Author-san Is Back?!

Hello guys, after two months of hiatus, I am finally back! So because of the community quarantine, I have more time on my hands before the school days even start. I guess, I'll finish this one first before I continue another one, right?

So I am just going to be honest to y'all. Around February, I posted my latest chapter and never really updated. The reason was I had really no time because of school activities. The exams were nearing at that time and I had to prepare.

After a month, I put the novel on pause or it was suspended for . . . who knows when. Then I created a new account to make a fresh start, but then I realized that I am never gonna finish anything if I don't continue what I had started.

Despite of making a new account, everything is still the same. 20 drafts later to a new story, I realized that there was still a novel waiting for me and ta-da! My conscience kinda ate me and this novel haunted me even in my dreams! I am not even kidding.

Q: So when will you update?

A: Um . . . next week Monday? Somewhere around next week, unless I die or something, I'll be able to update :>