
BDE {Part 2}

Newt winced and looked around in dazed silence, hesitating as he saw one of the guys staring at him.

"Come on Blitz, he has a cute face. Let me have some fun." The guy whined and Newt scooched away nervously. Blitz snarled, chasing the guy out.

"No, he's the only thing we have towards money, if he's ruined they wont pay." Blitz spat coldly.

"You're boring. He looks like he'd make beautiful noises." The guy snickered and Newt whimpered fearfully. Blitz snarled, back handing the guy sending him tumbling out of the room and glared the others into leaving. Newt watched in fearful silence, shivering slightly in silence. Blitz calmly returned, handing Newt a tray of food and water.

"Eat." He ordered. Newt flinched and looked away in frightened silence.

"Eat or I'll throw that pendant into a hole of molten lava." Blitz snarled. Newt flinched away and quietly picked up a piece of bread, eating it quietly. Blitz watched, nodding his approval. Newt stared at the floor, shivering violently as he ate quietly. Blitz watched, approaching and gave Newt the pendant.

"Behave or I'll destroy that pedant." Blitz snarled. Newt whimpered and nodded quietly, putting the bread down and put the pendant around his neck before picking up the glass of water to cautiously sniff it. Blitz watched, sitting to observe Newt calmly. Newt took a small sip of water and shakily set it down before crawling back nervously in silence.

"Quit being scared, if we wanted to do anything we would've by now, enjoy your meal and hope your step parents can pay." Blitz stated. Newt whimpered and moved further away, shivering more as he curled into a corner quietly. Blitz watched, scratching at the mask he wore and looked around calmly.


Newt watched in fearful silence, not moving from his corner. Blitz watched, calmly chewing on gum and offered Newt a not trackable phone.

"Call and ask for three hundred dollars." Blitz decided. Newt whimpered and looked away in silence as he took the phone, shakily dialing his step moms number.

"M... mom... I... I'm scared... a-a-a group of people took m-me... they... want three hundred for me..." Newt whimpered fearfully into the reciever.

"Put your captor on the phone." Newt's step mom ordered and Newt looked away, nervously handing the phone over quietly. Blitz sighed and took the phone.

"Three hundred, untouched and completely safe." Blitz snarled.

"Nope, he stays if it's fifty." Blitz sneered coldly and handed Newt his coat to make him feel at home. Newt flinched and whimpered quietly.

"A bitch? A woman who doesn't give a shit about her kids?... He's now part of my gang, bitch." Blitz spat.

"He can do shit, better than you do... Kid what's you're name? If I'm gonna let you stay I need a name." Blitz stated. Newt hesitated before looking away nervously.

"I... I'm Newt." Newt whispered nervously.

"Im Blitz, want to start over? Sorry for scaring you." Blitz said offering his hand to shake. Newt gulped and looked away nervously.

"Newt you do this and you will be disowned from the family! Do you hear me!?" Newt's step mom screamed, her voice loud enough for Newt to hear.

"Shuttup, you're not blood related and I got the feeling that he would not be disowned by his real parents." Blitz spat continuing to offer his hand to shake. Newt bit his lip and shivered slightly as his step mom hung up, leaving him to try and understand what had happened.