Mistakes (7)

That night, Denzel was in study-mode as he wore glasses and read books about Business Management. He was focused for most of the time until a sudden thought reached his mind—he found a bandage lying on Shawn's room a while ago. It made him curious as to where he might've used this.

Oddly, the texture reminded him of something familiar; it was like he has touched something similar before. His thoughts were curious until a phone call reached his eardrums. He answered the call from the annoying Alexandra yet again.

"What is it now?"

He heard Alexandra giggle. "Oh, my. How scary. I was just going to inform you that I'll be visiting your office tomorrow. I'll bring something really special."

"You don't have to bring anything, just behave."

"Yes. Yes."

The phone call ended as soon as he agreed. It was a truly tiring day, and the last thing he needed to do was to check his emails; when he did, he noticed a message that came from Ivan. To summarize what her wrote, it basically said that Ivan needs to meet Denzel. It was from "Recents", so he put on his coat and went out with his phone, calling Ivan immediately.

Under the bright moonlight, his shadow progressed into the dark to join another. The silent atmosphere joined the cold, dry air to thicken the situation. Both of them met at a playground nearby, making sure to not be followed nor be seen.

"What is it?" Denzel asked.

"Huh? I thought you're the one who wanted me?"

"Cut the chase."

Ivan did not reply nor argue, instead, he pulled out a cigarette box, that contained two sticks, from his pocket and offered it to Denzel. Denzel stared and observed the brand, Vague, and decided to join him. It was lit up by Ivan's lighter, also pulled out from his pocket.

The nostalgic smell of cigarette smoke suddenly filled the air. "So, why did you want me here?" said Denzel.

"I want to know how's Shawn doing."

Denzel paused and wondered what did Ivan mean. "You made me come all the way here to ask that? Why not call him?"

Ivan blew. "Just answer the question."

Denzel hesitated for a moment as another sudden thought entered his mind; there were too many incidents and situations involving Shawn for some reason. It did not make sense to him. Was it because he had not done a thorough background check?

"Shawn's been the talk of the town, for you two anyway."

Tobacco gently fell from the butt as the smell of tobacco became more obvious. Ivan was in deep thought—a sight that Denzel had not seen for years because he had always been away for his "important trips".

"I have my reasons." Ivan seemed strange; he seemed like he's in trouble.

"Is there anything bothering you?"

Ivan blew once more and threw his cig on the ground as he crushed it using his feet. "If there's something, that's none of your business anyway,"

"Because I like him."