Don't mess up with me

After freshen up Zara go to the kitchen to make breakfast for them , but when she enter the kitchen Vivek already prepared the breakfast at the Kitchen...and boiling water for coffee.

Vivek give a smile to Zara " You are wake. . . good..I already prepared the breakfast and coffee is ready within a minute ".

" Why you do all the work , I also leave in this house . . . . . ." Zara complain to Vivek.

" You are not fully recovered yet . . . . " Vivek carry the breakfast towards the dinning table." come sit . . let's eat ".

Zara sit down and start eating without make any sound.

After breakfast They reach at a shopping mall , Zara buy some casual dresses for her to wear.

" are you done. . .." Vivek ask Zara who looks out somewhere else.

" Let's go there " Zara dragged Vivek in a jents corner. Zara pick up a shirt and try it on Vivek.

" I am right . .this colour suits you, let's buy it for you " Zara ask Vivek .

" I don't need it. . ." Vivek look at Zara who look at him with a puppy face.

" Don't make that face. . .ok. . ok. .I buy it " Vivek agree helplessly. A beautiful Smile appear in Shreya's face.

" Are not you not hungry. . let eat something after paying the bills " Vivek and Zara go to the cash counter.

When Vivek and Zara exit from the mall and enter a restaurant for Lunch. . .After they exit it was already afternoon, They sit in the car. For this whole time Vivek make assure that no one follows them .

" What happened..." Zara ask curiously when Vivek suddenly stop the car.

" I don't know. . .It's stop, wait I check the engine " Vivek out of car and starting to check.

Zara also out of the car and stand next to him .." Are you find anything ".

" No. . We need to find a car macanik . ." Vivek reply.

Zara looks at the surroundings , The road is one-way and there is jangal from side and she can't see any house or Shops near by.

" I don't think we find any help here. . .it its already dark it is not safe for wait here. . . let's ask for a lift " Zara tell Vivek.

" you are right . ." Vivek agree with Zara. Wait for some time when they don't get any lift they decided to go to highway and take any riksha or bus.

Vivek and Zara walk on a road towards highway. . .On the other side there were some road side men chatting between them. . . .One of the man notice Vivek and Zara . The man taken aback by Zara's Beauty. " Hey. . .I think today we get our entertainment " The man grab the others attention towards Zara .

Zara and Vivek chat with eachother while walking , Suddenly they saw a man run towards them and Hold Vivek's hand " Help us my friend suddenly faint on road ".

" Please claim down. . let's go and check him" Vivek go the direction the man take him. Zara also follow them .

They reach on the spot and see a man lie down on the floor Vivek go near to him but Suddenly the man wake up and grab Vivek neck and capture him that time other four man come out from jungal.

" who are you . . . you people trick us " Zara ask with anger.

" of course darling . . . it is not safe for girl at night , now see you. . " One of man starting come near to Zara .

" Stop don't touch her. . " Vivek try to free himself but can't.

" You do nothing now let's see what I am doing " the man about to touch Zara's face but stop by Zara.

" Ah. .ah...ah....ah. . ." leave my hand the man scream.

Zara grab his hand more tightly " I told you don't mess up with me. . but you not listen now . ." Zara twisted the man's wrist so badly that the man Scream with pain.

The other mens there was shocked to see Zara's strength . One of the other man try to hit her but Zara escape his attack and grab him She Kick between his legs and punch on his mouth. The other two man try to attack her together, Zara sit down on the ground and spin around and kick at there legs . The two man don't able to balance himself and collapse on ground , Zara take the chance and hit them at the back with his elbow.

Zara look at the man who still grab Vivek " Are you want to beat by me " .

The man who grab Vivek Suddenly take out his gun " Stop there or I will shoot. . I said stop".

Zara don't listen to him come near to him " come on shoot. . Why your hand shaking shoot me. . . Vivek don't do it "

The man look at Vivek , Zara use the chance and grab the gun .

The other man laugh at Zara " This is not a toy it is real . . .give it to me ".

Bang ! ! Bang! ! Bang !!!!!!!!

Zara fire a shot on the air " leave him. . or the next shot will be in your head "

All of the men are so much fear they don't able to move.

" Are you ok " Zara ask Vivek .

" yeah. . I am ok " Vivek get up " What we do with them " Vivek address the men.

" hmm. . . Call the police and tell them all the crime you did in past , tell them you all feel guilty now so you want to Surrender. . . . don't tell about us and we will watch on you if you tell anything about us in the police. . . . . You don't able see your face again. . . ." Zara thearten them at a gun point.

" no. . no .. we understand , we never do any wrong work from now on " One of man call the police and tell them what Zara told him to tell.

After some time Vivek and Zara see a police car at a distance and hide themselves , After the police take them all and leave , Zara and Vivek get out from the hide out.

Zara tierdly sit on ground , Vivek also sit next to her. " Take some rest here. . .then we will go".

" Hey . . . .You really teach them a good lesson". Vivek appreciate Zara.

" hmmm. . . . you think so " Zara laughing but suddenly stop.

" what happened . . ." Vivek ask her.

" Nothing . . . I remember something. . ...

Ten years ago . . . . . . . . .

" Dad . . .Dad. . . . . .they again bully me " Zara come home from the School and hug her dad .

" What happened why you crying. . . ." Zara's Dad console her , " Why not you protest and tell the teachers ".

" They told me if I tell anything to teacher. . . they see me after school when I was alone " Zara wipe her tear and talk again " are not boys are more stronger ".

" It all nonsense. . . . Who said that women are weak. . . you know in my department Fifty per cent police are women. . .If women are weak how they gain popularity in weight lifting , running , shotput . . so many other , the only difference is that man's power are Shown openly but girl's power's are hidden inside them. . . . when they utilise their power they become more stronger " Zara's father smile at her daughter.

" Really. . . .If I get training I also can beat them " a smile appear in Zara's face.

" Of course . . . I teach you how to utilise your power. . .all is not about strength it also depends on brain. . . .are you ready , Think carefully it is going to be very heard and painful at first " Zara's dad tell her daughter.

" I am ready. . .I am your daughter and I never give up and from now on I never let down my gurd , after that she never look back and start training hard. . . . . . ." Zara back to present hear Vivek's voice.

" Your father will be proud of her daughter. . . He is always watching you from another world....and give his blessings " Vivek pate on her shoulder.

" You are right. . . . hmmm. . .By the way when you see me shot a gun are not you Surprise. . how was you so claim " Zara ask Vivek with confusion in her face.

" Are not you prepare for police entrance exam. . . and you father was also in police so it is obvious that you have to be prepare for that mentally and physically , so it was not a shock for me. . . " Vivek stock on her forehead.

" ahh!!!! of course . . .how I be so silly " Zara pate on her forehead.

" it's ok . . . now we should go " Vivek grab Zara's hand and help her to get up , and they start to walk on their direction and another day is end just like that.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

At the same time in a fifth floor building of a office. . . . . . . . . . .

" Are you sure she is ok " A man in his office suit , owner of a the company ask his assistant.

" Of course . . . .I confirm " The assistant speak confidently.

" hmm . . . .You can go now ,I want some time alone . . . make sure no one disturb me " The man order his Assistant to leave.

After the Assistant leave , The man make a phone call from his mobile.

" Hello . . .mom , She is alright. It is confirm that She is the one we try to find " The man inform his Mother on phone.

" Really. . . . . You don't know Sahil how happy I am now , Now I can die in a peace " A lady from other side of the phone reply.

" Mom don't tell this. . . . .You will leave long . Nothing happens to you " Sahil try to console her mother but he is know that his mother is right , Her condition get worse day by day . She is in last stage of her cancer.

" Sahil Before die . . . .I want to see her Sahil. I have so many things to tell her " Sahil's mother try to hold her tears.

" Don't worry mom , soon She will be with us . . .I promise you " Sahil cut the phone and call his assistant " Now it is time. . . to unfold the secrets ".

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Meanwhile in Vivek's house. . . .

Vivek place more food on Zara's plate " Eat more , you need more energy ". Zara nodded and eating the food happily.

" Why are you smilling " Vivek observe Zara's expression.

" You behave like my father , He was always very picky about my food make sure I always eat healthy foods. . . . .But now " Zara become sad.

" so what if he is not here , I make sure you always healthy. . .look at you become so thin, I don't want my friend become sick " Vivek reply.

" When I tell you I become your friend " Zara look at Vivek.

Vivek become confuse to hear Zara's reply. Yes they are not know each other for long time , they not know many things about themselves but how they interact with other, How they become comfortable with each other prense , Are there is nothing between them before Vivek tell something Zara speak.

" what. . . .you are more than a friend for me, You are very Spacial to me. . . .It is not nessesary to name every relationship , Sometime some one become very special to you right. . . After my father you are the one I can trust blindly " Zara smile at Vivek.

Tears gather in Vivek's eyes , he never this he also become Special for some one. They share a special kind of bond which

is beyond any boundaries.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Next morning Zara and Vivek dicuss about how to execute their next step.

" about your description. . . .dad enter the building but They encounter dad in jangal. . .What dad do in jangal. the hidden camera which dad ask you bring . . .that is only proof of dad's innocence " Zara don't understand what to do next.

" Claim down. . . . .we find it somehow , I think they know about your father's intention as I know your father he definitely hide the camara footage some were " Vivek reply with seriousness.

" We cannot do the search for now. . . .let matter cool down we can't take the risk now. The persons who your father want to expose is very powerful . . . he already tried to kill you once " Vivek.

" You are right . . . . . let's wait for sometime more " Zara reply. Vivek agree with Zara and about to get up when he hit on table accidentally and sit down on the floor with pain.

" Are you ok. . . let's go I will help you get up " Zara help Vivek to get up and take him to bedroom and apply some onment on his leg.

In the evening. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Zara get out form the house to buy some groceries, Vivek don't want to let her go alone but she somehow convenience him. Zara cover her face with a scarf and start walking.

In the market . . . . .

Zara buy groceries and didn't notice that at far someone observe her. Actually he is one of the gang member who is hired to kill Zara. He come to meet one of his friend here . At first he didn't notice but for a second Zara's Scarf side from her face and time He notice Her. He don't able to see clearly her face so he decided to follow her and conform his suspension and then tell about this to his boss. he don't want to give false information.

Zara walking on the road to the direction of Vivek's house. The man also follow her at a distance.