The Mysterious Kindred (2)

Sharmaine looked at the man shocked with no words to describe her nervous yet oblivious feeling.

"Brother?" she looked at Denzel confused.

"Ahh, this is my brother, Ivan. Ivan, this is Shawn."

Fear swallowed Sharmaine's body. It was surprising—no, not surprising—it was worrisome. The cold air from the air conditioner could be felt on their skin. Smooth but dry. Sharmaine dared to raise her hand to offer a handshake.

"Is that so?"—she turned to Ivan, whose stance was as confident as the day she met him—"Then welcome Mr. Ivan, nice to meet you. I apologize for my actions earlier."

Ivan gave Sharmaine a smirk and raised his hand for a cold handshake. He pulled Sharmaine closer, just enough to make him whisper to her ear.

"I will be seeing your great performance." he pushed her back. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Shawn." his voice was deep and was harbored with dark thoughts.

"What brings you here, brother?" Denzel cut off their conversation. Sharmaine gave a quiet sigh—she was grateful for Denzel.

"Why? Can I not visit you?" Ivan asked back.

"Oh, surely it is not your only agenda."

Ivan laughed. It sounded genuine—for Sharmaine at least. "You really do know me."

"So, what are your intentions?"

"I heard your business is doing great."

"It certainly is, my brother."

Ivan gave his hand out. "Come, let's do business together."

Denzel was shocked by his brother's words. He knew that his brother was great when it comes to business—underworld businesses. Denzel had to refuse the deal since it would have a great impact on his image and to the perception of his empire.

"I knew you wouldn't agree," Ivan said as he grabbed Sharmaine's arm, "Then let me take your secretary, she—I meant—he should work for me to convince you." Ivan had a smirk on his face. He knew that it was unprofessional, but he'd rather try. If he could do a collaboration with Denzel, he would succeed with his hidden plans.

Denzel, with a poker face, grabbed Sharmaine's arm. "He is mine."

A hot liquid rose inside of Sharmaine. Her face was so red that Ivan noticed it and remarked Denzel as a "man with fetish on men" to which he replied, "I do not, I simply protect what is important to me."

Sharmaine shook her arm away from Denzel's grip. "Mr. Ivan, it's nice that you want to recruit me, but I do belong to Mr. Denzel alone."

Silence had hit the room; she knew it was too late for Sharmaine to correct her words. Though she subtly corrected her statement, Ivan sluggishly laughed.

"Boy, I didn't know there was boy's love happening."

Ivan wanted to continue jeering, but a knock interrupted their conversation. Sharmaine swiftly opened the glass door; out came a man, dressed in an exquisite black suit and a woman who wore an elegant and matching-colored dress.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Denzel," the man greeted. Denzel took one look an immediately recognized the man. It was his father's colleague, a man so outstanding and respected. He dashed with charm and welcomed him and his wife. His wife was a respectable woman as well, she specialized in accounting and business management—a perfect partner for the perfect man.

"What brings you here, Mr. Diz?" Denzel asked. Mr. Diz handed out a card, perhaps what Denzel could think is an invitation.

"You father talked to me, and he wanted you to find a suitable wife here at this ball."

Denzel cringed. "A wife."

It's an honor to find a suitable wife for Denzel, but it was an honor that he did not dream of having. His love life was already tainted by his past relationships and he did not want to open his heart for a new chapter.

"I refuse, sir."

Mr. Diz asked Denzel follow up questions but was disappointed at his answers. "Well then, why not bring a girl to this ball?"—Mr. Diz leaned a bit closer—"Pretend that she's your girlfriend." Denzel laughed at Mr. Diz's idea, remarking that it was silly and childish.

"Nu-uh! You could meet very interesting people in this ball. Come on, why not try it?"

Denzel paused. What Mr. Diz just said made some sort of sense, and it would be a great opportunity for more friends and business partners, and great for a potential partner.

"Then I will gladly attend the ball." Mr. Diz smiles as Denzel receives the invitation for two people. "We will be going then." Mrs. Diz politely said as they left.

Denzel, holding the invitation card, was thinking of whom to take to the ball. His eyes scooted over at Sharmaine's figure.

"Should I take him?"