It's Starting

"Ma'am, here are the papers."

A woman clad in luxurious formal men's attire emerged from the shadows with a brown envelope in her arms. She placed it gently on a woman's desk, whose face was youthful but possessed danger. Her chair faced the window, where the sun set. It was a perfect angle—the most fantastic view.

"What did you find out?" she asked, turning around that revealed her cunning eyes.

"Your daughter will meet the Suarez Corp. president tomorrow."

The woman shifted her eyes from her assistant to the family portrait which hung beside her. She examined the features of her young daughter and reminisced the day when the accident took place a few years before. To this day, she still can't find the body of her dead or alive husband.

She smiled. "Bring me a driver to offer the iron woman."


From the blink of an eye, the assistant disappeared in the shadows. The woman glanced once more to the portrait, then to the various photos of her daughter pinned to the wall. It must've been fun fooling around, she thought.

"My dear daughter, your time is up."


Alexandra gritted her teeth.

"That woman has the audacity to live with the brother after the former? Unbelievable!" Her words screamed annoyance for whatever reason.

She was in her office at Private Dawn Corp. The room was once clean and neat, but nowadays, Alexandra got carried way by her emotion, thus, making the place look abandoned. Her assistant stood at the corner, low-key trembling and scared seeing Alexandra's actions.

"M-M-Miss, p-p-please calm d-d-own," she said with all her might.

Alexandra huffed. Now, she had just realized the mess she made. She grunted. "Arrange the hotel and get me a driver."

"Your driver?"

"HIRE A DRIVER DAMN IT!" Her voice echoed, making the assistant more terrified than death.

She left with trembling fingers, and came back hours later with a formal-looking woman. Alexandra observed her and thought that she did not seem to be a driver.

"Who are you?"

The woman spoke. "I am here to hire you a new driver."

Alexandra's brow arched upwards because of suspicion. "Hire, huh?"

She observed the woman more carefully. She was brilliant, formal, straight to the point and legit. Alexandra smiled. Finally, her assistant had been more useful. What she needed to do now was to execute the plan.

"I need a driver for a friend. Prism Hotel was the destination, but I want you to bring that friend to me." Confidence towered over her as she thought that no one will stand on her way.

The woman nodded, and after a few more minutes of talking, they finally agreed on the price.

"Then I'll send the driver tomorrow."

Alexandra nodded, and when the woman left, she sighed in relief. She felt the air loosen around her. There's no going back now. She asked for the attention of a staff, telling her to bring a cup of coffee and a janitor to clean the space. The assistant nodded and then left once more.

Alexandra paced the room, and with a heavy body, she sat on her seat with an enlightened face. "Tomorrow will be exciting."