
LD {Part 3}

Newt limped along in silence, ignoring the cold that had been becoming worse as winter approached. He looked around before sneaking into a convenience store quietly. After a few seconds he turned the flashlight he had on and looked around in silence. A group stood talking about something, deep in discussion. Newt faltered and looked away, turning the flashlight off and moved to leave quietly.

"Hey what was that?" One warned having spotted Newt's light. Newt stiffened and looked around anxiously before taking a step back nervously in silence. The group tensed, going deadly silent and quickly surrounded Newt. Newt let out frightened breaths, looking around in panic.

"Why are you here lil' omega, waiting for your 'husband'?" One asked. Newt flinched away, trying to limp to the door fearfully. The group didn't let Newt leave.

"Where's your fake husband?" The guy asked as Blaze was refusing to acknowledge Newt. Newt let out panicked breaths, flinching away.

"Forget it, hes too chicken shit to answer." The guy spat. Newt jerked away and stumbled back, curling against a wall fearfully. the guy watched, scoffing. Newt managed to dart past the group, stumbling outside while tears slipped down his face. He looked around in panic before running toward the woods quietly.


Newt stumbled along in silence, shivering slightly while he looked around in silence. He had run for a while, having gotten lost in the woods but didn't care, deciding to wander until he got bitten.

"Hey, you alright?" A omega asked as he approached. Newt flinched away in silence, limping along quietly.

"Hey stop, let's talk. " The omega said. Newt shook his head slightly and kept walking in silence. The kid followed, choosing Newt's company.

"You seem lost and lonely, wanna be my aunt?" The kid asked. Newt didn't say anything, staring ahead blankly as he limped along.

"Auntie, want food?" The kid offered some chocolate in a peaceful offering. Newt looked away from the chocolate in pained silence, crossing his arms as he limped along.

"I'm Fang." The kid Fang said, following Newt in silence. Newt bit his lip and kept walking, shivering slightly in silence. Fang walked with Newt, looking around in silence.


Newt sat in silence, his back to Fang as he stoked a fire quietly. Fang approached, sitting with Newt and hugged him with a sigh. The contact made Newt tense up and he awkwardly moved away in silence. Fang watched, cooking some fish and offered some cooked fish in silence. Newt bit his lip and shook his head slightly while looking away quietly. Fang ate some, showing Newt it was edible and offered it again. Newt didn't move to take it, looking away in silence while shaking his head again. Fang stuffed it into newts mouth, making him eat. Newt gagged as he hadn't expected it and quietly ate, staring at his feet quietly. Fang smiled, hugging Newt.

"I like you, you're like my mom." Fang stated. Newt looked away, not saying anything. Fang sighed, watching Newt.

"Can you be my mom?" Fang asked quietly. Newt shrugged and grabbed a stick, using it to write in the dirt.

'can't speak.'

He dropped the stick in silence. Fang nodded.

"I can lip read, and understand sign language." Fang admitted. Newt hesitated before slowly tugging Fang over in an attempt at a hug, the attempt feeling awkward. Fang returned the hug, smiling at Newt.