
LD {Part 6}

Newt stared at Blaze in awkward silence, hugging Fang quietly. Fang returned the hug, smiling at him while Blaze smiled moving closer to poke Newts leg. Newt jumped and stumbled back in awkward silence, unsure of this. Blaze watched, tilting his head while Fang looked between them. Newt hesitated before taking an awkward step back.

'I told you he hates me. This is awkward.' Newt looked at Fang quietly. Fang shoved Newt, making him kiss Blaze who blushed darkly surprised by this. Newt gasped in surprise, flailing his arms around before pulling away, doing the hand signs for 'I'm so sorry' several times. Blaze moved closer, catching Newt and kissed him again having liked that while Fang smiled, calling them cute. Newt let out a startled breath, eyes wide with confusion as he watched Blaze. Blaze moved closer, holding Newt there to say he liked this kiss. After a few seconds of silence, Newt shivered and slowly returned the kiss in silence. Blaze blushed, responding to the kiss affectionately.

"Blaze?! The hell?! You're supposed to be my alpha!" Teresa screeched as she shoved Newt away who stumbled awkwardly. Blaze looked over.

"It's called I don't date lying omegas, plus it's not like we're married or anything, I'll only get serious when the omega is serious." Blaze retorted while Fang caught Newt steadying him. Newt nodded his thanks to Fang and watched Teresa glower at Blaze.

"What do you mean 'lying'?!" Teresa growled lowly. Blaze crossed his arms, rolling his eyes as he walked away refusing to deal with her. Fang watched, than looked at Newt.

"What's hell mean?" Fang asked. Newt wiggled his finger in Fang's face in a way that said 'no repeating it' then moved to lead Fang away, figuring the group was moving on. Blaze returned, stopping them.

"Join my group." Blaze offered. Fang grinning to say hed learned a bad word. Newt gave Fang a warning look and looked at Blaze in silence while hesitating quietly. He glanced at Teresa over Blaze's shoulder who glared at him then looked away uncomfortably. Blaze sighed, taking that as a yes and approached deciding to invite them. Fang looked around innocently, grinning in amused silence. Newt moved to back away awkwardly, bumping into Fang.

"It's okay, you can be close." Blaze said while Fang stumbled back a step. Newt hesitated before nodding and stared at his feet quietly in silence. Blaze smiled, amused by this. Newt awkwardly shuffled past, leading Fang along in silence. Fang smiled, innocently following Newt in silence.