
LD {Part 1}

Newt limped along in silence, blood running down his leg from a gunshot wound on his waist that he had tried to bandage, failing at it. He approached what looked to be an empty gas station in silence while wincing quietly. After wincing he slowly nudged the door open, looking around as he fumbled for his flashlight. He bit his tongue as the flashlight rolled under a display case and slowly limped inside, looking for medical supplies. Newt stumbled down an isle, leaning against a display case which made a trail of blood behind him that dripped to the floor. He stopped to inspect the contents of the shelf, shivering slightly in silence. Someone started cleaning his injury and bandaging it so Newt flinched then spun around at the contact, aiming a gun nervously, his other arm limp at his side. The guy instantly hid, the area going deadly silent. Newt looked around in silence before moving to keep searching the shelf quietly. Newt tensed as he heard footsteps and aimed his gun anxiously while trying to search quietly. The group finished baring Newt access to their camp, starting to point weapons at him in cautious silence. Newt tensed and shrank against the shelf, his fresh bandaging becoming dotted with red. The group watched.

"Why are you here?" One guy asked calmly. Newt stared in silence before slowly gesturing to his throat and shook his head slightly.

"Hes either deaf or mute, lower your weapons stupid and let him speak." The guy stated. Newt watched in tense silence, cringing slightly in pain.

"Why are you here? Answer." The guy demanded. Newt made several handsigns before wincing and curled away, shivering slightly.

"I dont speak sign language." The guy stated and approached gently patching Newt up and looked around. Newt cringed away, trying to shove the guys hands away which revealed whip lacerations on his arms as well as deep bite marks. The guy gently finished bandaging Newt, dragging him into his groups camp for food. Newt flinched away, trembling vissibly as he tried to get away. The guy gently made Newt sit, gently examining Newts throat and gave him some medicine while making him eat cooked beans. Newt let out shaky breaths, tensing quietly while looking around nervously. The guy gently made Newt eat.

"I'm Blaze, eat. This will heal your throat." Blaze encouraged. Newt flinched and quietly ate in silence.

"Hey it's okay, your safe now." Blaze soothed. Newt didn't show any sign of having heard, eating quietly while glancing around, waiting to be ambushed. Blaze watched, gently offering Newt his hearing aids. Newt flinched and shook his head then looked around anxiously. Blaze gently put them in, turning them on.

"Keep em, their wind powered." Blaze explained. Newt flinched and looked around in silence while hesitating quietly, shivering slightly as he tried to adjust to the noise.

"You hearing my voice?" Blaze asked as he put his spare hearing aids in to hear Newt. Newt hesitated before nodding quietly and looked around nervously.

"Want to join my team? We're all just survivors looking for a safe home." Blaze explained. Newt opened his mouth as if to answer, a painful squeak coming out. Blaze watched, gently checking and sighed motioning over a omega who quietly poured some really strong medicine down Newts throat. Newt gagged and coughed, trying to twist away with a panicked look. Blaze held Newt still, the medicine finishing its job and the omega backed off. Newt let out small panicked breaths, some blood dripping from his mouth from having the scabs in his throat reopened. Blaze watched, helping Newt rinse his mouth out as the medicine repaired Newts throat from the inside to the out.


Newt laid in silence on his side, looking around quietly. Blaze sat with Newt, offering a clean pair of pants. Newt looked over in silence before slowly sitting up and shrugged quietly.

"Try it on." Blaze encouraged. Newt hesitated as he took the pants and raised an eyebrow at Blaze quietly.

"Just try them on." Blaze stated calmly scratching his nose in silence. Newt made a shooing gesture while rolling his eyes. Blaze laughed, tackling Newt wrestling with him to change him succeeding in silence. Newt laid in embarrassed silence, face a bright red. Blaze smiled, watching Newt in silent amusement.

"You have a squishy ass." Blaze commented. Newt blanched and shoved Blaze before getting up, clearly embarrassed. Blaze laughed, standing to poke Newts butt.

"Squishy like a babies bum." Blaze teased. Newt blushed darkly and walked away, moving to get some food. Blaze followed, snickering as he followed Newt. Newt hesitated before looking through what food the group had in silence.

"We grabbed all the canned food, we've got enough to last a year if eaten right." Blaze stated. Newt considered this before making some handsigns quietly, his throat still healing. Blaze watched blankly, tilting his head in confusion.

"What?" He asked uncertainly. Newt hesitated before looking around, then shrugged awkwardly in silence. Blaze looked around, clearly not understanding Newts sign language. Newt made a dismissive gesture to try and say it didn't matter then limped toward his bed quietly.


Newt stared at the ceiling in silence, sighing quietly while slowly shutting his eyes, trying to sleep. Blaze returned from patrol, letting Ashure take night watch and looked at Newt in silence. Newt hesitated before looking over, having felt stared at. Blaze smiled, approaching and sat on Newt in silence. Newt looked around in awkward silence while making shooing gestures, trying to get up. Blaze laughed, kissing Newts hands choosing to be a pest. Newt hesitated before looking around quietly while shaking his head and gestured to a ring on his finger. Blaze scoffed, taking the ring off.

"Hes probably an asshole and dead anyways." Blaze stated. Newt bit his lip and shook his head slightly, gently nudging Blaze off before picking up a notepad and pen.

'He left me to die and is with a group. He said if I'm-'

Newt flipped the page after letting Blaze read it.

'alive he would marry me.'

Newt bit his lip and put the pen down, looking away quietly.

"So your one of those omegas, waiting for a knight in shining armor." Blaze muttered and backed off. Newt shook his head with a pained look and stared at the ground quietly. Blaze looked away.

"Have fun waiting for him." Blaze said and slunk away.