Mistakes (6)

They say women are filled with mysteries to the point that they can hide their true intentions without much effort. Truly powerful and skillful, that's what Alexandra was made of.

After a very talkative dinner, Denzel was told that Alexandra would visit the office sooner or later. He shrugged it off before leaving the restaurant with Shawn by his side. The car would be arriving shortly.

Denzel was still buried within his thoughts until his phone rang. Shawn kindly answered it and was told that Alexandra needed him, so he reached out for the phone to talk to Alexandra's annoying statements. To his surprise, he was told that he should let Shawn meet her tomorrow; frankly, it annoyed him as he did not know what was her purpose.

When he asked Shawn, he agreed so suddenly, showing slight bewilderment to what he said. Though, Denzel already had a bad feeling about this. When they arrived at their residence, Denzel informed Shawn the time and place of their meeting before resting.

The next day, his mind were bombarded yet again with thoughts about Alexandra and the incident; he suddenly hated the fact that he did not know what Shawn was thinking. He was distracted, yet his body did not see to follow, which made him work eight hours straight with no breaks.

When he returned to the house, he was pleasantly surprised by the sight of Shawn washing the dishes in the kitchen. He did not want to disturb him, so he just stomped upstairs without batting an eye. He passed by Shawn room with the door slightly open, which made him curious; he wanted to see what changes had been done inside that once lifeless room.

The furniture placements were still the same, and the only difference was that they were filled with items. He wasn't supposed to steal nor touch anything, but his curiosity fired when he saw an unrolled bandage that laid on the floor.

It was safe to assume that it was Shawn's, though he was not sure if he had any injuries elsewhere. He picked up the bandage only to notice that it was drenched in sweat that smelled like Shawn's natural body odor. Upon further examination, he saw no blood nor smells of it, making him question why was that there.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps nearby. In a slight panic, he rolled the bandage and placed it in his pocket though it bulged. Shawn asked where to put his food, so he told that the study would be fine. When he went away, he finally calmed his beating heart.

Denzel paced the quiet hallway only to find Shawn standing in his study with the doors wide open. He was staring into nothing, and it did not seem that he noticed him come into the room either. When he did though—he leaned beside the door frame—Shawn was merely startled.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering why were you in my room."

He was surprised, but Denzel shrugged it off in a cold way. Usually, Shawn would've argued, but he left silently.