
JTO {Part 3} Grimm's POV

"My apologies but this is a preposterous reason to shut down a game! Claiming that our game 'absorbed' someone sounds like the bull that a desperate company would say to have us shut down! Good day." The Jumanji help desk person snapped before hanging up on Grimm.

"Guess I'll have to create a program which stops people from downloading Jumanji..." Grimm muttered getting to work on it in silence.

"What about Newt?!" Alby argued, a hand on Blaze's back to comfort him.

"Grimm's making a virus to open Jumanji up and try to hack Newt out... Grimm's a expert at technology..." Blaze stated as he watched Grimm work.

"But what if the game breaks?! And what if it does the opposite?" Alby asked nervously in silence.

"He won't, he's the world's best hacker and he makes games if it breaks he'll fix it." Blaze replied looking over. Alby shrugged and yelped before vanishing, Blaze following and then Grimm as the loud thumping began again.