
BDE {Part 3}

Newt stumbled along in silence beside Blitz who had introduced himself as Blaze, claiming that Blitz was a code name they used to avoid the cops. He looked around quietly, looking at where Blaze had a hold of his arm. Blaze looked at Newt.

"You ever hack before?" Blaze asked. Newt looked away in silence while nodding quietly. Blaze smiled, something he had started doing more and more, ruffling Newts hair in silence. Newt stared at his feet quietly and bit his lip quietly, still unsure on what was happening. Blaze watched, shoving a cookie into Newts mouth in silence smiling at him. Newt let out a startled sound, eyes wide with surprise as he quietly ate the cookie. Blaze smiled, amused by Newt and offered a drink of water to make it easier to eat. Newt accepted the water, sniffing it quietly. Blaze watched, quietly looking around as he enjoyed spoiling Newt. Blaze moved closer, hugging Newt tightly with a grumble.

"I... a... are you going to kill me?" Newt whispered nervously in silence.

"No, I'd never kill a gang member." Blaze stated. Newt bit his lip and nodded quietly while sipping the water quietly. Blaze watched, sighing and hugged Newt. Newt let out a puzzled sound and looked around in awkward silence.

"Uhm... s-sir... what are you doing?" Newt asked awkwardly and hesitated before trying to back away in uncertain silence. Blaze scoffed, scooping Newt up and carried him in silence.

"Um... sir, I can walk." Newt mumbled awkwardly while looking around quietly. Blaze adjusted his hold, huffing as he refused to let Newt walk.

"D... did I do something wrong?" Newt whimpered, figuring he was in trouble. Blaze spanked Newt, snarling loudly to say he liked holding Newt. Newt squeaked in surprise, hips jerking slightly from the spank. Blaze watched, amused and spanked Newt several times in silence. Newt let out small gasps and tried to stop Blaze, his hips moving more in silence. Blaze spanked again roughly, smirking since he enjoyed this. Newt let out a small whimper while panting more, slowly curling closer. Blaze smirked, playfully squeezing Newts butt in silence. Newt let out a small pleasured sound, blushing darkly as he tried to meekly swat Blazes hand away. Blaze smirked more, squeezing again starting to have a lot of fun. Newt moaned lightly as he jerked his hips, shivering slightly as he let off some heat quietly. Blaze smirked more, carrying Newt into his room and pinned him to sniff him eagerly. Newt let out small pants while letting off more heat submissively, looking away quietly. Blaze spanked Newt, choosing to toy with him. Newt let out a half plaintive sound, half moan, gasping more as he shut his eyes quietly. Blaze smirked more, crotch going itchy and pinned Newt fully to dry hump eagerly. Newt let out small pants while blushing slightly, trying to push on Blazes chest meekly.

"I... you're gonna..." Newt gasped lightly. Blaze moved closer, dry humping eagerly with growls. Newt let out sharp breaths as he moved his hips slightly in response, gasping more. Blaze moved closer, smirking as he pinned Newt. Newt let out small squeaks while looking around quietly, blushing more. Blaze moved closer, squeezing Newts butt suggestively. Newt let out a startled sound, blushing darkly while shyly moving closer, pressing himself to Blaze submissively in silence while looking away. Blaze smirked, puffing his chest out in a dominant way. Newt laid down in a submissive pose, blushing more while trying to cross his legs. Blaze kissed Newt, asserting his dominance. Newt returned the kiss quietly while gasping lightly and started to gently push on Blazes chest, trying to breathe. Blaze pulled away, happy with having done that and cuddled up.