Realizations (3)

Sharmaine got up from her desk to leave the office. Her dizziness was still intense when she started to walk quickly, but it faded overtime as she slowed down a bit. Thankfully, their cafeteria had medicines at their office, or else Sharmaine would have probably died by now.

After taking some pills, her mind and body got better all of a sudden. It was like a magic wand of healing and relief that glided over her head—no headaches, no dizziness, none! She thanked the staff who helped her and proceeded with her daily duties and responsibilities.

"Mr. Mendoza, here's our report for the whole week," a man said, handing over a thick stack of paper held together by a staple.

"Thank you. This will get to De—Mr. Suarez in no time." Eventually, more people went to her as she paced the busy hallways; by the time she returned to the office, she carried a thick stack of papers that went almost above her head.

"Here are practically all of the documents given to me," she said, plopping down the papers onto his desk where more papers stood like towers.

She went back to her own work on her own desk. Unluckily, within the time range she was working, her headache and nausea kept going back, which made her take more medicine. She grunted at the thought as she stood at the cafeteria, waiting for her order.

"Why am I having more headaches?" she muttered. When she got her meal, she started making her way back to the office, noticing a familiar man striding closer towards her direction.

"Could that be Ivan? No way. I'm seeing things, right?"

Small crowds of people tend to make Sharmaine's dizziness worse. Luckily, she had the access to ride the other private elevator alone. The door was about to close when suddenly, an arm passed through and forced it open.

They both stood side-by-side in the enclosed elevator; the atmosphere was silent and very disturbing.

"This is so sad," he muttered which caught Sharmaine's attention. She did not react, but those words were enough to make her look at him. Her nauseous state went back, and she could feel her head throbbing.

The elevator went up to the twenty-fifth floor with a very uncomfortable atmosphere. She was glad to leave the elevator until she realized that their destinations might be the same. Her nausea did not help her this time too. She just felt too tired to talk to him at the very least. She saw the office door upon quickening her pace. Just a few more steps she was there.

She was so close to the office when her vision started to become blurry. What's happening, was all she could think about as everything spun before she hit the ground. The smell of spilled coffee went through her nostrils as the sight of a man was all she saw before the surroundings went black.