
JTO Characters

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* Newt Isaacs -> (Outside of Jumanji; Brown jacket, white t-shirt, blue jeans, black sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; Tan leather armour, tan leather guantlets, brown leather pants, brown sandals, woodland elve, druid [Wolf, dragon, horse, panther, dolphin]) (Strengths; Linguistics, Ninjutsu, Muay Thai {hand-to-hand combat}, speed, sneak) (Weakness(es); Arrows)

Grimm Moonstrider -> (Outside of Jumanji; Baggy camo coloured clothes, black boots) (Inside Jumanji; Ancient elven armor, elve) (Strengths; Weapons, parkour, geography, maps, tracking) (Weakness(es): Pollen)

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Blaze Kinx -> (Outside of Jumanji; Black hoodie, blue jeans, grey sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; White tank top, beige hoodie tied to his waist, brown cargo pants, green sneakers) (Strengths; Agility, flying, fire, the Smolder, advanced hearing/smell) (Weakness(es); Peanuts)

* Thomas Greenie -> (Outside of Jumanji; Blue sweatshirt, black jeans, black sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; silver armour, silver boots) (Strengths; Bargaining, endurance, speed, advanced reflexes, Telepathy) (Weakness(es); Swords)

* Zart Ferma -> (Outside of Jumanji; ) (Inside Jumanji; Gray under shirt, brown leather pants, brown leather cheastplate, brown boots) (Strengths; Gardening, herbology, tracking, writing, fishing) (Weakness(es); Fire)

* Nick Laforte -> (Outside of Jumanji; Blue t-shirt, blue jeans, black sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; White robe, gold sandals, wizard [Light, lightning, fire]) (Strengths; Reading, writing, leadership, time keeping, endurance) (Weakness(es); Self confidence)

* Alby Forest -> (Outside of Jumanji; Orange shirt, white jeans, black sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; White shirt, brown scarf, brown pants, brown boots) (Strengths; Strength, endurance, speed, bravery, loyal) (Weakness(es); Self control)

* Gally Smith -> (Outside of Jumanji; Brown shirt, black jeans, black sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; Gray tank top, blue pants, black sandals) (Strengths; Distractions, lie, strength, underwater breathing, night vision) (Weakness(es); Anger issues)

* Aris Jones -> (Outside of Jumanji; White t-shirt, brown carto pants, black sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; Brown vest, black robe) (Strengths; Lie, swim, sneak, weapons, Tae Kwon Do {hand-to-hand combat}) (Weakness(es); Mosquito bite)

* Minho Park -> (Outside of Jumanji; ) (Inside Jumanji; Brown leather armour, white under shirt, brown leather pants, black sandals) (Strengths; Agility, jump, endurance, speed, karate {hand-to-hand combat}) (Weakness(es); Snow)

* Ben Ryian -> (Outside of Jumanji; Black sweater, gray jeans, black boots) (Inside Jumanji; Gray leather armour, brown leather pants, gray shoes) (Strengths; Agility, speed, reflexes, endurance, sneak) (Weakness(es); Infection)

* Teresa Agnes -> (Outside of Jumanji; Blue blouse, blue jeans, black high heels) (Inside Jumanji; Blue dress, black sandals) (Strengths; Lie, steal, sneak, weapons, tai chi) (Weakness(es); Trustworthy)

* Winston Baker -> (Outside of Jumanji; White sweater, blue skinny jeans, black boots) (Inside Jumanji; Black leather armour, black steel boots) (Strengths; Meat skinning, hunting, poison, tracking, weapons) (Weakness(es); Swim)

* Clint Odey -> (Outside of Jumanji; White tank top, blue skinny jeans, white sandals) (Inside Jumanji; Black chestplate, white undershirt, white pants, black boots) (Strengths; Healing, map reading, healing, swim, climb) (Weakness(es); Endurance)

* Jeff Zeleny -> (Outside of Jumanji; Green camo sweatshirt, blue jeans, black boots) (Inside Jumanji; Gray shirt, brown pants, black boots, brown backpack) (Strengths; Supply carrier, steal, lie, dance fight, fake death) (Weakness(es); Strength)

* Brenda Durrant -> (Outside of Jumanji; Green tank top, grey jeans, black sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; Black steel armour, black cloak and hood, no footwear) (Strengths; Marksmanship, gunsmith, sneak, judo {hand-to-hand combat}, infatuation) (Weakness(es); whip)

* Harriet Rogers -> (Outside of Jumanji; Gray sweater, blue cargo pants, black sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; Brown tunic, white skirt, brown sandals) (Strengths; Strength, speed, stamina, cooking, judo {hand-to-hand combat})

(Weakness(es): Cake)

Leo Rochez -> (Outside of Jumanji; Blue t-shirt, torn white jeans, gray sneakers) (Inside Jumanji; Ninja attire similar to the Naruto anbu gear but with a hoodie as well, druid [Fox, leopard, house cat, horse, griffon]) (Strengths; First aid, swim, nature, cooking, speed)

(Weakness(es): Blood)