Truth ( part 2)

Vivek get up from his sit and go near a window " When I carry you in the car....I see the car follow me...some how I managed to fool them.....I admit you to the hospital....but..I know that how much I try they found you some day....So I give money to a ward boy and he agreed to join me....He arrange a dead body from the morgue around your age we wear her you clothes and And also place the photo you had..and we spread the news of your dead.....When Every one belive you are dead....I transferred you this hospital .." Vivek take a deep breath.

" Can I ask you.....Why you do all this for me...Why you risk your life for you know my dad ...." Zara go near ask him.

Vivek tell Zara everything and tell her how his dad help him.

" believe in my dad because he save....."

" No....I believe your dad is innocent because I know what happened that night " Vivek stop Zara before she complete her sentence.

" What you said..." Zara turn Vivek towards her.

Vivek go near to table and drink a glass of water " Before I can use the money for my mom she already dead....It was very late to save her.....I decided to return the money to your father so I go to office.....When I entered his....I saw he was worring about something...He signel me wait outside of police station....Some time later he take me in a lonely place...." Vivek pause for a moment and trying to remember the events of That Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

" I can't trust anyone at this moments , only you..Are you help me " Zara's father put his hand on Vivek's shoulder.

" I told you Before....I can give my life for you " Vivek assure him.

" Ok...First arrange this thing's " Zara's father give Vivek a list of things.

Vivek see the list...." this...this things....are not this things used in sting operation , are you.....''.

" hmm.... Tonight " Zara's father nodded " Use the money I give you before.....If transfer money now.....They suspect me... Meet me at night....I send you the Address ".

At the night Vivek met him behind a andonabed building. " Are you arrange Everything I told you befor " . Zara's father ask him.

Vivek handed him every thing , " Please be carefull.... Can't I help you ''.

Vivek's father place his hand on Vivek's shoulder " I decided to give you more important task....If my plan fail maybe you can't see me again.....ha..... Maybe they can harm my daughter Zara....Just do me a last favour.....Watch over my daughter....If you find something suspicious take her to a save place " Zara's father look at him.

" I promise....I will always protect her until my death " Vivek Assure him. Vivek see the person infront of him slowly disappears in the dark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After hearing Everything. . . . . . . . Zara sit down on a chair. . . . . . . . .She close her eyes , Tear falling down from her face , " He didn't think about me for a moment . . . . what happened to me after he gone . . . . I . . . .I . . " Zara cover her started crying. Vivek Place a his hand on her head..." My maternal Uncle was in a army.....One day we got a news that he was killed by terrorists when he was fighting with them...He was very close to me..but I was surprised when my mother don't shocked at that news . . . . She was like normal with her brother's dead " Vivek pause for some time then continue again " That night I asked my mom ..Are not she feels bad for her brother . . . . . .She give me a smile and said. . . . . .She was already prepared for this news , when my uncle first decided to join the army . . . . . .When he live his house His all life dedicated to his country . . . . . . . . . . She was proud that his brother dead as a brave soldier She didn't want hurt his soul by crying ".

Vivek give a glass of water to Zara . . ." You know Zara. . . . your father was love you very . . . .That night he was Worried for you than his own life. . . . . I know He was your father....but before that He was police man. . .and he was his responsibilities to his country too '' .

Vivek look at Zara who stop crying now. . . . . .

" You are right. . . . . . . . now it is my turn to fulfill my duty as her Daughter . . . . . .I will prove that he didn't betrayed his country . . . . " Zara looks at Vivek " You . . . . . Will you help me . . .you the only one I can trust now . . . I am selfish right. . . . I ask you to risk my life . . . no . . .I have no right do that . . .forget what I am saying . . " Zara about to left Vivek hold her hand and stop her.

" It's ok. . . . .I want to help you willingly , After my parents died I was alone . . .But now at least I have some one to whom I can talk . . .I don't know but I feel very attached to you . . .maybe because We both lost the most important person in our life. . . .Your father was the one who help me my worst time . . .Now if I back off can I forgive myself "

Vivek release a deep breath , Zara give him a friendly hug " Thank you for stand with me . . . Thanks for everything you done for us . . . Thank you for being my friend ". Vivek wrap his hand around her shoulder and hug her back as a friend.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Meanwhile , Rian Still trying to recover from Zara's dead , After that day he don't go to police station. . .He lock himself in a house and don't talk to anyone . . . . . He still think that he is responsible for her dead . . . .If he answer him she didn't leave the house and got in accident. . . . . . . . He never forgive himself. Rian hold Zara's photo tightly. . . . . .

tears fall down from his eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Zara wake up in the next morning , She feels very fresh in the morning. She go to wash room and brush her teeth and take a bath She wear the same clothes. Today she and Vivek will go to a shop for purchase some clothes for her to ware.