Realizations (2)

Sharmaine woke up yet again the next day feeling light-headed. She used all of her strength to sit up and look around the bright surrounding which had greeted her.

"Ugh, my head hurts," she grumbled as she stood up, stretching her arms as high as possible. Last evening had been a mental torture for Sharmaine that caused her lack of sleep. She only rested for a few hours as evidenced by the appearance of her dark circles under her eyes.

Hours went by in an instant as Sharmaine prepared herself for work. As she closed her door, she stumbled across Denzel, who seemed to have just finished preparing himself. The silent atmosphere and the intense eye contact made the situation worse—more awkward perhaps. Denzel was just about to take a step, when suddenly Sharmaine greeted him.

Denzel turned his head.

"Last night, I—" Sharmaine was about to finish her sentence but he just walked away without saying any word. It meant that Denzel was not interested with what Sharmaine is about to say at all.

"Y-You said that I should know who I work for!" She shouted with all her might, and thankfully, Denzel stopped, and turned to her direction. She started taking her steps towards him until their eyes were locked to each other.

"You should also know that I only work for you, and that I'll do anything to help you," she wanted to take another stride but then stopped, "And that you don't know what I had sacrificed to help you!"

She took all her courage to walk away and wait for him in the car while he was left standing by the staircases. The ride to work was not very good either as it was silent. Occasionally, that silence would be broken by Sharmaine, who would always tell reports and other announcements to Denzel.

Even at the office, the atmosphere was very dull, and it did not also help that Sharmaine's head would ache every three seconds, or her vision gets swirly from time to time. Lunch time begun with Sharmaine sighing as she ordered coffee from the cafeteria.

"Ugh, I shouldn't have been thinking of those bastards. I have even more problems now."

It was true, what she just had said. She had to deal with Carrie having business in the Suarez Corp., then Ivan's deal and lastly, Denzel's sudden cold attitude.

She took the elevator, holding the brown paper bag whilst holding to the side, as she got even dizzier on the way up. It was a mere miracle that she survived the whole ride without fainting, falling, or throwing up.

"Lack of sleep is certainly getting me," she muttered, opening the front door to the office.

She glanced at Denzel, who seemed to be doing his paperwork, and gently plopped down the hot coffee on his desk, returning to her own desk afterwards.

Even after a couple minutes of walking, and typing and reading, her body could not just keep up. Fatigue was kicking her momentum off; she desperately wanted to take a nap, but work time should be used as work time.

"I gotta do something about this."