. Despite busy with her real life work, Cailin still gives daily chapter. It's satisfying (but the cliff will make you wish to flip table 😂😂😂like a certain cat in the comment section) Story development It might feel a bit slow at times, but it's also giving clear picture of the other characters aside of Alex. We could see that it's not a story only about Alex (well, of course she's the main and it's mostly about her) but there are also other characters that play important role and help the story to move. For that, I give it 5/5 Character design I have to say that each character in this novel has their own personality. Even though they only appear for a short time, but they have some distinctive feature that make them different from one another. I like how Cailin conveyed their emotion and thoughts. It's funny yet at the same time, easily relatable to us, the readers. For that, I give 5/5 World Background I give 5/5 for this So far, there's not much world background described here aside from school, Alex's house, and restaurant (I might miss some other places). As the focus is just in school, it's satisfying because the necessary information are there. It's precise and concise without much additional useless information. (though, some readers might want to know more of the overall background, for me, it's already enough. It's better to know bit by bit rather than just dump them all at once.) So, in overall, it's 5/5 😄 What I liked the most from the story is how easy for us to immerse in the story and experience what the characters are experiencing. The way Alex angry because of the assignment, her frustration because of her phone, the way she hated.... ops, it'll be spoiler if I continue 🤣 Anyway, in short, I really like the story and would recommend it for those who love comedy and lighthearted story. 😁 (with some occasional heart pain) Thank you very much, CailinMatthews 💙 Wish you luck and success!

5 years ago

As of this review, 100 chapters have been posted. I have no words to describe how much I love this story. The quality of the writing is definitely on the higher spectrum compared to other original stories that I have read. I have no complaints about the grammar or vocabs. It definitely deserves better ranking and more views. The author has such a knack of story telling that you'd end up wanting to know more. Each chapter makes you look forward to the next one. The author has put heart into each character and I can't stop loving them. I just adore each of them. There's no dull moment in the story so far and rather it keeps you on toes anticipating the next turn of events. I just love gender bender story and it's safe to say that this one is my fav so far. The protagonist Alexandra is a flawed character and I like how the author has not made her some extraordinary talented with some supernatural powers to be loved by everyone and win everything on the way as per the mc terms. I daresay that the novel focuses more towards character development, self actualization and slice of life rather than forced romance which is prevalent in most novels. My favorite aspect of the story is protagonist's growth. From being stubborn loner with insecurities, Alex is slowly opening up herself, changing her way of thinking and becoming more accepting and less stubborn, which has allowed her to foster positive relationship with other people. This is definitely a big achievement for Alex, given her strict background and past events which are her nightmares and still haunts her down. All the characters in the novel are so adorable that it wants me to ask for a separate novel for each of them. This story has its unique irresistible charm which makes it the brightest star among the clusters. Thank you for this wonderful story and I'm looking forward to see how the story unfolds further. I'm sure this is the most crucial and turning point in the story. Keep up the good work, dear author. 😊🤗😍❤💕💝

5 years ago

Better you cannot find. Best read thus far ever, especially regarding love story novels (note I didn't say romantic novels, because this book truly encapsulates all types of love and, it is like a superb, warm, tasty and perfectly thickined soup on a cold winters evening beside a fire place kinda of soup for ones soul. Reading this novel is my absolute favourite free time pastime and pleasure.

4 years ago

Shameless author giving my novel a review. People say us, writers, are our own critics which I think applies to any creator. We set out own standards really high that even when others say it's fine... to us, it can be far from fine. Very far. I decided to leave review here and voice those standards that I want this novel to live up to. 1) I aim to tackle a lot of romantic elements. Contrary to the synopsis, the story has multiple characters. I do say I want to try as many romantic elements as I can but will I have them all happen to the main leads? Absolutely not. That would be way too frustrating. 2) The genre may say that it's a romance but it's a story that focuses on love which actually comes in different forms and not just the common romance we know. That's why the story is tagged as "slow romance." Romance definitely plays a big factor but with that I'd also like to send messages. To not solely focus on having a love life for example. 3) Every part has a reason no matter how insignificant a chapter seems. In the first arc, I use a bit of parallelism to compare the growth that has happened. So when you think I may be dragging the plot... read on for a bit and tell me if the MC made the same mistake twice and didn't learn anything at all from the first time. 4) The story isn't face paced for a reason. I have an outline that already laid out the events and I have found out that the flow is disrupted if I try to pick up the pace. Not only did it affect getting to know the characters but also it feels more forced and thus makes less sense. 5) Lastly (cause I can probably talk all day), I am awesome. Kidding. Or am I? Lol, but seriously, I'm not about to tell you this is the greatest story you'll ever read in your life because even I don't think that but I do try to keep the flow smooth with some spice/unexpected things here and there. Basically, I wouldn't have published it if it was absolute trash. You can have faith in that last part. Did you reach this part? Aww, that's so sweet! For that, I give you my blessing to have an awesome day! Bai~~

5 years ago

I don't normally make reviews but what I like about the novel so far is how the author keeps the readers on their toes. Take the first arc for example. Just when us, readers, started to feel frustrated, the book takes a turn unexpectedly. In a good way. The event itself gives the sense of character growth and makes it worth waiting for! If that would be the theme for the rest of the novel, I'm here for it! It's very engaging.

5 years ago

I should give this a try! Author from The Rightful Queen is a good writer so this must be a good one too~ Also, genderbender is my cup of tea! :D The premise feels like a manga too with its slice of life substance ♡

5 years ago

I liked the weird feeling of the characters gave me in this story. You do not need to ask me to explain. I am not able to. That kind of warm spicy sour sweets- nevermind. Anyways this was a new taste in my mouth. Hmm you must also try and tell me if you got similar sensations. As if... You know what's going on but you cannot predict- anyways i better not try to explain. Enjoy reading.

5 years ago

Love, love, love, love, love!!!!! One of the best stories I have come across. I am so looking forward to journeying with Alex (and not just because we share a name. XD).

5 years ago

I am here to drop a review******!! Hi Cailin! Its meeeee! Anyhow, back to review. Okay, first thing first, the author already brought her readers into an interesting scene where the whole story started. By immersing the readers to get a view of how the upcoming scenes will be like, they will ensure more fun scenes will be coming. At least, that's what I had experienced. Simple description of the characters doesn't mean its lacking unless you bring life into them, which Cailin had done with both Alex and Logan. Hope to see more of these two! And also, any characters named Dee will be a favourite of mine. *hint hint*

5 years ago

I haven't read that much into the story but I'm already loving the two characters; Alex and Logan. I like how smoothly the author writes about each scenes and how it will develop into a more fun scene. Hope to see more about this and keep at it! I'll support from behind !!

5 years ago

Well this book is everything a person could feel while reading a book of a very well versed author This book is just a masterpiece 💜. At first I just read the first chapter and I was not sure to continue reading it but still after reading just the 2nd chapter I thought I was so wrong 😞 to think that... This book is one of my favorite one... After reading this book I have made my own rule that if I m not sure about any book I will read atleast 10 chapters and then I can be sure..... The author of this is also a very lovely person 💜 Thank u for this book

4 years ago

The story is hella fun and I say this even though it has only 6 chapters. The characters are relatable and their bickering is just so funny!! (Tho it seems Alex always wins. 😂) The story goes well, with no incoherences up until now, and the author... I just can't with her jokes!!! 😂😂😂 (I assumed it's a she cuz of her username.)

5 years ago

Great novel!!! It’s quite refreshing compared to all the other novels here on wn 10/10 would recommend to everyone. It’s so lighthearted and funny to read ^_^~ can’t wait to read more of Alex!!!

5 years ago

One of the best books I've read so far. Very interesting plot, very unique story. Strong family ties, family politics, strong friendships, all in one book!

4 years ago

Really really love this book. It different from the typical novel in webnovel. No heavy drama and too much face slapping with a damsel in distress character.. Can't wait for my ship to sailing.. 🍸🌹🌹🍸🌹🌹🍸 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🍸🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🍸 🍸🍸🌹🌹🌹🍸🍸 🍸🍸🍸🌹🍸🍸🍸 🍸🍸🍸🌹🍸🍸🍸 🍸🎁😊❤☺🎁🍸

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago