
JTO {Part 4}

Newt walked in silence, looking around nervously before something slammed onto his back, knocking him down. Grimm stumbled, leaping back cursing a storm as he glared at the world around him clearly pissed off. Newt winced and slowly stood, rubbing his side that Grimm had collided with. Grimm looked over.

"I'm calling the cops, I ain't staying in this hell of a virtual game shit thing." Grimm snarled digging his phone out. Newt watched in Silence while hesitating quietly.

"I'm giving this game a horrible review, it don't deserve shit for forcing me to play it's stupid world shit thing." Grimm snarled starting to review the game and put one star putting his review in as very bad. Newt sighed and looked away in silence.

"Um... d... did anyone else get pulled in?" Newt asked awkwardly. Grimm nodded.

"Yup Blaze the guy who hates video games, and Alby.... Now to call the cops..." Grimm tried calling, preffering to try and get out.

"Is it working?" Newt asked hopefully. Grimm sighed.

"Barely, I called Crypt, hes suing the Jumanji company forcing them to research ways to get us out..." Grimm stated. Newt bit his lip and nodded quietly while looking around nervously.

"Well good news, we have to stay put for three hours or so before we see any change... Crypt said my hacking has left a small opening for the researchers to work on saving everyone." Grimm stated looking around awkwardly crossing his arms.

"That's a rel-" Newt stopped as he heard the loud thumping that he had come to associate as the in-game version of a warning. Grimm tensed, moving so he sat after climbing a tree as he refused to stay on the ground.

"What are you doing?!" Newt asked nervously, looking around quietly. Grimm watched.

"Refusing to play, I'm not playing this hell's game I'll beta test in real life not in some virtual hell shit game." Grimm stated.

"We have to go! You'll die!" Newt argued, gesturing to his arm that showed two lives.

"It's a stupid virtual world, I'm not playing this shit." Grimm spat refusing to move. Newt paced anxiously before taking off as a large swarm of hornets started flying toward them, the hornets the size of fry pans. Grimm watched, than ran choosing to fight or flight as he didnt like this and looked at Newt uncertainly.

"Have I said I hate Jumanji!" Grimm snarled coldly. Newt nodded as he ran, then leaped off a cliff, moments later a splash being heard. Newt swam to the surface and squinted up at Grimm.

"Jump, come on!" Newt called anxiously. Grimm bit his lip, showing signs of fear.

"Hell no! That's a freaking cliff!" Grimm replied anxiously.

"Yeah, a cliff with water. If you don't jump you'll die!" Newt argued. Grimm watched, than jumped shutting his eyes in silent fear. Newt watched and swam over, helping Grimm onto land while the hornets retreated. Grimm looked around.

"I'm gonna need therapy, and a hell of a lot of money for playing this shit of a game." Grimm snarled still annoyed. Newt nodded and stepped onto land, looking around.

"I... I think we're safe. For now." Newt mumbled awkwardly. Grimm shrugged.

"And I'm not doing shit for this game, it can rot for all I care." Grimm retorted as he dried himself off quietly texting Crypt. Newt sighed and looked around in silence while hesitating quietly. Grimm sat, texting Crypt as hed refused to look around. Newt hesitated before quietly moving to wander around, wandering further away from Grimm quietly. Grimm watched, sighing.

"Newt don't go to far, you might trigger a stupid event and I want no part in it." Grimm warned awkwardly remaining where he was stubbornly.

"The events are on a timer. Whether you move or not things will happen." Newt returned quietly. Grimm scoffed, standing and stomped on the ground.

"Well I sure as hell ain't doing this I'm not playing." Grimm declared and stood arms crossed busy texting Crypt. Newt shrugged and kept walking in silence. Grimm sighed, than stiffly followed Newt grumbling about how bored and how he wanted to go home and forget about that game.


Newt looked around in silence as they walked, hesitating quietly.

"I um... I know this isn't the place but um... did... Blaze ever talk... about me?" Newt asked awkwardly. Grimm looked over.

"A little, I'm not close to him that's something to ask Crypt." Grimm replied calmly walking as he looked around.

"Oh um... thanks. W... Was what he said good or...?" Newt looked away in embarrassed silence.

"Yeah, said you were kinda cute but he has social anxiety so he lacks in talking his emotions." Grimm stated.

"Oh... I um..." Newt looked around in awkward silence. Grimm sighed.

"Two hours until something happens." Grimm stated. Newt nodded and looked around in silence as they approached a city. Grimm stopped.

"No way, I'm not going in a fake town." Grimm huffed crossing his arms stubbornly.

"Then you wait here and I'll get us some food." Newt shrugged awkwardly in silence. Grimm shook his head.

"I'm not eating virtual shit, I'll wait until we get out and go to DQ or something." Grimm replied stubbornly.

"My dad won't let me have DQ." Newt whispered awkwardly and walked into the town. Newt sighed and looked around the town in silence.


Newt walked out with a bag of supplies, looking around quietly for Grimm. Grimm approached, sighing.

"Took long enough." Grimm said as he walked over.

"Sorry." Newt whispered and looked around anxiously in silence, a bruise on his neck. Grimm approached, noticing.

"We're gonna go set up camp, and no more going anywheres alone." Grimm replied. Newt hesitated before nodding while staring at his feet quietly. Grimm looked around, sighing and used his eyes searching for a good spot to set up camp and wait for rescue.

"Uhm... we should get in the trees... Ferals come out at night." Newt returned quietly.

Grimm looked over, "Ferals?" He asked treating this like sort of real life.

"Um... alphas that are wild and want to make omegas have their offspring or omegas that are wild and form omega colonies to draw a alpha away and be mated." Newt explained awkwardly in silence.

"Good idea, you look for a good spot... And wild alphas? Sounds like stories from old times." Grimm said. Newt nodded and moved to look for a good tree quietly. Grimm followed, looking around in silence. After a few seconds, Newt nodded to a tree.

"This one's good." Newt mumbled awkwardly. Grimm nodded, climbing up and offered a hand to hoist Newt up into the tree.

"Got bad news, the Jumanji company turned around and hacked the movies to make people watch us as well as other captives survive this hell." Grimm stated. Newt moved to accept the help before looking around uncertainly in silence. Grimm quietly helped Newt further up the tree, moving so he could watch for danger in wary silence. Newt hesitated before gasping as something grabbed his leg, trying to drag him out of the tree while he clung to the tree fearfully. Grimm kicked the thing, snarling as he punched it away and yanked Newt up the tree to glare at what was down on the ground.

"Feral alpha." Newt whispered nervously, gesturing to where the feral had licked his leg in an attempt to excite him. Grimm sighed, gently wiping it off to help Newt and resumed glaring at the thing below hugging Newt tightly to comfort him. Newt hesitated before looking away quietly.

"I... I'm sorry. If I hadn't gotten stuck in here you wouldn't be stuck." Newt mumbled awkwardly.

"Not your fault, I actually was trying to hack it to get you out... And I messed up and accidentally added shit to the game." Grimm replied.

"Like?" Newt asked anxiously.

"I added skyrim shit to it, Naruto, and a couple other random shit for no reason." Grimm stated.

"Wait... um... did you... add the... tentacle... thing?" Newt asked awkwardly.

"I added everything from all the things I mentioned so yeah I guess so." Grimm shrugged awkwardly.


Newt walked in silence, ignoring the feral alphas that were following them from a distance, waiting for them to go in heat. Grimm rolled his eyes.

"They're shit heads." Grimm declared disliking being followed.

"At least they aren't doing anything." Newt mumbled awkwardly. Grimm nodded.

"I gotta take a piss." Grimm grumbled.

"Oh um... I'll distract the feral." Newt offered awkwardly and moved toward the feral, acting curious. Newt watched the feral in silence, hesitating quietly. Grimm finished, fixing his pants and returned to Newt motioning him over to say hes done. Newt looked over in awkward silence, having been pinned to a tree while the feral sniffed him curiously. Grimm kicked the feral off, helping Newt up to walk with him.

"Assholes need to learn boundaries." Grimm huffed. Newt nodded and sighed awkwardly in silence. Grimm looked around, keeping a eye on the ferals.

"Why don't they just go bang feral omegas?" Grimm asked curiously.

"It's hard to explain." Newt mumbled. Grimm looked over.

"May as well explain it, gives me something to listen to." Grimm stated.

"Well basically they have the same sperm? But it reacts differently in non ferals?" Newt shrugged awkwardly. Grimm watched.

"So they can't mate with their own kind... Thats shitty." Grimm commented awkwardly. Newt nodded and looked around in silence while hesitating as he saw two alphas approaching.

"Who the fuck?" Grimm asked awkwardly watching uncertainly. Newt shrugged, watching the alphas stop.

"Hey we're looking for two guys. Have you seen anyone named Grimm and Newt?" The first alpha asked.

"How the hell do you know my name?" Grimm asked uncertainly.

"I'm Alby, dumby." Alby scoffed and Newt gave an awkward wave in response.

"I'm Grimm, Newt is the one next to me thank god we've found two actual alphas who don't want to mate rape." Grimm stated while Blaze looked around

"I'd mate you any day." Alby joked and winked at Grimm before clearing his throat.

"Right so... we um... need to figure out how to get out of here." Alby added. Grimm blushed slightly.

"Crypt is working on that, said they've built a portal gate way thing to go in but cant come out yet." Grimm stated not minding the wink. Alby nodded and glanced at Blaze before whispering something to him. Blaze blanched, wiping his mouth acting like he was coughing while Grimm looked around in tense silence. Newt looked around in awkward silence before moving to build a fire quietly. Blaze followed, offering Newt support. Grimm looked around, keeping a eye on the ferals.

"Um... I can make a fire." Newt mumbled awkwardly while watching Blaze quietly. Blaze nodded.

"Just thought I'd offer help." He said.

"Um... no offense but... if Teresa catches you talking to me I'll be dead so..." Newt looked away in awkward silence. Blaze looked uncertain.

"Who? I dont know Teresa." Blaze stated. awkwardly.

"Uh... the chick that followed you when Gally was showing me the game." Newt shrugged and looked around in silence.

"She's not my girlfriend." Blaze stated.

"But she said you were gonna marry her so you were off limits." Newt mumbled awkwardly while looking away quietly, then flinched with a small 'owie' as he burned his hand on the coals of the fire. Blaze checked, gently cleaning the injury and watched Newt.

"No I'm not marrying anyone at the moment." Blaze replied. Newt blushed slightly, looking away quietly.

"R-right sorry. My bad." Newt mumbled awkwardly. Blaze watched, sighing as he looked around. Newt let out an awkward sigh and moved to add wood to the fire quietly. Blaze watched, than patted Newt's arm in silence. Newt looked over with a puzzled look.

"What?" Newt asked awkwardly. Blaze smiled.

"You gay?" Blaze asked curiously.

"I um..." Newt looked around in silence while nodding quietly. Blaze nodded.

"I'm gay." Blaze admitted. Newt blushed and nodded, staring at the fire in silence. Blaze smiled, moving closer and sat with Newt.

"Ya know this world isn't so bad." Blaze stated.

"Can't argue there. In the real world..." Newt hesitated before shaking his head slightly.

"Doesn't matter." Newt mumbled awkwardly. Blaze looked at Newt.

"In the real world what?" Blaze asked. Newt sighed and hugged his knees to his chest.

"Cancer's a bitch." Newt mumbled quietly.

"Oh... Well why don't we stay here? I mean it's safer for us here." Blaze offered. Newt slowly looked over with a startled look.

"What about your mom and dad? Brothers?" Newt asked awkwardly.

"My mom hates me, my dad couldn't care less, and my brother's are probably gonna come rushing in here anyways." Blaze stated. Newt gave a small nod before stoking the fire quietly. Blaze inched closer, hugging Newt. Newt let out a startled sound and looked around in silence while hesitating quietly.

"What?" Newt asked. Blaze smiled, cuddling up in silence.

"Lets be more than friends... And never leave." Blaze offered.

"What do you mean by 'more than friends'? Like... best friends?" Newt asked while tilting his head cutely. Blaze moved closer.

"Like boy friends." Blaze stated. Newt became a dark shade of red, looking away shyly. Blaze smiled, cuddling up to wait for Newts answer.

"I... I mean... you uh... you... want me?" Newt asked hopefully while looking over. Blaze nodded, moving closer and kissed Newt.