
LD {Part 4}

Newt walked in silence, hesitating quietly while looking around, holding Fang's hand quietly. Fang moved closer to Newt, to say he was with Newt. Newt bit his lip and led Fang toward a fishing store, searching it quietly. Fang looked around, helping by watching for danger.

"Well well well... aren't you pretty." An alpha smirked as Newt stepped into the isle he was in, winking at Newt. Newt glanced around, realizing the alpha didn't know he was with Fang. Fang tensed, shifting from foot to foot. Newt took a step back and the alpha chuckled.

"Aww, don't be shy. We can have some fun." The alpha laughed. Fang watched, sneaking around and lunged stabbing the alpha in the neck as he tackled him. Newt hesitated before stumbling over and gently hugged Fang, shivering slightly. Fang returned the hug, stomping on the dead body killing the possible zombie. Newt led Fang outside and froze, finding that they were surrounded by the group he had left. He quickly shoved Fang behind him to protect him.

Fang watched the group, watching them leave and looked at Newt quietly. Newt bit his lip and looked away in silence. Fang watched, hugging Newt to confort him.


Newt sighed and stared at the sky in silence. Fang sat on Newts chest, smiling at him. Newt looked away in silence, not smiling. Fang hugged Newt, asking for attention. Newt stared at a tree in silence, not saying anything. Fang cuddled up, sighing in silence. Newt closed his eyes quietly and slowly moved so he was staring at the sky again. Fang watched, looking away and moved to go sit down hugging his knees. Newt bit his lip and slowly stood, doing some sign language for 'be right back, stay here and keep the fire hot' then limped off in silence. Fang nodded, looking around as he stirred the fire. Newt slowly approached a woman he had seen earlier.

"Have you given my offer any thought?" The woman asked and Newt nodded, gesturing for her to follow. Newt hesitated before leading her toward Fang and waved to get his attention. Fang looked over, tilting his head while he cleaned his knife.

"Hello little one. My name's Harriet." The woman greeted with a friendly smile. Fang inched away, warily watching. Newt made an 'it's okay' gesture to Fang quietly.

"I am in the group Right Arm and me and your... mom... had a run in a while back." Harriet explained calmly.

"I don't trust you." Fang replied remaining out of reach.

"So... he hasn't spoken to you...?" Harriet asked awkwardly while Newt looked away in silence. Fang watched, inching back.

"'Bout what? I understand sign and lip reading." Fang stated. Newt hesitated before slowly moving so he was at eye level with Fang and started doing sign.

'I found you a mom. She has experience raising children and she has a group to keep you safe. Walls, food, weapons. Everything I tried to get you.' Newt looked away after.

"No! I dont want a random woman!" Fang replied standing and ran off refusing her. Newt hesitated before quietly following Fang, gently hugging him. He hesitated before making Fang look over.

'I am unfit to parent, you know that. Parents don't ignore their children, don't make them do dangerous things.' Newt bit his lip quietly. Fang shook his head, crossing his arms.

"No, i dont want a different omega as my mom." Fang said refusing to accept the other person.

'I don't want this either. But at this rate you'll wind up bitten or starve. I am a bad parent.' Newt wiped his eyes quietly and looked away in silence.

"I can fend for myself, I dont need or want a different mother." Fang argued still refusing. Newt bit his lip and shook his head slightly, slowly standing.

"What's the decision?" Harriet asked while Newt glanced between them uncertainly in silence.

"No, I'm not getting a random mother, I like the one I have." Fang snarled lowly refusing stubbornly. Newt looked away in silence while slowly taking a step back, trying to make Fang feel pushed away. Fang looked at Newt, than at the woman and bolted refusing her. Newt cringed and followed Fang, freezing as he slowed down, hearing shouting up ahead.

"Drop it!... Good. Now... turn." A voice ordered. Newt crept closer to see Fang get roughly pinned by an alpha. Fang glared at the alpha, spitting on him and kicked biting the alpha viciously. The alpha ignored this and started to unbutton Fang's pants when Newt crashed into him, machete ready. He started slashing at the alpha, forcing him back and checked on Fang. As he did, the alpha aimed, shooting him in the waist. Fang yelped, spooked by the bullet then glared very icily and lunged impaling the alpha in the head through one eye with a rock kicking him back and helped Newt up dragging him back.


Newt laid with a pained look, slowly bleeding out since Harriet had taken their belongings and left when they had run off. Fang removed his baggy hoodie, revealing some of their supplies tied to his body and used the first aid kit saving Newt's life. Newt winced and tried to sit up, blood dotting his bandages. Fang made Newt lay down, sitting in silence.

"Why'd that guy try to take my pants?" Fang asked innocently. Newt bit his lip and slowly did the hand signs.

'He was looking to rape you. I'm a bad parent.' Newt looked away in silence. Fang watched, cuddling up.

"No you're not, you saved me and I saved you... oh and I didn't trust that... woman, I swipped the supplies hiding them on me." Fang explained. Newt listened in silence before gently petting Fang. Fang smiled, nodding to say he understood Newt.

"Can i stay?" Fang asked. Newt sighed and quietly nodded.