Mayhem (1)

"What?" Sharmaine asked in confusion. Ivan had just told her that she needed to meet Denzel. He did not say why, but he emphasized that this will be the last time she would be talking to such man.

The air surrounding them got heavier and heavier in every passing second. What did Ivan just say? Meet Denzel? This was absurd, Sharmaine thought, wondering if Ivan was blackmailed by Alexandra—not that it won't happen—but staring at Ivan intently proved her that it would be merely impossible to threaten such man.

She gripped her tummy, trying to calm her palpitations. It was the last time that she'll meet Denzel, then her life would be frankly fine until the baby was born. That said, giving birth to a child out of wedlock was not something she'd wanted.

She nodded her head in submission, and proceeded to wear the suit given to her. Despite the big man that Ivan was, his suit fitted her nicely. It did not make her look silly, fair enough.

"Your suit fits me nicely," she said.

��Old suits are memorable."

Memorable. What a word, she thought, coming out from Ivan's room surrounded with a charismatic aura. She looked the same, or even better than before. Just as Sharmaine was about to step out of the front door, Ivan grabbed her wrist tenderly.

She stared at his anxious-filled eyes, "I'll be careful," she reassured him with a smile. His breath touched her skin. It was hot—no, warm. Ivan's head leaned forward, gently touching Sharmaine's lips that escalated into a deeper, more passionate kiss.

It lingered before going away. Sharmaine smiled and thought that maybe she had come to enjoy kisses from such man. Was it because he was the father of her unborn child? No, maybe because she had fallen for him.

She waved goodbye as the door clicked. She was on the other side, finally. It was time to face the truth. She paced the hallway then the stairs, arriving at the exit of the apartment building. A car arrived in front of the apartment. It was very flashy and made for the upper-class, making her feel so little.

"Prism Hotel," she said, trying to show confidence and formality.

The driver nodded, and before she knew it, the car already started moving. Raindrops suddenly came from above, dripping on the windows. The sky was grey, and for some odd reason, it made Sharmaine uneasy. It was like something bad was about to happen. The city dissipated in her eyes as they enter a road with an abundance of trees with no cars ahead or before.

"This is not the way to Prism Hotel," she blurted out trying to remain calm.

Did she ride the wrong car? What was going on? Her thoughts slowly engulfed her until the driver spoke.

"The other way was a place where traffic gets heavy around this time, so I thought that we should go the other way instead. I am sorry if it scared you."

That statement calmed her down. Everything was fine . . right?

Suddenly, a bright light flashed right in front of them with immense beeping sound. The driver was tense, trying to move away the incoming vehicle.

That was the last thing she saw before everything whited out..