
LD {Part 2}

Newt quietly slunk away, having decided to leave to avoid hurting other people. He limped past the main entry point, moving toward the woods in silence. After some hesitation, he limped toward a small town, grabbing several items which included a basket, chocolate bars, pop, water, canned food and half a can of gasoline. He wrote a small note and put it in the basket, then carried it back and set it at the entry point before turning and continued on his way quietly. Newt limped toward a bridge, slowly slinking across it, taking his time since it sounded like it would break at any moment. He sighed and stared at his feet as he walked, deciding to put as much distance as he could between him and the group.


He sighed and sat in silence, eating some beans quietly. Footsteps are heard, followed by the basket being set near Newt as Blaze turned to walk back in silence. Newt glanced at the basket in silence, taking note that it was empty which meant that the group had accepted what he had given to them and shrugged before continuing to eat quietly. Blaze looked back.

"I didn't accept your offering, I'm not a dependent alpha." Blaze stated and crossed his arms. Newt took out a notepad, writing quietly.

'It was a thank you gift. And an apology.'

He slid the notepad over before looking away as he ate.

"I'm not accepting your thanks, and not your apology go be with that alpha. " Blaze stated and watched calmly. Newt stayed where he was in silence while shrugging quietly since he wasnt in Blaze's groups territory.

"At least I don't diss my omega mate and expect them to wait for me." Blaze snarled and left grossed out by Newt's choice. Newt looked away in silence while sighing to himself before he took out a bottle of water quietly. He quietly took a sip from it and soaked a rag, using it to wash up quietly.


Newt sighed and limped along in silence, staring at the ring on his finger quietly. after a few minutes, his betrothed approached with a smirk.

"No way... No freaking way. How have you survived this long?!" The alpha sneered and Newt bit his lip.

"Better question, how was it, leaving your 'gang of idiots'?" The alpha laughed and Newt whimpered fearfully as he was dragged closer by the hair, then flinched as the alpha touched his jaw while shushing him.

"I thought I told you no noise!" The alpha growled and forced Newt's jaw open before he started sliding his knife down Newt's throat. A gun shot was heard, followed by the alphas hand getting blown clean off. The man cried out in pain and surprise, eyes wide as Newt scrambled back, blood dripping from his lips.

"Get over here, right now omega!" The man hissed and Newt whimpered fearfully. Newt limped over with a terrified look, flinching as the alpha grabbed him and yanked him over, using him as a human shield.

"Back off!" The alpha shouted, his grip on Newt's arm tightening. The shooter shot the guy in the head, killing him. Newt jerked away from the corpse with a horrified look, shivering more. The shooter approached, watching Newt calmly. Newt whimpered fearfully and shielded his head with his arms nervously in silence.

"Quit cowering moron." The person snarled. Newt flinched, shivering more violently while shutting his eyes fearfully. The person rolled his eyes, turning and walked away.